Page 43 of Wanted By a King

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Truthfully, that’s exactly what happened, kind of. How can it both be the truth and a lie? I wasn’t kidnapped, not really. Or maybe I was, since I didn’t go with them willingly.

“So what are you doing here with the likes of him?” Adam volleys, tilting his head in Grayson’s direction.

I don’t need to turn around to know Grayson’s watching us and listening to every word. If I’m not careful, I know this could end very badly for Adam, and I don’t want that.

Adam Perry, the all-star jock who I lost my virginity to. While we never dated or anything like that, we hooked up multiple times—both at parties and at school.

I haven’t seen or thought about him since the night Grayson made me suck him off before leaving me naked and alone. Even though it wasn’t that long ago, it feels like another lifetime.

“That’s none of your business,” I say, making sure to keep my tone light and playful as I answer Adam’s question.

“Of course it’s my fucking business,” Adam retorts. “Seriously, Zoe. Everyone is worried about you. You wouldn’t believe the rumors—”

I cut him off. “Who the hell do you think you are?” I hiss angrily, pushing at his chest. “Where were you after my family was attacked? You didn’t even come to the funeral.”

“Zoe, I—”

“No!” I shout. “You know Leslie had a crush on you, and you what? You were too busy? Fuck you, Adam.”

My body instinctively knows the exact moment Grayson comes closer. The hairs on my arms and the back of my neck stand on end, and a shiver works its way down my spine.

“I think you should leave,” Grayson drawls.

Although he sounds unbothered, I know better. I can feel the tension rolling off him in thick waves that threaten to drag me under.

“What? I’m not fucking leaving her with you,” Adam shouts.

Then he takes my hand, and before I can stop him, he pulls me to his side.

“I’m warning you,” Grayson growls. “If you value your hand, remove it from her right fucking now.”

“Seriously, Zoe?” Adam asks. “This is the kind of psycho you’re with now? What the hell happened to you?”

I rip my hand free from his. “Stay out of it, Adam,” I warn. “You don’t get to judge me. Grayson might be a lot of things, but unlike you, he’s been there for me.”

Although the words shouldn’t, they surprise me. Maybe the biggest surprise is how right it feels. Yes, Grayson Black is a motherfucking bastard, but that doesn’t mean he hasn’t helped me. He’s literally held me up when my legs have given out, and in his own way, he’s tried to make up for the evil he’s done.

I don’t think I’ll ever be able to forgive him, but I don’t need to do that to see beyond his temper and cruel actions. Unlike Adam, who’s been spineless and AWOL, Grayson has been here. Physically and mentally.

“How can you say that to me? You know we’re meant for each other.”

“Adam!” I admonish, scared Grayson’s going to figure the truth out for himself. “Don’t go there.”

“Come on, you know it’s true. That’s why we could never stay away from each other. Even our parents knew it.”

Without warning, Grayson lunges at Adam, pushing me out of the way before he collides with the all-star. My lips part in a soundless scream as the biker raises his fist and drives it into Adam’s face.

“Don’t ever touch what’s fucking mine,” he seethes.

Blood spurts from Adam’s nose, coating his white-blond beard that makes him look much older than eighteen.

As he looks around, dazed, he wipes some blood from his face. “Fuck it,” he grunts. “She’s not worth it.”

Grayson chuckles scornfully before headbutting Adam. “That’s where you’re wrong, you pathetic piece of shit. She’s worth that and so much more.”

As soon as Grayson lets go, Adam scurries backward while looking accusingly at me. “You stupid bitch,” he seethes. “This is all your fault. I fucking wish I’d never given in to your begging. Remember that, Zoe? How you used to beg me to fuck you?”

Anger I’ve never felt before bubbles up inside me. My body jerks forward, and within seconds, I’m towering over Adam.
