Page 59 of Wanted By a King

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“If you fuckers aren’t back in your seats in five fucking seconds, I’m gonna unleash Mama on your asses!”

The way everyone hurries is almost laughable, but I’m too fucking angry to appreciate it in this moment.

“To answer your question, Gunner, yes I am going to choose the Miller girl over the money and any fucking trade, and it’s not because Gray has claimed her.” Rocco starts pacing again, but not in a way that signifies worry. This time, his shoulders are rolled back, and he holds his head high. It’s a show of who’s boss in this room. “Have you forgotten our morals?” he asks, his dark gaze locking onto each of the club brothers sitting around the table. All except me. “Have you forgotten that we’re not in the skin trade?”

Inside, I start grinning as relief washes over me.

“Have you forgotten, that even though we live in the criminal world, we have fucking standards?” Rocco’s glare locks onto Gunner, who shrinks back in his seat. “We donotfucking sell or trade humans, especially innocent ones that you know will be forced into addiction and then whoring.” Rocco shifts his gaze around the table again. “We will not now, or fucking ever, trade an innocent girl for money or to end a fucking turf war, even if it rightfully belongs to us. If any of you have a fucking problem with that, speak up now and I’ll let you leave with your life and bike. I won’t make that fucking offer again.”

“I have no problem with that, and I know Slasher would agree with me.” Slayer offers with confidence, and everyone but Gunner agrees.

What the actual fuck is wrong with my club brother?

My best fucking friend. Maybe he’s pissed at me for before when I staked my claim on Zoe and made sure he knew she wasn’t his.

“You have anything to say, Gunner?” Rocco growls, and Gunner lowers his eyes to the table, not even trying to hide his anger. But he shakes his head.

“Good. I’ll make sure Rusty knows where we stand.” Rocco hisses, retaking his seat and waving his hand in dismissal. “You fuckers get the fuck out of here!”

Everyone stands and leaves, except for me, Rocco and Gunner. I’m surprised he’s sticking around after what he just said and how he acted.

I still want to punch the fucker.

“You got something on your mind?” Rocco asks Gunner, who slowly drags his angry gaze up from the table.

“I just thought you might want to know that someone in the club helped Zoe escape.”

My brows shoot up at Gunner’s words.


I really didn’t want to believe that anyone from the club would do something as stupid as helping Princess escape, which I guess is why I never asked her how she found the section in the back fence that we keep there as a way of escaping. Especially if the cops show up. I didn’t want to believe someone in our family could break the rules like that, but deep down I knew someone must have. There’s no way Zoe would have known about the fence otherwise.

“You know who helped her?” Rocco asks in curiosity.

Nodding, Gunner’s wary eyes dart to me before finding Rocco’s again.

“I know it’s probably gonna sound like I’m trying to start trouble after what just happened in here, but I’m not,” Gunner states, his scowl falling away, a look of concern replacing it. “The video footage was scrubbed, but I had a tech friend check things out, and it was retrievable.”

“And?” Rocco asks with impatience. “Who the fuck helped her?”

Gunner swallows thickly, once again his eyes darting to mine before he refocuses on our Prez.

“I’m sorry, Rocco, but it was Mama C.”

The room is quiet for a moment, and then, Rocco throws his head back laughing.

“Nice one.” He chuckles but when Gunner doesn’t join in, our Prez falls silent. “Tell me you’re joking.”

“I wish I was. I’m sorry. I can show you the video footage.”

A low deep growl starts to vibrate in Rocco’s chest, and he shoots his angry gaze to me. “Did you know about this?”

I shake my head. “Fuck no. Zoe hasn’t told me how she escaped.”

Visibly rolling his tongue in his mouth, Rocco inhales sharply, before growling.

“Show me the fucking footage.”
