Page 45 of The Step Bet

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“Yeah, but we’ve got to take photos for social media.”

I grunt. That wasn’t in the email, but I guess that’s why they needed us here at six p.m.

Dixon leads me to a room in the hotel that’s being used as a green room. There’s a mirror, counter, and bulb lights along one wall, a couple of wardrobes opposite that. I assume I’m the only one who’s late since I’m the only one in here.

“I’ll leave you to it,” Dixon says as I hook my hangers on a rack in one of the wardrobes along the wall. “Thanks again for signing up, Troy. Really helps having you here. We got a ton of RSVPs on the Facebook invite after we mentioned you were coming.”

“I’m glad I can help,” I say before he heads out, leaving me to scramble into my clothes.

As I’m stripping down to my briefs, there’s a knock at the door, and it swings open. I should probably cover up, but I don’t have anything to hide, and anyone bold enough to barge in should be expecting an eyeful. I glance to see who it is and see Atlas standing inside the door. As it closes behind him, his green gaze is fixed on me, something predatory about the way he watches me from a distance, remaining silent.

“Sorry,” I say, snatching my pants out of the wardrobe and pulling them off the hanger.

“You wanna tell me what the ‘work shit’ was?” he asks.

I texted him so he could let everyone know I was running behind, but I didn’t get into it.

“We had a guy who put diesel fuel in his tank come in earlier. New employee was working on the car, and we wound up with a leak. Whole garage is still a mess, but Al and Walker are handling the rest.”

When I slide into my pants, I suddenly realize that Atlas is at my side, looking me over.

“What?” I ask.

“You’re all stressed and panicky, but you still look like you stumbled out of a Calvin Klein ad.”

I chuckle, my cheeks warming. I don’t know why, since I’m usually good with compliments. Maybe I’m just getting used to my stepbro being so generous with them.

“And here I thought you were gonna get onto me for being late.”

As I fasten my fly, he shrugs. “I appreciate your doing it. You didn’t have to, and shit happens.”

“I was happy to do this. I can’t imagine why anyone wouldn’t be.”

“All I know is that if Ash wins you tonight, he’s gonna need to join the witness protection program.”

I laugh, but he looks deadly serious. Has to be a joke, though. He can’t really have an issue with Ash crushing on me. Can he? It’s a thought I entertain briefly before remembering: “Oh, I took a shower, but do I smell like the garage?”

He leans close, near my cheek, and takes a whiff. His lips twist into a mischievous smirk. “Nah, just like Troy.”

The way he says it draws my gaze to his, and we look into each other’s eyes.

He’s close enough for me to detect a hint of the scent that comes off the shirt I still haven’t given back—maybe stolen at this point. Between that smell, the look, and the new feelings that have been roused around Atlas, I’d be lying if I said it didn’t stir something in me. Something feral. Something dark.

“You just gonna watch, or could you grab my button-up?”

“Oh, yes, sir.” He pulls my shirt off the rack, and as he approaches, says, “Okay, okay, breathe, Troy. Breathe.”

It’s only then that I realize how fast my heart is pumping, my chest rising and falling rapidly. My nerves are on edge just from the go-go-go I needed to get here, and my body apparently hasn’t caught on that we’re here and everything’s okay.

I focus on my breathing as Atlas helps me into the sleeves of the shirt. I button my cuff links first, probably because Atlas is ogling the open part of my shirt, and I’m not inclined to make him stop.

“So…you still thinking about my holes in general?”

I can’t believe he’s referencing that text.

I huff out a nervous laugh. “That was a joke.”

“Be honest, Troy.”
