Page 30 of Silent House

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Dr.Zihao shook his head."No, I haven't discovered any evidence of either so far.Then again, it's not unlikely that the very reason the killer used the gun was to avoid the necessity of restraints.Staring down the barrel of a gun can be quite intimidating, I imagine."

Tell me about it,Sheila thought, recalling how Albert Cartwright had nearly shot her.

Finn surveyed the crime scene, his brow furrowed in thought."That's not the only advantage in bringing the gun.A bullet is a much more convenient execution method than a noose."

Sheila stared at the lifeless bodies, her heart aching for the Warren family."Maybe after Roy Hubbard fought back, the killer didn't want to take any chances."

"Which also means we can track to identify the weapon he used," Finn pointed out, trying to stay optimistic.

Sheila shook her head, her gaze determined."We can't wait that long.There has to be something here we can use."

As they stood there, Dr.Zihao cleared his throat."Deputy Mercer, could you help me turn this body over?I need to examine the other side."

"Of course, doctor," Finn replied, moving to assist the coroner.

Left alone for a moment, Sheila glanced at her phone and decided to try reaching Natalie again.She walked away from the grim scene, her steps heavy as she dialed the number.The call rang and rang, but once more, her sister didn't answer.Sheila's worry grew with each unanswered ring, tightening like a vice around her chest.

"Come on, Nat, pick up," she whispered, pacing back and forth.When the call finally went to voicemail, Sheila hung up without leaving a message, her concern deepening.What if something's happened to her?she thought, her mind racing through worst-case scenarios.

She took a deep breath, trying to quiet the panic that threatened to overwhelm her.I can't lose focus now,she reminded herself.The best way to protect Natalie and everyone else is to catch this killer.

With renewed determination, she returned to the crime scene, her eyes scanning the area for anything that might help them understand the murderer's motives.The weight of responsibility settled on her shoulders, pushing her to keep moving forward, no matter how much the grisly sight disturbed her.

A buzzing vibration pulled her attention from her fruitless search.She glanced down at her phone, hoping Natalie might be returning her call, but instead she saw a message from her father.The words on the screen did little to quell her growing anxiety, but they did provide a momentary distraction.

Come by the gym sometime, Sheila,the text read.Star could use some practice with you.I think it'd be good for both of you.

For a brief moment, Sheila allowed herself to picture the scene: her father coaching as she and Star circled each other, hands raised in a protective stance, ready to strike.The thought brought a fleeting smile to her lips.She quickly tapped out a response.I'd be happy to, Dad.It's been too long.

She hit send and slipped the phone back into her pocket, her thoughts immediately returning to her sister's safety.I need to focus,she reminded herself, squaring her shoulders as she scanned the graveyard once more.

As she walked, her eyes caught something peculiar etched into the bark of a nearby tree.It was crude and jagged: names carved in a haphazard manner, each one crossed out with a violent slash.Beneath the names of the Warren family were the words, "ONE BIG HAPPY FAMILY."The writing was so poor that the E in 'ONE' looked more like a large 3.

"What the hell?"Sheila muttered under her breath, her pulse quickening.She stepped closer, fingers tracing over the scratched letters.

"Find something?"Finn called out, noticing her sudden interest in the tree.

"Look at this," she said, motioning him over.

Finn approached, his footsteps crunching on the fallen leaves.The air hung heavy with the scent of freshly turned earth and the hint of approaching rain.

"Check this out," Sheila whispered, pointing at the message carved into the tree.Her heart raced as she watched Finn's brow furrow while he studied the crude writing.

"ONE BIG HAPPY FAMILY," he murmured, his voice tight with anger."This killer's got a sick sense of humor."

"Maybe it's not just humor," Sheila added, her mind spinning as she tried to make connections."Maybe it's a clue about their motive or even their identity."

"Could be," Finn conceded, rubbing his chin thoughtfully."But we need more evidence to tie it all together."

"Right," Sheila agreed, frustration mounting in her chest.She knew they were so close to something significant, yet still grasped at straws.

As they stood there, contemplating the meaning behind the eerie message, Finn suddenly snapped his fingers."Macy Dobson," he exclaimed, his eyes widening."I knew I recognized that name.I dated her younger sister back in high school."

"Really?"Sheila asked, raising an eyebrow."What school did you go to?"

"Mildred Heights," Finn replied, a nostalgic smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

Sheila's stomach dropped."Mildred Heights?That's where Roy Hubbard went to school as well."
