Page 4 of Silent House

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"Look," she said, forcing herself to remain calm, "I've come too far to turn back now.I just need to ask Rayland a few questions.That's all."

The warden's expression darkened, his patience wearing thin."You listen here, Ms.Stone.You're not going to talk to Rayland Bax now—or ever.He's off-limits."

"Off-limits?"Sheila's brow furrowed, her confusion turning to suspicion."Why?What are you trying to hide?"

"Nothing," the warden replied sharply."But you're not entitled to know the reasons behind my decisions.This is a prison, not a playground, and I have to protect its security and that of the inmates."

"I thought this was about my inexperience?Now it's about his 'security'?Do you think I'm going to try to kill him, get revenge for what he might have done?"

"I hadn't thought of that.Now that you mention it, though…"

Sheila couldn't hold herself in check any longer."Listen, warden, this is about my mother.Mymother.Tell me, what would you do if your mother was murdered and you were denied the chance to speak with the only man who might know something about it?How would you feel?Would you tuck your tail between your legs and run off?"

Abbott sighed and rubbed wearily at his face."I'd help you if I could, okay?But my hands are tied.I don't make the rules."

She stared at him, puzzled."What rules are you talking about?Last I checked, it wasn't against the law for me to talk with a prisoner."

He leaned back and raised his hands as if to say he couldn't do anything about it.

Sheila shook her head, unable to believe this."So you're not even going to give me a reason?You expect me to be okay with that?"

He leaned forward, lowering his voice."I told you, it's out of my hands.Understand?"

She blinked at him, uncomprehending.Before she could ask a follow-up question, however, he cleared his throat and raised his voice."Barry?"he called."Would you please see Miss Stone out?"

"Right away," Barry said, stepping into the room.Evidently, he'd been standing within earshot the whole time.

"This is absurd," Sheila said, glaring at the warden.Barry placed a hand on her shoulder, but she shrugged it off."One way or another," she told Abbott, "I'm going to talk to Rayland Bax."

The warden shook his head, as if to indicate she was a lost cause."Good luck doing so without my blessing, Miss Stone."

Biting back the sharp retort that came to her lips, Sheila turned and followed the guard down the sterile hallway, her thoughts racing.Why was the warden so intent on keeping her away from Rayland?Was he corrupt or simply worried about what she might learn during their conversation?

And why had he repeatedly told her that it was out of his hands?

As Sheila stepped outside into the bright sunlight, she took a deep breath to calm her racing heart.The fresh air was a welcome reprieve from the suffocating tension that had filled the warden's office moments before.

She was reaching for the car keys in her pocket when her phone buzzed, announcing an incoming call.Seeing Natalie's name on the screen, Sheila hesitated for a moment before answering.

"Hey, Nat," she said, forcing cheerfulness into her voice.She didn't want her sister to know just how shaken she was by the confrontation with the warden.

"Hey, Sheila," Natalie replied, her voice sounding troubled, lacking her usual confidence.

"Are you okay?"Sheila asked, her worry evident in her tone.

"I'll be fine.Just a little under the weather lately," Natalie assured her, though the lack of conviction in her voice did little to ease Sheila's fears."Listen, I called because there's a new case that I think you can help with.I've arranged for you to work as a CI while you finish your police training."

"What's the case about?"Sheila asked, her gaze stealing to the imposing walls of Blackridge, her mind still on the conversation she'd been unable to have with Rayland Bax.

Natalie's next words, however, pulled her back into the moment."Brace yourself," Natalie warned, her voice taking on a serious tone."This one's bad.We've got four victims, all hanged.And the worst part is…" There was a somber pause.

"They're all family."


Sheila's knuckles rapped against the wooden door of Natalie's office, her heart thudding in rhythm with the sharp sound.She knew she was walking into a case involving four homicides, and it sent a shiver down her spine.It felt overwhelming, but Sheila was determined to rise to the challenge.

As she waited for an answer, Sheila thought about the rigorous training she'd gone through over the past few weeks.The long hours spent at the firing range honing her accuracy, the grueling self-defense classes, and the intense crash course in criminal investigations had all been exhausting yet invigorating.Thanks to her sister's influence, she was on track to join the force officially as part of their fast-track program.Despite her initial reservations, Sheila found herself growing more accustomed to the idea of being a full-time law enforcement officer.
