Page 45 of Seeking Justice

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Jo felt a surge of adrenaline, and she reached out to touch the crystal. Running her thumb over the surface, she felt a rough spot. Images of her mother inspecting it and announcing it just had a small chip after Tammy dropped it bubbled up.

Lily stepped back, looking a bit alarmed at the way Jo had grabbed the necklace, but Jo continued, “Ricky gave this to you? Do you know where he got it?”

Lily shook her head. “He never said. Just that it was from his family. Like an heirloom or something.”

Jo’s mind raced, piecing together the puzzle. The connection between the Websters and her family’s past was too strong to be a coincidence. She stood abruptly.

“Lily, thank you. You’ve been more helpful than you know.”

As Jo hurried out of the shop, her thoughts were a whirlwind. She needed to get to the Webster house. If Ricky’s father or uncle had ties to her family’s past, especially to Tammy’s disappearance, she had to uncover the truth. Jo’s heart pounded as she rushed to her car. She should tell Sam, Bridget, and Holden, but every second counted. She was close to finding out the truth, and nothing was going to stop her.


The Convale corporate offices were set deep in the woods on the outskirts of town. A symbol of corporate might, the building loomed over the small town, its sleek glass façade reflecting the afternoon sun. Sam’s grip on the steering wheel tightened, the company’s plans to industrialize White Rock’s pristine lands grating against his love for the town’s natural beauty.

Parking the cruiser, he took a moment to compose himself. Convale, with its giant energy structures, threatened to change the town forever, and Victor Sorentino was the face of that change. Sam’s previous encounter with Victor had left a lasting impression. The man was polished, urbane, a stark contrast to the rugged simplicity of White Rock.

He reached into the back seat, unclipping Lucy’s seat belt. She jumped out, her tail wagging, always ready for action.

Sam liked bringing Lucy along when he questioned people. She was more than just a police K-9. She was a keen judge of character. Her reactions to people often gave Sam valuable insights, and her presence tended to unnerve those he questioned, making it easier to extract information. Besides, no one ever questioned the chief of police bringing a K-9 along, even in places where animals weren’t typically allowed.

“I don’t really like this Sorentino guy,” Sam muttered to Lucy as they approached the sleek glass doors of the building. He thought back to his previous encounter with Victor Sorentino. There was something about the man he didn’t trust. His demeanor was too polished, too controlled. It was almost as if he was performing.

Lucy looked up at Sam, her whiskey-brown eyes full of agreement. Sam knew Lucy felt the same as he did.

Stepping into the lobby, Sam passed by a large model of an energy structure, a reminder of what was at stake. He approached the receptionist, who eyed Lucy warily as the K-9 sniffed around, her senses alert.

“I’m here to see Victor Sorentino,” Sam announced, his tone carrying an edge of authority.

“Do you have an appointment?” the women asked.

Sam smiled and pointed to his badge. “No, but I’m pretty sure he’ll make time to see me.”

The receptionist made a call, her eyes flicking to Sam and then to Lucy. “Mr. Sorentino will see you now,” she said, directing him to the elevators.

Victor’s office was on the top floor, offering a panoramic view of the town and the unspoiled forest around it. Unspoiled for now, Sam thought, because if Convale had its way, there would be an ugly path of giant metal electrical towers slashing through the landscape.

The office was spacious and impeccably decorated in a sleek, modern style. Victor stood by the window, his back to Sam, gazing out over the town. His dark hair caught the light, and his posture exuded a sense of command.

Victor turned and greeted them with a polished smile, though his eyes betrayed a hint of curiosity at Lucy’s presence.

“Chief Mason,” Victor began, extending his hand in greeting. “To what do I owe this unexpected visit?”

Sam shook Victor’s hand, maintaining a steady gaze. “I’m following up on some leads in the April Summers case,” he said, watching for Victor’s reaction.

Victor raised an eyebrow, his composure intact. “April Summers? I’m afraid I don’t see how that would involve me.” He moved to sit on the leather chair behind his desk and gestured for Sam to sit on the chair facing it.

“That’s what I’m here to find out,” Sam replied evenly. “Did you know April?”

Victor’s response was swift and smooth. “No, I can’t say that I did. What would my connection to her be?”

Sam observed Victor carefully. “One of our suspects claimed you were their alibi for the night April was killed.”

The surprise on Victor’s face seemed genuine. “An alibi? For whom?”

“Beryl Thorne,” Sam stated. “She mentioned she was with you that evening.”

Victor paused, his expression shifting as he processed the information. “Ah, Beryl,” he said after a moment. “Yes, we had a late dinner, and she came back to my place.”
