Page 46 of Seeking Justice

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Sam nodded, noting the slight delay in Victor’s recognition. “Can anyone else corroborate that?”

Victor leaned back in his chair, a confident air returning to him. “I’m sure the staff at the restaurant can vouch for our meeting, but as for my place, it was just the two of us. She did stay until morning, but she left before dawn to get some early morning pictures at the owl sanctuary.”

Victor had a bit of a smirk on his face as he said that, and Lucy let out a sniff. Sam imagined that was the dog’s version of rolling her eyes.

Sam leaned forward slightly, maintaining a casual tone. “Word around town is that April had a penchant for extortion. Did she ever try that with Convale?”

Victor’s expression remained unfazed. “Extortion? If she did, it never reached my desk. Convale is a large company, Detective. We deal with all sorts of allegations and claims.”

Sam nodded, filing away Victor’s response. “How well did Beryl know April? Did she ever mention having an argument with her that day?”

Victor paused, his eyes narrowing briefly. “No, she didn’t mention any argument. Why would she?”

“That’s interesting,” Sam mused. “You had dinner together that night. I would think Beryl might want to vent about an argument with someone she knew.”

Victor shrugged, a dismissive gesture. “Our conversation was primarily about business… and other things.”

“And what other things would those be, if you don’t mind me asking?” Sam probed, watching Victor’s reaction closely.

Victor let out a laugh, though it lacked warmth. “Personal stuff. Nothing pertinent to your investigation, I assure you.”

Victor leaned forward, fixing Sam with a scrutinizing gaze. “You seem quite interested in Beryl, Detective. Is there something I should be aware of regarding you two?”

Sam met Victor’s gaze steadily. “No, there’s nothing. Just following up on all leads.”

As the interview concluded, Victor stood up, his posture relaxed yet authoritative. “Is there anything else, Detective?”

Sam took a moment then shook his head. “Not for now.”

Leaving Victor’s office, Sam went over the interview in his head. Could Victor and Beryl have teamed up to kill April? Victor seemed like the type of guy who would have someone else do his dirty work, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t involved somehow. But why would they kill her?

In the car, Sam turned to Lucy in the back seat. “I still don’t like him, do you?”

Lucy gave a soft woof, indicating that she still didn’t like Victor either.


Jo’s gaze swept over the dilapidated old farmhouse as she approached. It was the only house for miles, standing isolated, far from town, a testament to neglect and years of wear. The screen door, its mesh hanging out like an afterthought, creaked eerily in the wind.

She rapped on the wooden frame, her heart pounding with a mix of determination and apprehension. Hazel Webster, a lit cigarette dangling from her lips, answered the door. Her eyes, sharp and defensive, sized Jo up.

“Well, if it isn’t White Rock’s finest,” Hazel declared, her voice a rasp of suspicion.

“Is Ricky home?” Jo would much rather discuss this with Ricky than Hazel. Even though Hazel probably knew more about the past, Jo didn’t trust her answers.

“Nope.” Hazel started to shut the door.

“I’m here to talk about a necklace,” Jo said hastily. “A crystal ball pendant. Ricky gave it to Lily Dunn.”

Hazel’s eyes narrowed, and she looked at Jo, opening the door a smidge wider. “Accusing my grandson of stealing now, are you? Ricky’s a good boy. Don’t you forget that.”

“No, no,” Jo quickly reassured her. “We think it’s important to a case. We know Ricky didn’t steal it. Actually, it was some sort of family heirloom.”

The mention of a family heirloom seemed to trigger something in Hazel. Her fierce demeanor wavered, replaced by a flicker of curiosity. “Heirloom, you say?”

Jo nodded, describing the unique pendant in detail. A spark appeared behind Hazel’s bloodshot eyes. She knew something.

“Maybe I remember something. Come in,” Hazel muttered, turning back into the shadows of the house.

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