Page 20 of Three Reasons

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Of all the people I could run into at O’Malley’s, Sean Fox showed up. I’d been aware of him within seconds of him walking in with a beast of a man, well over Sean’s five-ten or thereabout height. Dark and broad to Sean’s slender, lighter appearance, the stranger waltzed in with a familiarity alongside my student that made my lips purse.

But like sunshine, Sean broke through the clouds lingering around my head as usual and heated my body with addictive warmth.

Whatever Hanson and Albert had been discussing faded into the background along with the other noises emanating from the busy bar. Silence settled in my ears as I watched Sean slide his fine ass onto a chair across from his…boyfriend?

A muscle ticked in my jaw at the same time my stomach tightened. I fought to keep my hands from fisting and settled back in my chair in an attempt to relax muscles that had tensed from neck to thighs for no reason whatsoever.

Once their waiter left them alone, the two leaned toward one another, talking with an ease that suggested they weren’t out on a first date. Sean tossed popcorn in the man’s face, so the two were definitely friends at the very least.

I finally took stock of Sean, checking his profile out from his perfectly mussed blond hair down over a T-shirt entirely too formfitting to be considered modest. But he looked good.

Real good.

Swallowing a rush of saliva, I noted his tighter than normal jeans, which led my mind to wander toward what else I might see wrapped up in the denim if he stood close enough for me to reach out and touch.

The light on his face, regardless of the haggardness I’d taken note of while in class earlier in the week, shone bright as always.

He couldn’t sit still, something else I was more than aware of. And yet he managed to pay attention in class and to that point had a one-hundred percent average on both assessments I’d done.

The bob of his throat as he swallowed a long pull of beer captured my focus. What would his skin taste like? How would his scruff feel on my tongue or his muscles under my hands?

Life stirred in my groin, and I stifled a groan.


I tore my gaze off Sean, attempting to realign myself with reality as the bar’s sounds filtered back to my ears.

Albert looked at me expectantly.

“I’m sorry…what?”

“I asked how you’ve been doing with the whole sexual fluidity thing we discussed when we were here last.”

“Oh.” I cleared my throat before sipping my beer to ease the dryness lingering from watching Sean for too long.

Heat seared the side of my face, and I couldn’t help but glance his way. Those crystalline blue eyes of his held my stare. I cursed beneath my breath without moving my lips. The young man was absolutely stunning, and a sense of powerlessness swept through me. My body ached to be near him so thoroughly that my feet slid over the floor with the intent to stand.

But his friend kicked him beneath their high table, and Sean’s barked curse could be heard across the bar.

I took a better look at the man in the chair I wished I sat in. He was easily taller than my six feet, broader, much younger, and hot enough to grace covers of magazines. I didn’t compare…not that I should have been thinking such thoughts.

Like Sean, he glanced by me, and I was struck by the vivid blue of his eyes.



Jerked back to the present once more, I turned to find both of my friends staring at me. “I’m sorry?”

As one, the couple peered toward what had caused my distraction twice in a matter of minutes.

“Who’s the cute blond?” Albert asked, approval in his voice.

“Sean Fox,” Hanson replied, his tone and ah-ha! inflection telling me he’d figured out who the guy was I’d told him about two weeks earlier. Seeing as how my co-worker also taught first-year students hoping to graduate with an MBA, I shouldn’t have been surprised to find he knew who Sean was.

Releasing a heavy exhale that sank me into my seat, I closed my eyes.

“A student of yours?” Albert asked, sounding clueless. Two seconds later, his quiet, “Ooooh…” reached my ears.
