Page 24 of Veiled Vengeance

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That’s when, from out of nowhere, a much larger wolf charged in, tackling Jenna to the ground. Jenna’s wolf form squirmed under the weight.

Luna had to do something. For all she knew, this could be an enemy of the pack, here to subdue them and bring them to heel. She didn’t smell Victor on the new intruder, but in a snap judgment, Luna shifted, getting on all fours.

She couldn’t take the risk.

She needed to separate these wolves. She wondered why Adrian hadn’t returned to his pack as he was standing just a few yards away. Surely, he must be aware of everything going on.

In wolf form, Luna charged the larger wolf, knocking it to the ground. She could smell the wolf was female, and in a split second, she thought she smelled the scent of cabin linens on her.

“What are you doing, Luna?”

The voice in her head was familiar and friendly, not upset by any means.

It was Sasha’s voice.

“Sasha? What are you doing here?”

Luna couldn’t hide the confusion from her voice, even in her head.

Clearly, the children hadn’t sensed any aggression on Luna’s part, as Jenna, in wolf form, was now laughing on the ground.

“I thought you could use some help wrangling these little ones,”Sasha said in Luna’s mind.“I saw that Adrian had stepped away from the pack for a moment, and I was in the neighborhood.”

Luna couldn’t conceal her embarrassment.“I’m so sorry …”

That’s when Adrian stepped toward the crowd with Maurice in tow.

“What’s going on here?” Adrian asked, looking from what must have been a very familiar wolf form and back to Luna’s wolf form.

Luna wasn’t sure what to say and, for the briefest of moments, actually feared being kicked out of the pack for acting out. It made no sense to her. She figured a chance to leave the pack meant being able to double down on her efforts to find Victor. Why was she so afraid of losing this thing she was thrown into against her will?

But Sasha intervened.

“Luna and I were just horsing around,”Sasha said in everybody’s minds.“We were playing around with the kids. Figured they could have a little bit of fun before school.”

Adrian looked around the heads at the table as Luna realized that many children had taken this as the entertainment that accompanied their meal. She felt a little less embarrassed, given that realization.

“Is this true?”

Everybody at the table nodded in response. Jenna and the boy had returned to running around the table, chasing each other. In her mind, she could hear them taunting each other.

“Then I guess, good job,” Adrian said, now looking at Luna’s wolf form. “I knew I could trust you with the pack.”

Luna felt herself heat with embarrassment. She was suddenly grateful for all the fur that kept her little secret.

“It was nothing, really. It was only a couple of minutes.”

At that, she could feel Sasha staring into her soul.

“Oh, really?”Sasha asked.

But she sensed that the mental message was directed only at her.

“Very well,” Adrian said.

Luna looked around the table and saw clean plates everywhere.

“Are you all done eating?” Adrian asked. “Should we take you all to school?”
