Page 27 of Veiled Vengeance

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“Thank you, Victor,” Adrian said, guiding Luna to stand at his side. He hoped it wouldn’t be a struggle, bringing her forward to meet the elders.

Taking one step at a time, he moved toward the council, watching in his peripheral vision as Luna hesitantly followed.

“No. Thank you, Adrian,” Victor said. “I know you would have preferred to meet us in your office. So sorry it’s still under renovation.”

“I felt this was of urgent enough importance to the pack,” Adrian replied, nodding cordially at Luna. He felt she wasn’t telling him something important, but as she looked up at the council, she was at least more relaxed now. He wasn’t sure why he saw so much aggression in her eyes.

“This must be Luna,” another elder council member said. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. We are honored to welcome you into the Crescent Moon Pack.”

Luna nodded in affirmation, clearly uncertain of what to say.

“Thank you, Percival,” Adrian said in approval. “She’s a bit shy at the moment, but I’ve never met anybody so fierce.”

“Has she made a decision about her place in the pack?” Victor asked.

Adrian looked down at Luna, expecting her to vehemently voice her opposition. When she didn’t, Adrian tried to articulate her answer.

“She feels it’s best to move on,” Adrian said. “She claims to have business elsewhere.”

“Actually, Adrian,” Luna said. “I’d like to answer for myself if that’s okay.”

Adrian nodded. “Of course.”

Luna stepped forward, breaching the barrier between herself and the council. Adrian wondered if he should follow but decided to hang back out of respect.

The light from the sun above shone down on the marble room, illuminating the faces of the elders. Luna stood in the shadows, almost obstructed by the light that failed to shine on the bases of the stands.

“I’ve decided I’d love to join the Crescent Moon Pack if you’ll have me,” Luna said.

Adrian almost gasped in response, noticing that the elders were also seemingly startled.

“That runs counter to what we’ve heard on the matter,” Percival said, addressing Luna directly. “But thank you for your candor.”

Adrian stared at the back of Luna’s head, almost in disbelief. Only minutes ago, she had resolved she wanted nothing to do with the pack. Why, now, had she suddenly changed her mind?

“I think you’ll make a fine alpha’s mate for the Crescent Moon Pack,” Victor said with a level of knowledge that seemed uncharacteristic. At this, Adrian could almost see Luna backing down in fear.

Adrian wanted to rush to her defense, feeling something he couldn’t place. There was something in the way that Victor addressed Luna that made him uncomfortable. Yet, on the surface, Victor was as charming as ever, smiling at the girl who stood before him.

Adrian took two steps forward.

“Thank you, Victor,” Luna said.

Adrian realized now that there wasdefinitelyvenom in her voice. It almost seemed sarcastic in how she spoke.

“You are welcome, Luna,” Victor said before addressing the four other elders. “Does anybody have any opposition to this woman being declared the alpha female of the Crescent Moon Pack?”

Adrian heard his steps echo against the hard marble walls.

“Adrian,” Victor welcomed Adrian’s approach, “do you have anything to say on this new development? I feel the bond between you two, even in our stuffy hall. You must be proud.”

Adrian said nothing, clearing the distance between himself and Luna.

“And what a wonderful, charming mate you’ve found. There are few better than Luna. She’s quite feisty and will aid your pack well with her strength.”

Adrian could feel the tension in Luna, and turning to her, she was almost frozen in place with terror. Her eyes were wide, her lips trembling, and Adrian swore he could make out a single tear falling from her eye to her cheek.

“I’m sorry to end this meeting prematurely,” Adrian declared. “But I think Luna needs to think this over a little more.”
