Page 46 of Veiled Vengeance

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He thought of the Silver Fang pack and how they were ready to condemn her without a shred of evidence. He thought of the crowd driven to hysterics so quickly.

“I’m not going anywhere,” he repeated, this time growing quieter.

Before Victor, he had faith in his pack. He knew that when push came to shove, they could be trusted to do the right thing. He knew that, when presented with contrary evidence, they would change course, reevaluating their conclusions.

Now, he wasn’t so sure. He could see the fire in their eyes, and it threatened to burn them from within.

The wave of mass hysteria that had come for Luna … He wasn’t sure how long he could fight it. It was arbitrary and temperamental, corrupting the hearts and minds of good people. But he knew its source, and he could tackle that, at least. He just had to remember who his true enemy was.

It wasn’t the hard-working, vulnerable people who’d been misled and promised impossible things by a tyrant on a throne. It was their would-be king who wanted to throw the system into chaos, bringing fire to the fields.

The sun was falling in the sky, and he could see the faint echoes of golden rays cresting against the brown curtain. How long had they been sitting here, cuddling and talking?

“It’s all going to be okay,” Adrian said quietly, feeling how soft her hair was. It had a calming effect on him.

“I know,” Luna said softly. “Sometimes, it’s just so hard to be sure.”



"It's all going to be okay," Adrian whispered.

She believed him. Finally, after all this time, Luna had someone on her side. Someone who would fight on her team. Someone who would fight for her.

Luna's heart raced as she watched him, his lips inches from hers. She felt the warmth of his breath on her skin, and it sent shivers down her spine. His eyes were full of determination and desire, mirroring her own. She knew he wasn't lying, but she also knew that relationships were risky.

People could change their minds or grow tired of each other over time, leaving pain in their wake. But something about Adrian felt different. He made her feel alive in a way she never had before. Maybe it was the mate bond.

His hand grasped her chin gently but firmly, tilting her head up to meet his gaze even more intensely. As their lips finally touched, sparks flew through her body like fireworks on Independence Day. Every nerve ending tingled and seemed to come alive, and she could feel the heat radiating from his skin against hers.

His tongue gently traced the outline of her lips before slipping inside her mouth, tasting every inch with curiosity and need. Her body melted into his as they explored each other's tongues in a messy dance of passion.

Their hands roamed freely over each other's bodies. Luna ran hers through his messy dark hair while he slid his up underneath her shirt, tracing every curve of her back with reverent fingers. The roughness of his skin against hers added to the sensation coursing through her veins as she moaned softly against his mouth.

Adrian's lips were soft and warm, his breath hot against Luna's as he whispered his promise into her mouth. She felt the thrum of his heart racing beneath her palms, beneath his shirt, and it echoed her own rapid pulse.

It was electric, undeniable, this pull between them. His hand gripped her waist lightly but firmly, pulling her body flush against his as they sank deeper into the kiss. Their tongues tangled together in an erotic dance that sent shockwaves through both of them.

He pushed his hand up further under her shirt, tracing the valley between her breasts as he deepened their kiss. He slowly pulled off her shirt, then her pants. Now that she was nearly naked, his fingers brushed against the soft skin of her stomach and lowered until they reached the edge of her panties.

With a gentle tug, he pulled them to the side, exposing her to his touch. Luna gasped into his mouth at the contact, spreading her legs wider to give him better access as he cupped her wetness through the fabric of her panties.

She felt the heat radiating from him against her bare skin as he explored every inch, making little circles with his thumb over her clit before slipping a finger inside her silk panties to tease her entrance.

As their lips parted for air, Luna's chest rose and fell rapidly, her breathing labored from the intensity of the kiss. Her eyes were half-lidded, filled with lust and need that matched her thoughts entirely.

She could feel herself dripping wet against Adrian's hand, begging to be touched more deeply. His fingers brushed lightly against her entrance once again before slipping inside her silk panties, finding her clit between his thumb and forefinger.

"Mmm," she moaned, arching her back as he rubbed circles around it, sending shivers down her spine.

The heat between them grew stronger as they began to grind against each other in perfect rhythm. Luna couldn't believe how good this felt. She wanted more. She grabbed onto his shoulders for support, biting her lip at the feeling of his rough fingertips against such a sensitive area.

His other hand moved up to cup her breast over her bra, teasing the hardened nipple through the fabric. She gasped into his mouth when he drew it into his warm palm and began to roll it between his fingers.

It was like an electrical current shot from his touch straight through to her core. She tugged off his shirt, dropping it on the floor while he continued to build the fire within her.

Luna pulled away slightly, breaking their kiss as she reached down to grab his belt buckle. She undid it quickly, eyes locked on his, signaling her readiness to take things further.
