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“Valentine’s day,” she said with surprise lacing her voice. “You guys do that here?”

“Absolutely, it is a favorite Littles’ celebration.”

She nodded her head, but I could tell that this scene was intimidating for her.

“Do you know what I am supposed to do? You know, as the maid of honor?”

I wanted to strangle my cousin. Had she not told Ronnie anything about her responsibilities? Knowing Harmony as I did, I knew she would have said anything she felt Veronica needed to hear to be on board with the situation, and definitely not shared what she would see as a deterrent.

“That little brat,” I uttered under my breath.

“Huh? Who? Not me, I hope?” Ronnie said, with pink already staining her pale cheeks.

“Not you, at least not this time.” I gave her a meaningful look.

She gulped and averted her eyes.

That’s right, hide from the big bad Daddy wolf, little girl.Her responses triggered my lust. I’d had an almost constant boner since picking her up earlier this morning.

We pulled up out front just as Harmony flew out the door with a smile so big it almost reached her ears. My heart softened seeing her so happy, and in that moment, I forgave her questionable motives in getting Veronica, her one and only genuine friend, here for the big day.

Happy tears glistened and threatened to fall, for both girls. I got out of the truck and helped Veronica down. She really was tiny, and I didn’t want her falling and hurting herself. Well, that’s what I told myself when really, feeling her in my arms was becoming my new drug of choice that I couldn’t get enough of. Setting her down, she and Harmony flew into each other’s arms, almost falling to the packed earth on impact.

“Calm down, ladies, we can’t have the bride and her maid of honor broken for the ceremony.”

“I second that.” Gray appeared with a knowing smile on his face. “Thank you for making this happen. Harmony has been off the wall excited and driving this Daddy to new depths of patience since you left.”

“I bet. Where do you want her bag?”

“Bag? It looks more like bags.”

There were only the three containing her clothing and those items she wouldn’t trust to anyone other than herself. “Yeah, well, as you said, I made this happen. The Little lady wasn’t leaving without everything, so I had movers pack up her room and expect them to arrive in a few days’ time.”

Gray’s brow furrowed, and I just knew he was about to deliver news I didn’t want to hear.

“We’ve had a booking issue at Chez Remington.” He smiled at the nickname, but it didn’t reach his eyes.


“My parents didn’t show up alone. They brought my grandparents with them. Originally, they weren’t supposed to be attending, but they changed their minds at the last minute. I would have put them in the lodge, but they are old and need assistance.”

Oh boy, I knew what was coming next, and I had mixed feelings over the words he was about to say.

“Is it possible for Veronica to stay with you? I know I’m asking a lot, and I have a back-up plan with her taking a room at the lodge, but she will be alone, and I think she would do better with someone she trusts.”

When I didn’t respond right away, Gray added, “I guess I could always have one of the staff keep an eye on her; hell, she may even enjoy being around all the extra Daddies coming in from town for the Valentine’s social.”

He sure knew how to press my buttons. The idea of Ronnie being scooped up and entertained by any Daddy other than myself was a big fat no! I narrowed my eyes at Gray. “I know what you’re doing. That dour demeanor isn’t hiding your motives, cousin-in-law. If there aren’t grandparents at your wedding, we’ll be having words!”

Gray lips twitched as he tried to keep from smiling.

“I would never lie to you. Come on in and see if you don’t believe me.”

“Fine. But you owe me one.”

“Of course, whatever you want, but I have to add in a stipulation to wait until the honeymoon is over. My hands are full.”

“I just bet they are. I know how over the top my cousin can be.” Gray was a man who thrived on challenge. With the mind of a lawyer, his reasoning skills, especially with Harmony, were commendable. But even I could see the man was at the end of his rope.
