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Little did she know that the iron will I’d presented in not taking her had been one of the hardest things to do. But in the privacy of my shower, I could finally relieve the ache being with her had created.

My cock head was swollen and hot to the touch. Spanking her virgin bottom had been awesome, and giving her a first kiss, even better, but I was at that point where I couldn’t take another minute with her without getting some relief. Images of Veronica’s bouncy backside as I spanked it filled my vision. I could easily remember the sight of her puffy, slick lips inviting me to touch and sink inside her tight entrance while she made those cute mewling sounds.

Her eyes rounded with shock, then became hooded as desire pooled and soaked my shaft. My dick grew in my palm as my body strained, chasing my release. I pumped my load under the running water and slammed my other palm against the shower wall for support. Long, ropey streams of cum shot against the ceramic tiles. I bit my lip to keep the growl contained and spilled the last drops. My body shuddered several times before I succumbed to exhaustion and sagged against the wet tiles.

The need to come must have been the only thing keeping me going, because exiting the bathroom and drying off was a monumental effort. Staying upright and staggering out of the heat and into the dimness of my room, I stood stalk still when I saw Ronnie in my bed, sound asleep, with Bananas tucked against her chest. I hesitated, and then my body decided my next move, as staying on my feet was becoming increasingly harder with each passing second.

I slid under the sheets and pulled her warm body against me and draped one arm over her tiny waist.

“Mmm,” she muttered, but didn’t wake or utter a complaint. Within seconds, I was out cold.

Chapter 7


I’d beentired and out of sorts when Jacob left to have a shower. I’d stared at the empty bed for several minutes before deciding I couldn’t sleep there. None of my things surrounded me to offer comfort. I had Bananas, but he was new. I’d needed more than him if I was going to relax and digging through my suitcases had been too much for me in my present state.

Instead, I’d walked out of my room and went into Jacob’s. It smelled like him in here. Leather, mint, vanilla, and something more fragrant… maybe cinnamon. It was the epitome of him, and I found the masculine scent comforting. Taking a fortifying breath and praying he wouldn’t kick me out when he found me in his bed, I’d climbed under the heavy blanket.

Just smelling his scent and feeling the weight of the blankets on top of me with Bananas tucked safely against my middle had me dozing off fast. My last coherent thought had been hoping I was on the correct side of his bed.

Now, hours later, I opened my eyes and didn’t know where I was. My hand shot out to the sheets beside me, and theywere warm but empty. Jacob’s place, that’s where I was. But it was dark and the dark reminded me of things I’d rather not remember. I hugged Bananas tight to my chest, tears leaking from my eyes as waves of fear rolled through me.

I tried crying out, but there was no sound. Then the door opened, and the room flooded with light. Someone stood in the doorway, but the light from the hallway made them a silhouette, like a shadow monster. I backed up into the headboard and hid my face in Bananas’ soft furry belly.

“Veronica. Hey, you’re okay, it’s me, Jacob.”

I lifted my head to see he was him and not the shadow monster, after all. But the fear still coursed through me and sweat trickled down my back. He balanced a tray he was carrying which had looked like a giant mouth with teeth in the shadows and turned on a lamp on the nightstand.

“See, it’s just me. I’m sorry I left you in the dark, sweet girl. I’ll make sure I turn on the lamp from now on.”

Jacob put the tray down on the bed and sat himself on the other side. “I brought water and attempted a mocha for you. I hope I did okay.”

I reached out my shaky hand and took the cup from him. The scent wafting from the cup helped to put me at ease, and my racing heart began to calm down as the fear receded. My shoulders released, dropping away from my ears. Lifting the cup to my lips, I took a tentative sip of the chocolaty goodness and whipped cream.

“Mmm, yummy.” I took another sip and leaned back against the headboard. “Thank you. I’m sorry I freaked out, but I’m afraid of the dark and I kinda forgot where I was.”

“Never apologize for being scared, Ronnie. Just tell me what you need, and I’ll make sure you have it.”

For the rest of my life.

Those were the words I wished to hear from him. I knew he could, if he wanted to take care of me for the rest of my life, that is, but was I what he was looking for?

I didn’t see how. I was needy and had enough phobias to drive a person mental. But Harmony had them too, and didn’t Gray fix all that? She looked amazing and so happy when we pulled up, it was a bittersweet moment seeing the proof of all she had done since leaving NYC. Her Daddy was so present and imposing, yet had a gentle, caring energy. If she could have such a wonderful forever Daddy, then why couldn’t I?

“Ronnie, are you listening?”

“Huh? Sorry, I was zoning out. What did you say?”

“We have about an hour until we need to leave for the Big House. How about you shower, and I’ll start unpacking your suitcases so you can find an outfit.”

Right, the Big House had been one of the places Jacob had pointed out during our quick tour of the Ranch before we’d gone to the main lodge to eat. This morning I’d be meeting Derek Hawkins, the owner of Rawhide, and his wife Sadie, and god only knew who else as I remembered Harmony mentioning introducing me to her friends. “Jacob. I haven’t been around people in years. I don’t know what to wear. Could you maybe pick something out for me?”

He leaned back on his palms and studied me. I was about to say if it was too hard to forget about it, but his lips tugged into a mischievous smile.

“Here’s the deal, kitten. I’ll choose what you wear, but there better not be any complaints from you. If I hear even one, I’ll punish you for breaking your word.”

I felt the temperature in my body spike and knew my cheeks had turned pink with embarrassment. Hearing him say things that I’d only ever read about in books, or heard from Harmony,was doing a real number on me. I couldn’t control the pooling in my panties or my dilating pupils even if I wanted to.
