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Oh. That was hot. I found myself wanting to know all about what happened between Jaxon and Isabelle and took the book back to the lounger. A few pages in, the story started sounding familiar.

I returned to the shelf and grabbed a different book, this one had only pink sticky notes protruding from its pages with the first one labeledF.POV Thoughts.

Sara was blown away by the chemistry they shared. Every expression and word called to her inner slut. She wanted him to degrade her in front of the entire class, lift her skirt to find her bare. Sara imagined Mr. Rogers having a hard on just seeing her naked ass and glistening sex.

I read the book for a bit and then replaced it. My nipples were hard and poking through my pajama shirt. I really needed to find somewhere to get myself off. Her stories were doing a real number on my libido.

From where I stood, I could hear the party was in full swing, screeches of happiness and surprise rang down the hallway. I wanted to sneak out and return without anyone noticing. I wrote a note to Harmony.

Had an errand.

BYB, V, xo

I left the note in plain sight on the desk and snuck out of the office and down to the back of the house. Outside was a host of golf carts and, of course, their keys were in the ignition. The best place for them, as the area was well protected, and no undesirables were getting past security to steal them.

We’d only come here twice with Jacob driving both ways, but I knew it was only a few minutes in the cart to get there.

I started the cart and traveled around the east side of the house, avoiding the west side which the kitchen was. God, forbid I get caught going home to rub one out. I couldn’t hold back the giggle at the crassness of my thoughts. Harmony was right, the red wine really did loosen up the thought process.

I kept the lights off with the intention of turning them on when I was further down the path. The pathway to the home was still fairly new and not paved so although it was fairly smooth,the trip was bumpy in places. I widened my thighs and ground down in the seat. The next bump felt amazing. Oh hell, there would be a lot more off the path, so maybe I could get relief without going home and get back to the party that much faster.

That it was dark, and I couldn’t see much, and that I was in my pajamas without a coat, and it was freezing out didn’t dawn on me. All I could think about was chasing an orgasm until I felt sweet relief.

I caught air with the next bump, and unfortunately for me, lost control of the cart when it came down on a patch of ice. It crashed on its side, and I was flung over the front, landing on my side. I laughed hysterically when I realized both the cart and I were fine. The laughing changed to grunts of protest when I tried to stand the cart right side up.

It had tipped on an angle, and I wasn’t strong enough to push it back on its wheels on my own. What would Daddy say when he returned in the morning and found out I’d taken the cart for a joyride in the dark? I gulped at what my punishment could be, my imagination running wild with all the possibilities.

That’s if I made it to tomorrow. When I realized I’d been tossed into a snow drift, I became very aware of how cold it was. What would Jacob do? Well, first he wouldn’t be doing what I just did. I found it in me to giggle despite my dire situation. “You should be proud of me, Jakey. I’m thinking instead of freaking.” Another loud giggle. “WWJD!”(What would Jakey do)I hollered into the night. I may get my ass handed to me when Daddy got back, but despite that, I was proud of the acronym I’d tweaked to fit my situation and the heightened thoughts one glass of wine had inspired along with the bravery to do something outside of my comfort zone, even if it was stupid!

Leaving the cart where it was, I climbed the little hill I’d lost control on, trying to move around any slick spots. In the distance were the lights of the Remington house. Inside were my friends,new and old, and having fun without me. The lights of the house shimmered and altered, dividing into multiple lights.

What the?

The lights grew brighter and seemed to be moving closer toward me. Then I knew what it was.

“It’s an alien spaceship!” Realizing I’d sort of said that a bit too loud, I slid back down to the cart and hid behind it.

I’d read about crop circles and alien abductions happening out in the middle of nowhere and this place qualified. There were miles of dense woods surrounding the Ranch. Plenty of space for an aircraft to hide.

The sounds of engines grew closer. I closed my eyes and prayed to whoever was listening to spare me from being taken into space and experimented on.

The engines turned off, and a light shone down on me. Oh no! The beam to the mother ship! I had to try and get away. Jumping to my feet, I raced for the tree line up ahead.


I stopped and turned around. “Harmony? Is that you?”

Peals of giggles. “Yeah, it’s all of us. What are you doing out here?”

“I uh, thought, um… that you guys were… well, you know, crazy moving lights out in the dark. I was sure aliens had come to abduct and probe me.”

The giggles erupted into laughter.

“I thought you were afraid of the dark,” she said, sliding down the hill.

I ran the few feet back to the overturned car and peered up to see all the ladies at the top, except H who stood directly before me.

“I am. Or I was.” It was only now that I realized she was right. I’d always been a fraidy cat of the dark, yet here I wasout tromping through the dark in my pajamas without using the light from the cart or my phone.
