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Fourteen and a half minutes later, she waltzed down the hallway.

“You look stunning. Poor Harmony.”

She looked puzzled. “Poor Harmony, whatever do you mean?”

“Well obviously, you’re going to steal the show in that outfit.”

She beamed up at me. Then a frown crinkled her brow. “You know I’ve always been envious of Harmony’s stature, long legs with a classic Marilyn Monroe figure. All the guys were always staring at her and Porsha, never at me.”

“Things change, darlin. You are gorgeous without even trying. Trust me, all the men will notice you. On second thought, you should change into a pair of track pants and a baggy shirt.”

“Don’t be silly,” she said with giggle. “I don’t own any sweat pants, so you’ll just have to put up with me getting all the attention for a change.” She winked and turned to retrieve her coat. I helped her into it and escorted her to the garage.

“No golf cart tonight, the weather looks a bit dicey and it’s too cold.” I lifted her into the cab and did up her seat belt. “You ready, baby?”

“As ready as I’ll ever be.”

Though the wedding would be held at the Remington’s home, the rehearsal and dinner, were going to be hosted by Derek and Sadie at the lodge. Driving to the Ranch, my phone vibrated in my pocket several times, reminding me I had messages from my cousin. But as I was seeing her in a few minutes, I decided it could wait. When we pulled up, I parked right out front of the main resort and turned to V. “With our afternoon activities taking as long as they did, you didn’t get a chance to do your task list.”

She looked blank, and then realization dawned on her. “Right! I can do it here. Is that appropriate?”

She was learning. Asking when doubtful is always the best strategy. “If you get the opportunity to say your apologies, then take it. All of those couples will be here tonight so singly or in pairs, your choice. If you need me with you, just let me know.”

She looked relieved. “Thank you.” Her eyes teared up a bit. “I mean it, Jacob, thank you for everything. I feel so different than when you picked me up. I can’t believe it’s only been a week.”

“Time flies with good company and great sex,” I teased.

I scooped her out of the truck and carried her to the front entrance so she wouldn’t get dirt on her shoes. I pressed the dooropen with my ass, and before I could turn around and walk in, I heard a voice I’d hoped to never hear again.

“Hello, handsome.”

“Hello, Bianca, what are you doing here?”

Ronnie’s gaze shifted from our childhood friend and then to me and back again. She’d obviously not heard about the colossal mistake I made with this woman. My phone buzzed in my pocket. Harmony… and now I knew why she called and texted so many times–to warn me.

I placed Ronnie on her feet and took her coat. The two standing opposite each other was like seeing David and Goliath. With her heels on, Bianca must have been almost six feet, while Ronnie even with her heels was at least half a foot shorter.

“Hello, Veronica, I see you haven’t grown much since we last saw each other.”

Ronnie remained quiet, used to Bianca bullying and insulting her along with her compatriots, Porsha and Juniper.

Speaking of, the other two vultures rounded the corner and stood beside each other. Three New York socialites banding together to what end?

“She has grown, Bianca, in all the right places too.”

I placed Ronnie’s arm through mine and led her away, but not fast enough to escape Porsha’s rude comment. “In what places? She still looks like a little girl to me.”

I hustled Ronnie across the lobby.

“What is going on? Was it my imagination or was Bianca on very familiar terms with you?”

“It’s a bit of a long story. It’ll have to wait until we are back home. Tonight is about Gray and Harmony, not the gossip girls.”

“I forgot we called them that.”

Gray and Harmony were standing by the large fireplace with Derek and Sadie. “Come on, there they are.”

She was reluctant to let the topic drop but followed me obediently to join our friends. Harmony gave me a deer in the headlights look and pulled V in for a hug. “You look fantastic, both of you and dressed as a power couple to boot, I love it,” she oozed enthusiasm with her tone, but I don’t think anyone was fooled.
