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I glared but kept my mouth shut, and dropped onto my bottom, bouncing on the mattress before crossing my legs and placing my chin on my fists. Showing my dissatisfaction in that way cost me, as my butt was screaming its displeasure.

“And if I don’t,” I challenged.

“Then a naughty little girl will get a mouth full of soap and corner time.”

Soap in my mouth. Was that a real thing? I didn’t know the answer to that question and decided it was best not to test the theory.

“For a few months, we role played Dd/lg, but that’s all it was, play.”

The green-eyed envy monster was hard to shut off. “So, what you’re saying is, you played the role of a Daddy, and she played the role of your Little? How is that different from what we’re doing, minus it being in a club? Actually, scratch that, as we are currently in bed at a Ranch dedicated to that specific kink.”

I bit my lip to keep from saying something I knew I would regret. But had a burning question I had to ask. “Was that it? You played scenes where you acted as a Daddy and her a naughtybrat and what then? Did you spank her and put her in the corner?”

He didn’t answer at first, almost as if he was weighing out the words he would say. “You had sex with Bianca, didn’t you? And not just once, but many times, right?” When he still didn’t answer, I screamed, “Right, Jacob?”

I don’t know why I was so upset. At no point had he lied to me or told me he was a virgin. He lived in a place filled with Littles and it had never dawned on me he may have been with half the women I’d met since my arrival. Oh my god, how could I have been so stupid?

“Ronnie, when you pulled away from society, I thought you just needed time to recover. For a year, you never answered a single text or phone call. You stopped going out and never invited me over, despite my efforts to keep in touch. I gave up on a vision I’d had of us being together.”

The truth of his words stung something fierce, but I didn’t interrupt him and continued to listen.

“You know, if it hadn’t been for you, it may have taken me longer to discover who I was.”

Admittedly, I was curious and wanted to know how I’d helped him learn who he was.

“You’re four years younger and as the eldest in our friend group, I took it upon myself to watch over Harmony and because you always tagged along after her, you as well. I can’t tell you how many times my hand twitched with a need to spank your backside when you didn’t listen to me. Compared to my cousin, you were an angel. But the fire in your eyes when I’d tell you what to do… that sparked something in me.”

He scrubbed his face with one hand and ran it through his hair. Where had I seen that exact move before? A memory I’d long forgotten of him emerged, of Jacob jumping in the pool to save me when I’d decided I was good enough at swimming to goin alone when no one was looking. I’d jumped into the deep end and cried for help when I was too tired to make it to the shallow end. The pool was bigger than it appeared. Jacob had come to my rescue. He must have only been nine years old, but the way he’d looked at me with such concern. After he was sure I was okay, he’d done that exact move and mumbled something about deserving a spanking as he tugged me to my feet.

In that moment, I’d fallen in love with Jacob Andrews and now, looking back, realized I always had been.

“As I got older, and the urges increased, I did some research and found the world of BDSM. I learned I was a natural Dominant, but it took longer to discover I was a Daddy Dom. There was no shortage of willing submissives, to help me with the real-life application of everything I was learning. The environment was very supportive toward newbies, and I felt I’d found my people.”

“And Bianca? Was she your people too?”

“Bianca was an opportunity to play and learn from. We’d discussed it up front, and neither one of us wanted anything more. We met at the club once a week and parted ways afterward. We didn’t talk or spend time together until that night, several months later. By then I was ready to begin my search for a Little, or at least that is what I thought at the time. In retrospect, what Bianca did probably is what saved me from going through with my plan. I came to Rawhide after she started a rumor in certain circles that I was a pedophile and lousy in bed.”

“She did what?” I couldn’t believe what he was telling me. “That is awful!”

“It was. I’d booked us here, at Rawhide, for a Daddy/Little weekend and she lost her shit. That’s when she started the rumor, and I learned a valuable lesson.”

“I can’t believe I didn’t know any of this. I’m so sorry, Jacob, that you had to go through that.”

“We were young, and I found out later that she pulled that stunt because she’d been playing with a switch who she liked a lot better than me and did it to make me look bad when he called her out on her double dipping. We’d been unaware of each other, but I guess he saw her leaving the club one night and asked around.”

“What a tramp! That is pure evil.”

“I’m so sorry, V, that I didn’t tell you sooner, but it’s a part of my past and one I’d rather forget about. When I saw her here, my first instinct was to turn around and leave, but Harmony depends on me, us, to get her through the most important event of her life, and I couldn’t in good conscience allow for that to be jeopardized.”

I felt stupid now for being envious of what Bianca and Jacob had shared. “Before I forgive you, are there any other nasty surprises I should know about?”

“No. There is nothing else.” He reached forward and tugged me on top of him before gripping my bottom in his powerful hands, and I let out a yelp.

“Still sore I see.”

“Haven’t you heard? My Daddy is ruthless.”

“He is? Well, that’s not good at all. Maybe your Daddy should be a tickle monster instead.”
