Page 11 of Reclaiming River

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The fact that the man across the desk had been in charge of her care for the last year probably meant it was Derek she wanted to please, but did that mean she wanted him or me to punish her?

“I, uh, as I struck Master Cade, I feel it’s only fair that he should be the one to deliver my punishment.” The look of remorse in her eyes shot right to my heart. “I hope you will forgive me for hitting you.”

Pride swelled in my chest at her bravery, followed quickly by joy. She’d picked me, a Master who had let her down time and time again over the one person who had most likely never let her down and had kept her safe.

“Of course I will.” I was tempted to say punishment wasn’t needed but knew my girl. She would spiral with guilt if the scales weren’t balanced. I gave her a look I hoped conveyed how I felt. Truth was, we both needed this to reconnect.

“Stand please, River.”

Derek’s voice interrupted my wandering thoughts.

Looking at me, he nodded to the side of the room. “There is a selection of paddles in the armoire, take your pick.”

The array of choices was impressive. He had paddles made of varying materials that could deliver everything from a gentle thud to a harsh sting. I decided on a solid oak one wrapped in leather that I knew would leave the bruises she used to enjoy without being overly harsh.

When I returned to my seat, paddle in hand, River moved toward me with a grace I remembered all too well. For a moment she paused, the time apart causing an awkwardness I hated before she laid herself over my thighs.

The weight of her in my lap felt right. The sight of her stretched out in the adorable maid’s outfit waiting for my punishment was something straight out of my dreams. It would be so easy to make this just about her and her actions but before we started over, this was going to be our true blank slate. I needed her to know I understood what I’d done wrong as well. I could only give her words for the moment, but hopefully, they would be enough to begin to make things right between us.

“River, I want to apologize to you. I wasn’t listening or paying attention. But I hear you loud and clear now. I’m sorry for letting you down and for not taking care of you as I’d promised and I hope someday you can forgive me.”

She turned her head and the tears that glittered in her eyes hurt my heart. But the hint of a smile at the corner of her mouth gave me hope. My heart skipped a beat as I realized that my feelings for her hadn’t dimmed with our time apart, they’d grown. I needed this woman like I needed oxygen to breathe.

I had to make this count. If I held back, she would think it was from guilt and operating from guilt was not something a Master did. What we needed was a reset. With any luck, afterward she would give me a second chance.

Lifting her skirt, my breath caught for a moment at the exquisite sight of her ass in nothing but innocent white panties. I wanted to ask her to remove them but knew we weren’t ready for that yet. But to be sure I didn’t go too far, I needed to see the flesh I would soon be turning bright red.

I couldn’t resist the urge to trail my fingers slowly over her skin as I lifted the soft cotton material, transforming her innocent undergarment into a thong. My cock swelled against River, telling her clearly that I enjoyed her like this. I would have felt like an asshole if it wasn’t for the damp spot on the crotch of her panties telling me she enjoyed it as well.

“Why are you being punished, River?” The words were a familiar ritual ensuring communication and used to check in on a sub’s mental state. I thought back and realized I’d forgotten that most basic lesson.

“Because I hit you.”

“Sir.” I tapped her with a light stinging blow. “We may not be together right now, but I still expect you to speak to me respectfully during a punishment scene.”

“Sorry, Sir.”

Her words were mumbled and held a note of brattiness I’d never heard from River. I liked it.

“Let us begin.” I brought the paddle down quickly, one sharp stroke to each cheek. Instantly, two pink circles bloomed on her pale skin. Her loud yells surprised me, though, because she used to like things much harder than I’d just delivered. I rubbed the mounds of her ass and admired the emerging color.

“Are you okay?” I asked, wondering if she had changed so much that I needed to reconsider my plan to leave her slightly bruised.

“Yes, Sir. It’s just been a long time and I was startled.”

How long? The question almost slipped out but I put it back. I wasn’t ready to find out just yet if she’d had scenes with other Doms. Pushing the dark thought aside, I peppered her backside with five quick swats to the left and five on the right.

I expected yelps or moans but River held her sounds in, barely even whimpering. We’d had a rule that she wasn’t allowed to muffle or hide her sounds. Though I understood things had changed, I still hated the idea of her holding anything back from me.

“I want to hear you.” My voice was a growl and she shivered.

I picked up the intensity, lifting her cheeks with each spank to give her the full sting and deep throb from every stroke.

“Ahh!” Her voice cracked and she let loose, sounding her pain and pleasure with each stroke I delivered.

That was better!

I moved down to her thighs which I knew were sensitive and they didn’t have a mark on them. She wailed as I delivered the last two directly to the soft sit spots on either side so she would feel them long after this session was over.
