Page 107 of Corrupting Ava

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“Okay. Wait. Excuse me?”

“So I used to have a business partner, Milo. Dan kidnapped his girlfriend.”

“He kidnapped her?”

“Yeah. Melissa. She left Dan for Milo. It’s a whole other story, but Dan was going to kill her.”

“Holy shit. My cousin Dan? I didn’t even realize he was part of the life.”

“He wasn’t. Neither were Milo or Melissa, orme, at that point. Which means we couldn’t touch Dan, or do anything about it. He was Tony Gagliardi’s nephew, and I was Nazzaro Rossi’s grandson, so we were both untouchable. But Melissa was nobody. Dan could do whatever he wanted to her, and your father would protect him.”

“So what did you do?”

“We had to get your father’s permission. He was willing to give up Dan’s location, in exchange for my grandfather giving him some valuable territory.”

“And your grandfather did it?”

Alessandro’s voice is bitter. “Yes. For a price.”

“His price was that you would come back to the family,” I whisper, understanding.

My husband nods. “He wanted it my whole life. And he finally got it.”

“Did you resent him for it? Making you comeback?”

He shrugs. “It cost him to give up that territory, so I understand it. But yes. I did. Our relationship was complicated, I guess. I do miss him now that he’s gone.”

I rest my head on his shoulder. “That was a big sacrifice you made. To rescue Melissa. You’re a good person, Alessandro.”

“I’m not. But I’m loyal.”

Chapter Fifty-Seven


I creep through the woods in my snowshoes, snowball in hand. Alessandro is about 20 feet in front of me wearing snowshoes of his own, and he hasn’t seen me yet. He’s got a snowball in each hand, grinning as he searches for me.

Pushing down the branch in front of me, I wind up and throw. Alessandro hears the creak and looks up, just in time to take the snowball to the chest.

“Ava!” he roars, throwing both snowballs at me. They both miss, and I scoop new ones from the ground, pelting him. He runs forward and tackles me.

“Umph.”I gasp as he falls on top of me and we crunch into the snow.

“Got you,” he says triumphantly, putting a kiss on my forehead. “Ow, my ear.”

“Get up,” I whine, “it’s cold down here.”

My hair is caked with snow as he helps me up. I brush it off, giggling. When I look up, he’s got a snowball aimed at me.

“Don’t you dare! Don’t you—aaagh!”

I dive out of the way, reaching for snowballs of my own. A few minutes later, we’re both breathing heavily and covered in snow.

“Go inside and warm up?” I suggest, making eye contact with him.

He grins. “I won’t miss a chance to get you out of that snowsuit.”

