Page 118 of Corrupting Ava

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“That was me!” I roar, blood pounding in my ears. “Fuck!”

I turn around and pace, taking a beat to collect myself.

“Did you see the car?” Dominic asks her. “Even the color?”

“I stayed in the house. We said goodbye in the kitchen.”

“So we don’t even know if she got into the car willingly, or through force,” I grit out, feeling defeated. IknewI should have gotten her another collar with a tracker. If I had done that, this situation would be verydifferent.

“Have you tried her phone?” Dominic asks.

“A million times. It just rings and then goes to voicemail.”

“Can you track its location?”

I whip out my phone. Of course.

“Is Ava okay?” Maria asks, looking worried.

Nobody answers her.

“Got it,” I grunt. “At a park not that far away.”

Dominic nods. We both know it’s more likely we’ll find the phone there than its owner. But it’s the only lead we have.


Dominic pulls up behind me and we walk to the park together. Following the map on my phone, we go to the north side of the park, where a group of three kids are shooting hoops on the basketball court. They look to be about 12 or 13.

“Hey!” says Dominic, approaching them. “Any chance you guys have seen a cell phone?”

The kids exchange looks that tell us immediately that they have.

“I’ll give you $100 each if you give me the phone and tell me where you found it,” I say, pulling out my wallet and showing them the money.

One of them takes Ava’s cell phone out of his pocket immediately and hands it to me. “Someone threw it out of a car!” he tells me eagerly. “I thought it was okay to take it because they didn’t want it anymore.”

I take the phone from him, rubbing my thumb across the cracks that spiderweb across the screen. “What kind of car was it?”

“It looked like that one,” he says, pointing to a white sedan.

“It wasn’t white, it was silver!” says one of the other kids.

“That phone is worth more than $300. We should sell it on eBay and split the money,” whispers the third.

The first kid gives me an accusatory look. “Yeah, hey, wait, give it back!”

I drop the $300 on the ground and turn away from them. Dominic and I walk away as they scramble for the money.

“Not very helpful,” says Dominic. “A white or silver sedan? That’s half the cars in the city.”

My fists clench. I know he’s right. “Go talk to the soldiers, see what you can find out. I’m going to talk to the captains.”

“We’re going to find her,” my friend tells me, putting a hand on my shoulder. “Trust me, we’re going to find her.”


“Jesus,” says Sal over the phone as I sit in the front seat of my car outside Gino’s bar. “I can hardly believe it. Fuckin’ awful, to mess with a man’s wife. What the fuck kind of honor is there in that?”
