Page 26 of Corrupting Ava

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The next day

A deal with the devil. That’s what I made.

Now I’m marrying the devil.

I can’t help but wonder how many wedding planners died to make this event happen on 24 hours’ notice. For some reason, that’s the only thing I can think about as Salvatore Marino, one of the Rossi family captains, walks me down the aisle. He’s standing in for my father, who is at home under guard by Alessandro’s men.

The thought brings me a vicious sort of satisfaction: my father trapped in his own living room, furious and unable toprevent me from marrying the man who will soon take over his entire organization. There’s a victory for me in that. I beat him.

But when I reach the altar and see Alessandro standing there, dangerously handsome in his suit, my mouth goes dry. He’s looking at me with a singular intention in his eyes, like he’s a predator and I’m something he wants to eat.

Something he’sgoingto eat.

The priest says his part, and I don’t hear a word of it. All of Alessandro’s attention is on me, and I feel naked under his gaze. Completely naked. The whole ceremony happens in a blur. I don’t even remember saying our vows, just Alessandro’s dark eyes.

I made a deal with the devil, and tonight, he’s going to claim what’s his.

“I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Rossi,” says the priest, and the whole crowd in front of us cheers. It’s a smaller group than I’m used to, but still full of the same Mafia figures I’ve been seeing at events my entire life. As much as I’ve always hated these gatherings in the past, right now, I find the familiarity comforting. At least I know this world.

“You may now seal your vows with a kiss.”

Now I’m forced to look at the man next to me. Myhusband. The man I didn’t choose to marry, neverwantedto marry, but am now married to all the same. He grins at me, and to my surprise, the smile does reach his eyes. He looks joyous, and as he leans in to kiss me, it’s like one of those fireworks moments from a movie. I melt into him, feeling his warmth. For a split second, it’s like everything around us fades away. There’s just us, and the heat of our lips pressed together.

This is the first time we’ve kissed,I realize. He’s tied me up, made mecome, but he’s never kissed me.

Alessandro is a good kisser.

As we walk around the reception together, playing the happy couple, people come up to greet us. Everyone asks where myparents are, and every time, we repeat the lie we’ve practiced: they both woke up sick with the flu, and are devastated they couldn’t come to the wedding. But they send their regards, and thank you so much for being here on short notice.

Everyone seems happy for us. The higher-ups in both families all already knew about our arranged marriage, so it’s only the short notice that raises eyebrows, not the fact that we’re doing it at all. I don’t doubt there will be some muttering when my father announces his “retirement” in the near future, but by that point, it will be too late.

I won.Wewon. My father’s power is gone, and the man who took it is parading me around on his arm, beaming at me with affection.

So much affection, it almost seems real.

And so as the reception continues, I allow myself to feel a glimmer of hope. It’s so easy to forget this isn’t a love marriage, that Alessandro isn’t marrying me because he wants me, but because he wants the power of my last name.

It feels like he wants me.

All the little touches. His hand on my waist, on the small of my back, on my shoulder. Little kisses on my cheek. I’ve never been treated like this before, byanyone. It’s something I’ve always wanted, always craved, never had.

If it’s a performance, it’s a good one. It’s convincingme.

Chapter Eighteen


The hair on the back of my neck prickles as Alessandro and I ride the elevator up to the honeymoon suite. There’s a tension between us that’s been building the entire night, and now it’s ready to burst.

I know what tonight means. And I haven’t told him I’m a virgin.

His hand tightens around my waist as the elevator reaches our floor. His body language has been growing increasingly possessive this entire night, to the point that now, he’s practically dragging me down the hall with a sense of urgency to his actions. I exhale as his hand slides lower to my hip, cupping me in an extremely intimate way.

All of his actions signal one thing very clearly: I’m his now. And he’s going to do what he wants with me.

I want to say something, to break the tension, but my mouth is dry. I’m nervous and excited and overwhelmed all at the same time.

Unlocking the honeymoon suite and opening the door for me, he finally speaks:
