Page 83 of Corrupting Ava

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“What is it?” I ask. I don’t recognize any of the guys.

“That’s Jason,” she mutters. “The one I told you about.”

“Shit. Do you want to leave?”

“Wait, what’s going on?” Dominic asks. “Do you know those guys?”

Isabella looks like she doesn’t want to answer. I glance at her. “Is it okay if I explain?”

She nods. “Go ahead.”

I sigh and turn to Dominic. “The blond one is somebody Isabella matched with on a dating app a couple weeks ago. Quarterback on the BCU team or something. They went on one date, she broke things off, and he’s been borderline-stalking her ever since.”

“Borderline-stalking her?”

Isabella rubs her forehead, still keeping her face turned away from the group of football players. “He keeps ‘running into me’ on my way to class and asking why I won’t give him a second date. Was sending about 20 texts a day until I blocked his number.”

“Jesus. Want me to go have a talk with him?”

She looks sharply at Dominic, as though somewhere between impressed and tempted, but shakes her head. “I don’t want to make a scene. He hasn’t bothered me since last week. Maybe he got bored.”

“Well if you change your mind,” says Alessandro, “Dom and I have your back.”

“I thought that was you!”

Isabella and I both wince at the sound of Jason the football player’s slurred voice. He swaggers over to our table, confident as can be, eyes narrowing cruelly.

“Can I help you?” Alessandro asks.

Jason ignores him. “Hey, Isabella! Remember me?”

“My friend asked if he can help you,” Dominic growls.

The football player takes a step closer to him, puffing out his broad shoulders. “Shut up. I’m not talking to you.”

Immediately, the atmosphere in the bar changes. Less chatter, more people paying attention to our table.

“I don’t want to date you,” says Isabella, face bright red, “so just fuck off and leave me alone.”

“You should go rejoin your friends,” says Alessandro, his voice low and deadly.

“Or what?” Jason turns his attention back to Isabella. “You think I want to date you? You wouldn’t put out anyway, you bitch.”

Dominic stands up from his chair instantly, getting in his face. The football player looks like he outweighs him, but I know that whatever confidence he draws from that fact is badly, badly misplaced.

“Get the fuck out of here,” says Dominic. “Or you’re going to get hurt.”

Jason takes a step backwards, but he seems more amused than intimidated. “Ooh, I’m so scared, your new boyfriend threatened to beat me up. Whatever shall I do?” He looks over at his group of friends, who laugh.

Dominic doesn’t budge. “Last warning.”

Jason’s eyes flash. “Hey, wait a second. I just realized something!” He looks over at Isabella with an evil grin. “You’re only 20 years old. It said so in your profile. Are you drinking illegally?” He raises his voice so the whole bar can hear. “This one’s underage! She’s drinking with a fake ID!”

Luigi the bar owner stomps over to our table holding a bat.“Out!”he yells. “Get the fuck out of my bar!”

Jason eyes the bat, then laughs. “Just having a little fun. Don’t worry, I’m going. Come on, guys.”

He motions to his friends and they get up, one of them intentionally spilling a drink on his way out.
