Page 90 of Corrupting Ava

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That afternoon, I decide to leave Alessandro’s apartment. I don’t need groceries or anything, and honestly, I’m not even really going stir crazy yet.

What I want is to get his attention.

There’s a bubble tea shop right across the street from the penthouse, and it has outdoor seating. I get myself a drink and sit outside at one of the tables, somewhere I know he’ll see me as he pulls into the parking garage. Is it immature? Maybe. But I know it’s going to get me punished, which is what I want.

Last night felt bad. By the time Alessandro finally came back from his “workout,” I had been in bed for at least an hour. And he barely spoke a word to me this morning before leaving the house.

In the back of my mind, my father's words continue to haunt me. If Alessandro knows something about our engagement that he hasn't told me, that hurts. But not as much as him pulling away. In the aftermath of the car bomb, all I want is the security of our growing closeness.

At least if I earn a spanking, he’ll be forced to focus on me again.

I watch the street nervously, my eyes catching on every Tesla that passes by. Then I realize he doesn’t have a Tesla anymore, just a rental car I haven’t seen. Shit, I won’t even know when he gets home. This is slightly nerve-racking.

Alessandro will probably be angry with me, scold me for putting myself in danger. Except I’m not! He admitted himself that thisneighborhood is safe. And I know from growing up in the mob life that families aren’t targets.

I shift in my seat, unable to relax. I’m expecting to have a very sore ass by the time I go to bed tonight.



My vision catches on something as I pull my rental car into the garage at my penthouse. It’s the café across the street. The woman sitting at the table outside looks surprisingly like…

Itis.God dammit. My eyes narrow as I recognize Ava, looking pretty as anything in a short white skirt and tights, sipping her drink. The moment I park my car, I get out and cross the street.

Ava sees me coming down the sidewalk, and I can tell she’s been expecting me.Jesus Christ. She’s only been at home for two days and she’s already breaking the rules I set down for her. Is she trying to get herself fucking killed?

There are going to be consequences. Serious ones.

“How’s your boba?” I ask, stopping in front of her table.

“Pretty good,” she says, eyeing me guiltily. “I figured since I didn’t leave the neighborhood, and you said the neighborhood was safe—”

I silence her with a look. She shudders, glancing down at her drink, and then at me.

“We’re going home,” I say, holding out my hand.“Now.”

She shudders again, then stands up and takes my outstretched hand. We cross the street, and I don’t let go of her until it’s time to unlock the front door.

Once we’re inside, the tension is palpable. Ava knows she’s in trouble, and she’s waiting on my word.

Yeah, she’s in trouble, all right.

The moment our shoes are off, I grab her by the waist, drag her over to the living room, and throw her over my knee.

“Hey!” she protests as I flip up her skirt and yank down her tights, exposing her ass. Her perky cheeks tempt me, separated only by the thin strip of a turquoise thong.

Right now, though, I'm worried about more than sex. The skin on her ass is currently pale, but soon it will be red with my handprints.

“I think I made the rules very clear,” I growl, delivering hard spanks to each of her cheeks. “You knew exactly where you were going to end up, leaving the apartment like that. Right here.Right fucking here.”

Ava starts struggling, trying to get away, but I hold her in place, pinning her arms behind her back.

“Bad girl. You donottry to get away from me when I’m punishing you. You just made things a lot worse for yourself.”
