Page 93 of Corrupting Ava

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I lie curled against Alessandro, very aware of the plug in my ass, sticky with his cum. I feel deeply content right now. Like this is where I was made to be.

“I got something today,” he tells me, reaching over to the nightstand. “And it’s a good thing, too.Clearly, it’s needed.” I watch as he produces a thin metal ring about the diameter of my neck. “Any guesses on what this is?”

“It looks like a collar,” I say, cheeks reddening.

“That’s correct. Want to guess what’s special about it?”

“Uh, it’s made of metal instead of leather?”

He swings a hinge that blended so seamlessly into the metal, I didn’t even see it. The collar opens. I lean forward, allowing him to place it around my neck, then he clips it shut.

“Try to take it off.”

I try, but I can’t. I can’t even find the hinge in the back, no matter how much I search with my fingers.

“It won’t open without a key,” he tells me. “This little hole right here?” He points out a tiny speck that I can’t even see from my angle. “This is how I open it. That’s the first special thing about it.”

Fuck. A collar that I literally can’t take off. That’s… intense. Unbidden, my pussy gives a satisfied twitch. “What’s the second thing?” I ask, voice trembling slightly.

“It has a tracking device. Anywhere you go, I’ll be able to see it in real time on a map.”

My jaw drops. “Seriously?”

“Seriously. And after today, I think we can both see why that’s a good idea.”

“You’re fucking crazy,” I tell him, even though the obsession behind that gesture scratches a very deep itch.

“Maybe I am, but I’ll be a little less crazy if I can check on you and know that you’re safe.”

“Knowing where I am isn’t the same as knowing that I’m safe.”

He gulps, his expression turning to stone. “Well, I’ll take it. That, plus getting you out of the state.”

I roll my eyes. “I thought we were done with that.”

“We were. Not anymore. Not after today.”

His words hit me like a ton of bricks. “What?”

“Ava, our agreement was that you would stay at home in the apartment. The whole point was to protect you, and the rules were very clear. But you broke them. I can’t have this betrayal.”

“Betrayal?Oh, come on. Look, I’m sorry, okay? You already punished me. I won’t do it again.”

“No, you won’t. Because you’ll be living in Oregon, or Washington, or Rhode Island, or somewhereother than here.Whatever danger I’m in, you won’t be in it anymore. You’ll be safe.”

“Oh, come on, that’s such a bullshit excuse. I grew up with a mob boss. My dad never sent us out-of-state just because there was sometroublegoing on. That’s what the vacation house was for, remember? The one you burned down?”

Alessandro steels his face. “Ava, do you realize what would have happened if we’d been closer to the car when that bomb went off? You would have been blown to pieces. I would have been picking your charred body parts off the ground.”

“No you wouldn’t. Because you’d be dead, too.” I realize as I’m saying it that I’m not making a very convincing point.

“And that makes it better?”

“No, I just…” I break off, frustrated. I don’t know how to say what I want to. We’re supposed to be ateam. Doesn’t he get why this hurts me? I search my husband’s gaze for understanding, but there is none. I can’t find even a hint of love in his face.

My eyes well up, as much as I try to stop them. I don’t understand why he’s treating me like this. All I know is that my husband sending me away makes me feel deeply, painfully unwanted. It confirms everything I always suspected.

He thinks I’m his weakness, not his strength.
