Page 1 of My Rise

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When you work for the mafia, you tend to love the shadows.

Especially when the name of the mafia is the Shadow Syndicate.

This night, I allow the shadows to drape over me, covering me like a lover’s warm embrace. My hidden vantage point affords me a perfect view of the unfolding scene, and I watch with satisfaction bordering on euphoria as the authorities close in, finally capturing the trio that once held dominion over the criminal underworld. Victor Kovalenko, Nadia Volkov, and Leo Mikhailov—names that once struck fear into the hearts of many—are now bound by the cold, unforgiving grip of justice.

Their money won’t help them now. Not lawyers. Nothing. So many have been working behind the scenes to ensure their downfall, and I am almost drunk on happiness.

The wail of sirens echoes through the night. My heart races with a mixture of triumph and vindication. The shadows conceal my elation, but the satisfaction dances in my smirk like a hidden flame.

Victor's arrogance, Nadia's cunning, and Leo's calculated ruthlessness—all finally laid bare and exposed for the world tosee. Their fall from grace is a symphony of poetic justice, and I revel in the sheer beauty of their demise.

As the handcuffs snap shut around their wrists, a wave of relief washes over me. The weight of years spent in the shadows, biding my time, manipulating the intricate dance of power—everything has led to this moment. The satisfaction is a heady cocktail, intoxicating and empowering.

I watch as the once-mighty criminals are led away, their defiant facades crumbling in the face of inevitable consequences. A smile plays on my lips, a secretive acknowledgment of the triumph I've orchestrated from the shadows. The world may never know the orchestrator of this downfall, but I savor the private victory—a queen reclaiming her dominion, even if it remains veiled in darkness.

Now, I’m not one to boast. I’ll admit that I can't claim sole credit for the downfall of Victor, Nadia, and Leo. In the intricate web of power plays and hidden agendas, my role remains concealed, obscured by the shadows I've adeptly navigated. As an underling, my contributions often go unnoticed, dismissed in the grand narrative of their demise.

But that suits me just fine. The underestimated, the overlooked—these are the positions from which true power can be wielded. In the hushed corridors of influence, I've silently pulled strings, manipulated circumstances, and carefully nudged events toward this moment of reckoning.

Being a shadow in the background allows me to move with a freedom that goes undetected. The world may not acknowledge the role I played in bringing down these titans of crime, but that's inconsequential. For someone like me, a patient strategist biding her time in the wings, obscurity is an asset.

Being ignored and underestimated—it's a guise that won't always define my existence. The currents of power are ever-shifting, and as the tides change, so too will the perception ofsomeone who once operated in the shadows. I'm a force to be reckoned with, and the time will come when my name resonates through the corridors of power, and the world will recognize the true orchestrator behind the fall of those who once held dominion. Until then, I remain the quiet architect of chaos, patiently waiting for my moment to step into the spotlight.

Leaving the scene of the arrest, I move with purpose, navigating the darkened streets with ease and confidence. I have a gun in my handbag as well as a mace and a dagger. I’m also a black belt in mixed martial arts and jujutsu. No ballet lessons for me when I was growing up, and I never complained about the long hours spent endlessly punching, kicking, and grappling. One’s body must be strong, their mind sharp, their heart empty. Otherwise, you’re vulnerable, and if you’re vulnerable, you’re weak.

And if you’re weak, you’re dead.

Or behind bars. I grin again.

Two blocks over, I reach my car, a sleek and unassuming vehicle blending seamlessly into the urban landscape.

Sliding behind the wheel, I take a moment to relish the quiet solitude of the vehicle's interior. The hum of the engine and the soft glow of the dashboard provide a brief respite from the tension that has defined the night.

With a deft touch, I unlock my phone and compose a message to my brother. The illuminated screen casts a pale glow on my face as I type out the instructions,Meet me at Sunrise Bistro.I keep the message succinct yet imbued with an undeniable sense of authority.

Dominic is the only person I can rely on, the only one I dare to trust with my vision going forward. Not even he knows all of my plans, and the Sunrise Bistro, a seemingly innocuous location, is a place where secrets can be shared discreetly.

With the message sent, I start the engine and merge into the flow of city traffic. The night may be shrouded in darkness, but as I navigate the streets with purpose, I am acutely aware that the dawn of a new era is on the horizon.

Sunrise Bistro stands unassumingly on the corner of a quiet street, its exterior adorned with large, wooden-framed windows that allow a warm, inviting glow to spill onto the sidewalk. The brick façade exudes a timeless charm, weathered by years of existence. A subtle sign, adorned with elegant cursive lettering, announces the bistro's name in gold against a dark backdrop. A few wrought-iron tables with charming umbrellas dot the sidewalk, inviting patrons to enjoy the fresh air during milder weather. The overall exterior hints at a place where one can find solace and familiarity within its walls.

Upon entering Sunrise Bistro, the ambiance transforms into one of understated elegance that one wouldn’t expect from a place with such a name. The air carries the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the subtle notes of various culinary delights. Soft jazz melodies provide a soothing backdrop to the gentle hum of conversation. The interior boasts a combination of warm, earthy tones and muted pastels, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere. An eclectic mix of bistro-style tables and plush booths accommodates patrons seeking both intimacy and sociability.

The walls are adorned with local artwork, and strategically placed potted plants add a touch of greenery to the space. Large, framed mirrors give an illusion of spaciousness, while vintage light fixtures cast a soft glow, creating pockets of warm illumination throughout the bistro.

The centerpiece is a polished mahogany counter, behind which skilled baristas craft intricate coffee creations. Shelves lined with an assortment of books and culinary knick-knacks contribute to the bistro's eclectic charm. The overall design exudes a balance of rustic charm and modern sophistication, making Sunrise Bistro a haven for those seeking a momentary escape from the outside world.

As I settle into the cozy booth in the back corner of Sunrise Bistro, the subtle ambiance of the place envelops me. The warm tones and soft lighting create a tranquil atmosphere, providing the perfect backdrop for the clandestine meeting about to unfold. The bistro's eclectic decor, a harmonious blend of vintage and modern elements, mirrors the duality of the hidden world I navigate.

A few minutes pass, and the entrance chime tinkles softly, signaling Dominic's arrival. He strides in with a purposeful gait, his presence commanding attention even in the understated elegance of the bistro. Dominic's keen eyes quickly locate me in the secluded booth, and with a nod, he makes his way over.

Seated across from me, Dominic settles into the strategically chosen spot where he, too, can observe the comings and goings of the diner. The subtle creak of the leather as he leans back in his chair goes unnoticed amidst the ambient sounds of hushed conversations and clinking cutlery.

The allure of the booth's vantage point, providing an unobtrusive view of the entire diner, isn't lost on either of us. From our concealed position, we can discreetly survey everyone who enters and exits, a precaution ingrained in the instincts of those accustomed to the shadows.

Leaning in slightly, I can't help but relish the opportunity to share the news that has been the culmination of meticulous planning and strategic maneuvering.
