Page 2 of My Rise

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"Dominic," I say, my voice a low, conspiratorial whisper, "you'll be pleased to know that our esteemed trio—Victor Kovalenko, Nadia Volkov, and Leo Mikhailov—are no longer free to roam the streets with their air of invincibility."

A gleeful smile plays on my lips, and I take a moment to savor the weight of those words. The satisfaction of watching the pillars of the former empire crumble under the weight of justice is a momentous victory.

"The authorities swooped in," I continue, my tone laced with a touch of triumph, "and they now find themselves in the cold embrace of the justice system. Handcuffs, Miranda rights, the whole spectacle. It was a sight to behold."

As I divulge the details of the arrests, I gauge Dominic's reaction, watching for the subtle shifts in his expression. For a moment, the shadows seem to recede, leaving room for the glow of shared accomplishment.

This revelation isn't just about the downfall of criminal titans. It's a testament to our prowess in orchestrating events from the shadows, and as I lay out the narrative, I can't help but revel in the shared sense of satisfaction that emanates from Dominic's reaction. The dance of shadows continues, and with each clandestine revelation, the intricate threads of our hidden world tighten, solidifying the bond that ties us together in the pursuit of power.

“I wish I would’ve been there,” he says.

“I wish it too,” I admit. “It’ll be front page news tomorrow.”

“You already alerted the news outlets to it, huh?”

“Of course. Anonymously, naturally.”

“The public will eat them alive,” he says. “Everything terrible and cruel that a mafia could do, they did it and more.”

“Which is why they had to be brought down.” Leaning in a bit closer, I lower my voice, a conspiratorial edge adding weight to my next revelation. "Dominic, this is just the beginning. Withthe old guard incapacitated, the field is wide open. I have no intention of letting this opportunity slip through our fingers."

His eyebrows lift slightly. He caughtour.

A spark of determination curls my lips into a wide smile. "I'm setting the stage to rebuild the mafia and reshape it under my rule. The power vacuum left in the wake of their downfall is ours to fill. It's time for a new order, and I plan to be the one pulling the strings."

The words hang in the air, and I fix Dominic with an intense gaze, seeking validation in his reaction. The shadows that have veiled our actions for so long now seem to dance in anticipation of the formidable empire we aim to resurrect. The shared understanding between us transforms the booth into a strategic planning ground, where every word carries the weight of our clandestine intentions.

As I lay out my vision for the future, the echoes of a new era reverberate through our hushed conversation, and in Dominic's eyes, I find a reflection of the determination that courses through my veins. Together, in the shadows, we embark on the clandestine journey to rebuild a mafia that will be shaped by the careful hands of those who understand the intricate dance of power all too well.


Dominic's eagerness resonates in the subtle nods and the determined gleam in his eyes. There's an unspoken understanding between us that transcends words, a bond forged in the crucible of loss and survival. As we embark on this audacious endeavor to reshape the criminal landscape, the shared history that binds us becomes an unyielding foundation.

Our story began in the aftermath of tragedy. Orphaned at a tender age, we found ourselves thrust into the unforgiving embrace of Midnight Eclipse. The shadows that loomed over our parents' involvement in the Shadow Syndicate had cast a long, dark legacy, one that shaped the trajectory of our lives.

From the age of ten, I shouldered the responsibility of guiding us through the labyrinth of Midnight Eclipse. Dominic, merely six at the time, became both my solace and my charge. Together, we navigated the intricate dance of survival within the confines of the Shadow Syndicate's hidden fortress.

The memories of those early years form a tapestry of shared experiences—late-night discussions by dimly lit corridors, learning the unwritten rules of the Shadow Syndicate, and adapting to the ever-present threat that lingered in the shadows.Our bond became a testament to resilience, an unspoken vow that the sins of our parents would not define us, but rather propel us toward a destiny of our own making.

Now, as Dominic and I sit in the quiet booth of Sunrise Bistro, our shared history intertwines with the vision I've just laid out. The past, though scarred by tragedy, has forged us into individuals with an unparalleled understanding of the shadows we navigate.

In Dominic's eager agreement, I see the unwavering loyalty of a brother who has stood by my side through thick and thin. Together, we embark on this journey to resurrect the mafia, not just as a criminal enterprise, but as a force to be reckoned with—a legacy forged in the crucible of Midnight Eclipse and destined to cast its own shadows over the world.

“Of course I’m in,” my brother declares. He rubs his hands together. “When can we get started?”

I smile to myself.

Before I can say anything, Dominic asks, “What about Sophia Alvarez? Should we bring her on?”

I subtly shake my head. The history between Sophia and the previous leadership of the Shadow Syndicate is too entangled, too fraught with potential risks.

"Sophia," I say carefully, choosing my words with deliberate precision, "is a part of the old guard. It's a delicate situation, Dominic. The less we involve those who have ties to the past, the better. We can't afford to risk any potential complications, especially with the remnants of the Shadow Syndicate still in disarray. Who knows? Nadia may attempt to incriminate others to secure a more favorable deal for herself. Sophia needs to navigate her own path through these turbulent waters. We'll keep our focus on building something new, something resilient."

Dominic, though concerned, nods in understanding. “She’ll probably learn about her husband’s affair soon enough.”

“Mark is cheating on her? I thought he was head over heels for her.”

“He was, but from what I gather, he found out about Pablo.”
