Page 3 of My Rise

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“Pablo? Did she dump Erik for him?”


I’m shocked. “Frank?”

Dominic nods. “Word is that Frank served her food that was too hot for her to handle.”

“That’s on her, not him.” I roll my eyes. Love is a fool’s game.

And Sophia Alvarez is certainly a fool. Her interactions with Robyn Bracken, a relatively new bartender at Midnight Eclipse, reveal that. I’m confident Robyn and her lovers—Jovan Bocchino, Chance Turner, Jackson Rodriguez, and Damien Blackwood, all members of Jovan’s Grim Reaper motorcycle club—all helped to bring down the Shadow Syndicate. The fact that Sophia never discerned Robyn's double life is both a testament to Robyn's skill at deception and an indicator of Sophia's potential vulnerability in the intricate world we navigate.

As we strategize on the future of the burgeoning empire, it becomes evident that individuals with a keen awareness of the shadows will be crucial allies. The pragmatic approach demands that we surround ourselves with individuals who possess the acumen and resilience required for the tasks at hand. Sophia's involvement, given the complexities and potential risks, might not align with the vision we have for the future.

Our focus remains on building an empire that thrives in the shadows, one shaped by individuals who not only share our history but also bring the necessary skills and awareness to navigate the intricate dance of power. As we move forward, the selection of allies becomes a strategic imperative, ensuring that every individual involved possesses the acuity to adaptand succeed in the ever-shifting landscape of the criminal underworld.

Leaning in, I meet Dominic's gaze with a determined expression. "Dominic, I need you to be our eyes and ears in this shifting landscape. Keep a close watch on the currents of power, the emerging players, and those with the skills and discretion we need for the path ahead. I want you to come up with a list of names of individuals you believe have the acumen, loyalty, and adaptability required for the roles we're envisioning. We need a team that not only understands the shadows but thrives in them."

"Absolutely, Vanessa," Dominic responds with a nod, his commitment evident in the unwavering gaze he directs at me. "I'll start digging into the network, old contacts, and potential new alliances. It's time to compile a list of individuals who can not only navigate the shadows but also bring the necessary skills and loyalty to the table."

His tone carries a sense of determination, a reminder of the unspoken pact forged in the crucible of Midnight Eclipse. Dominic knows the intricacies of our world as intimately as I do, and his ability to discern the nuances of alliances and potential recruits is an invaluable asset.

"Consider connections, skills, and potential risks," I add, emphasizing the need for thorough evaluation. "We're building something new, Dominic, something that will cast its own shadows over the underworld. The individuals we bring into this fold will play a crucial role in shaping the future we're striving to create."

“Of course. I’ll be discreet. The last thing we need is unnecessary attention," Dominic assures, leaning back slightly as he contemplates the task at hand. "I'll gather intelligence, evaluate loyalties, and present you with a list of names that align with the vision we have for the empire."

With a final nod, Dominic stands and leaves.

Once he’s left the bistro, I catch a waitress’s eye and motion for a coffee. The aroma of freshly brewed beans wafts through the air, a comforting scent that provides a momentary respite from the complexities of the clandestine world. The waitress nods in understanding and swiftly goes to fulfill the request.

Alone with my thoughts, I contemplate the path ahead. In this moment of stillness, I find solace in the thought that every move, every decision, is a brushstroke on the canvas of the empire we aim to resurrect. The shadows that weave through our lives, like tendrils of possibility, beckon me forward. With a steely resolve, I prepare to navigate the intricate dance that awaits, fueled by the determination to carve a legacy from the darkness.

To my surprise, the waitress isn’t the one to bring over the coffee. Alex Schroeder does, carrying two mugs of steaming coffee.

With a silent nod of gratitude, I accept the mug he offers, feeling the warmth seep through the porcelain and into my hands.

He takes a seat across from me, and the air between us carries a certain tension, a blend of familiarity and the uncharted territory of our evolving dynamics. The muted conversations in the bistro form a distant backdrop as we find ourselves enveloped in a momentary stillness.

"Alex," I greet him, a flicker of curiosity dancing in my eyes. "Unexpected, but appreciated." I raise my mug.

The clink of porcelain against porcelain resonates softly, a subtle echo of the shared complexities that bind us in this clandestine world.

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee fills the air as he places the mugs on the table—one for me and one for himself. The unspoken understanding of the beverage as a companionin these clandestine moments adds an intimate layer to the exchange.

He takes the seat across from me, a subtle acknowledgment passing between us. The world we navigate is one of shadows and secrets, and in this quiet corner of Sunrise Bistro, the air seems charged with unspoken possibilities.

The weight of the coffee mug in my hands provides a grounding sensation as I take a sip, the rich flavor momentarily distracting from the complexities that surround us. Alex, with his characteristic calmness, awaits the conversation that is sure to unfold.

Alex Schroeder is not a stranger to the intricate world we navigate. Our paths first crossed in the shadowy corridors of Midnight Eclipse, the fortress that harbored those connected to the Shadow Syndicate. As the Shadow Syndicate's influence cast its web across our lives, Alex emerged as a figure of significance within that clandestine realm.

In those formative years, marked by loss and survival, Alex and I developed a tacit understanding. He possessed a particular set of skills that aligned with the clandestine pursuits of the Shadow Syndicate. Our interactions were often veiled in secrecy, shared glances and unspoken agreements woven into the fabric of our covert existence.

Alex's calm demeanor and the precision with which he operated set him apart in a world where trust was a rare commodity. As we navigated the challenges imposed by the Shadow Syndicate, the lines between ally and adversary blurred. The complexities of our shared history forged a connection that surpassed the transient nature of the criminal underworld.

Now, as he sits across from me in Sunrise Bistro, the echoes of our intertwined past create an undercurrent of understanding. The coffee between us symbolizes more than a casual exchange—it is a communion of shared experiences, asubtle acknowledgment of the shadows that have shaped our lives. In the world we inhabit, where alliances are fragile and loyalties tested, Alex Schroeder represents a familiar presence, a figure whose role in the intricate dance of power continues to unfold.

"Tell me," I begin, meeting his gaze with a measured intensity, "what brings you to this corner of the shadows today?" The question hangs in the air, inviting him to share his thoughts and intentions in a space where every word carries weight.

"Vanessa," Alex says, his voice steady, "I heard about the arrests. Quite a development, isn't it?"
