Page 46 of My Rise

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“Excellent. We’ll do that,” he tells the waiter.

“And for my main course, the filet mignon. Rare.”

Dylan grins at me. “We can split the Foie gras as an appetizer?”

I nod.

“And the seared Chilean sea bass.”

“Very good,” the waiter says.

“Oh, and a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon, please,” Dylan says.

“Right away.”

We clink our champagne, and I’m grateful he doesn’t make a speech.

“I eyed your steak on our first date,” I confess.

“You should’ve said. “I would’ve given it to you.”

“I don’t want to eat your food,” I protest.

“What’s mine is yours.”

As Dylan engages in lively conversation, his sincerity and kindness are evident. He remains blissfully unaware of the intricacies that shape my world—a world where power struggles,alliances, and the pursuit of control create a complex tapestry that transcends the elegance of the restaurant's surroundings.

The dinner, a temporary respite from the shadows, becomes a testament to the precarious equilibrium I must maintain. Dylan, unknowingly thrust into the intricate dance of my double life, provides a brief escape from the clandestine world that awaits beyond the restaurant's opulent facade.

“I find it delightful that you’re opening a casino.”

“Delightful? Are you a gambling man, Dylan?”

He smirks. “Actually, before I became the mayor's bodyguard, I worked as a bouncer at a casino. Quite the experience, I must say."

Oh, now if that isn’t interesting, I don’t know what is.

"A bouncer at a casino? That must have been interesting. Any memorable stories?" I ask.

He chuckles. "Oh, more than a few. You wouldn't believe the characters that frequent casinos. I've seen everything from high-stakes poker drama to the occasional card-counting genius trying to outsmart the system."

The revelation adds a layer of intrigue to Dylan's persona—a man who once navigated the vibrant and unpredictable world of casinos as a guardian of order. The subtle shift in conversation unveils a side of him beyond the composed exterior, hinting at a history colored by the complexities of the gambling industry.

“Do you miss those days?"

"Sometimes. The thrill of the games, the constant ebb and flow of fortunes. But life has its twists, and now I find myself in a different kind of game—protecting the mayor, navigating politics."

“Hmm.” I tap my chin. "So, do you prefer being a bodyguard over the casino scene?"

He wiggles his eyebrows. "Well, let's just say guarding your body feels like the most important job in the world."

“Is that right?” I shake my head even as I laugh. “But I suppose guarding the mayor has its perks too?"

He grins. "Different kind of thrill. Plus, I get to meet fascinating people like you."

We’re served our soups and the duck liver. For a few minutes, we’re silent as we eat, but eventually, I can’t help but ask him for details again.

"Come on, Dylan. You can't just tease me with tales of high-stakes poker and not share the juicier stories. Any encounters that left a lasting impression?"
