Page 47 of My Rise

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His eyes smolder. "Let's just say, in that world, you come across all kinds. People with secrets or hidden agendas. Sometimes, the shadows of the casino hold more than just cards and chips."

The cryptic response, coupled with the intensity in Dylan's gaze, introduces a subtle shift in the conversation. The veil of charm and playfulness momentarily gives way to a glimpse of a more mysterious and enigmatic side—an acknowledgment that the world of casinos harbors not only games of chance but also the shadows of the unknown.

Despite myself, I’m intrigued. Just how much does he know about the stakes of casinos and the underground?

"Secrets and hidden agendas, huh? Sounds like there's more to your casino days than meets the eye."

He smirks. "Maybe, but let's just say that even in the most glamorous places, darkness has its way of creeping in."

I certainly know all about that.

Our dinner is delightful. So is Dylan and his company, and maybe I shouldn’t, but I climb into his car afterward and we head back to his place. Yes, I end up in his bed, and unlike with Alex, I spend the night, but in the morning, by the time he wakes, I’m long gone, having called an Uber to take me back to the restaurant to retrieve my car.

Dylan is intriguing. Almost too much so.

In the days following my dinner with Dylan, I rely on Dominic and Silhouette to learn more about the former casino bouncer. I find myself hoping he doesn’t hold a hidden agenda or ulterior motives that might jeopardize my carefully crafted plans.

"Dominic, Silhouette, what do we have on Dylan? Anything that raises concerns?"

"I've dug deep, Vanessa. His history checks out. From the casino bouncer days to his current role, nothing seems amiss. No hidden allegiances or red flags."

"I've tapped into some underground channels too. No whispers, no shadows. He's clean, as far as we can tell. Willing to do what it takes to protect those in his charge. Broke a few bones but was never seen to go too far."

With their assurances, the enigma surrounding Dylan dissipates, leaving behind a sense of relief. The information gathered serves as a testament to the effectiveness of my network—a network meticulously built to ensure that those entering my inner circle are scrutinized and vetted. As Dylan's name emerges from the shadows of uncertainty, a newfound confidence settles in, allowing me to navigate the complex web of alliances with a measure of certainty and assurance.


The timeline for the first underground casino opening is three months. I bought one that had failed decades ago, long enough that it should have been overlooked by just about everyone. It’s been combed over five times over. There aren’t any bugs or wires, nothing at all, as clean as can be.

Until my own instruments are put in.

With Xavier, my Operations and Logistics Manager, by my side, we work out a schedule for everything, from the logistics to setting up equipment to the personnel who will run the tables.

Once Xavier assures me that everything will be done, I start to leave, but then Alex bursts in.

“Vanessa, a word.”

He looks beyond unnerved, his hair sticking up as if he’s been yanking on the ends I suppress the urge to fix it and maneuver around the tables to bring him to a corner.

“What’s going on?” I demand.

“It’s Thorn.”

I lift my eyebrows. Dominic, Silhouette, and Alex all signed off on Ivy “Thorn” DeLuca.

“She’s betrayed us.”

This revelation casts a shadow over the carefully woven plans of my emerging mafia. Her skill set as a skilled forger and identity manipulator, once an asset to our cause, now appears to be a double-edged blade.

I frown. "Ivy... I never thought she'd turn. What did you find out?"

His expression is grim. "She's been in contact with Viktor Stolnov. Seems like they're cooking up something behind our backs. Betrayal, plain and simple."

Viktor Stolnov, a figure with the potential to disrupt the delicate balance we've sought to establish. I’m so close to spinning the wheels, and now this?

Vulnerability exists even among those we deem trustworthy. This unexpected challenge demands swift and decisive action.

"We can't let this betrayal go unanswered. Get all the details, and let's convene a meeting. Thorn needs to understand the consequences of crossing us."
