Page 49 of My Rise

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“You’re a forger,” I say dryly.

“I never do it for personal reasons,” she says, sounding full of conviction for the first time since entering the office.

Considering Ivy's admission of betrayal and her desperation, I opt for a nuanced approach that takes into account both justice and pragmatism. The decision involves a careful consideration of Ivy's skills, the circumstances that led to her betrayal, and the potential for her redemption.

"Ivy, what you did is a breach of trust, and it can't be ignored. However, I'm willing to consider a path to redemption. Prove your loyalty moving forward, and understand that any deviation from our cause will have severe consequences. Of course… this is all only an option if you want to remain with us, if you believe in us. If you prefer Viktor and what he has to offer…"

She hasn’t looked toward Alex once, but she does now.

“Word on the street is that Viktor killed his last forger,” Alex says dryly.

Ivy swallows hard. “I… I did hear that.”

“And that’s who you would rather work for?” I ask.

She shakes her head earnestly. "Vanessa, I messed up, and I'm willing to make amends. I'll do whatever it takes to regain your trust. I don’t need the money. I can earn it. In time, I’ll get a house. It’s fine. I… I was blinded…"

“From this point on, you're on probation. Your actions will speak louder than words. Any further betrayal and the consequences will be swift and severe. You're still a valuable asset, Ivy, but remember that trust is not easily earned back."

By offering Ivy a chance at redemption, I aim to maintain the cohesion of the group while ensuring that the consequences of betrayal are not taken lightly. The probationary period becomes a test of her commitment, with the understanding that any deviation from loyalty will result in irreparable consequences. The decision reflects a balance between justice and pragmatism, acknowledging the complexities of the criminal underworld I navigate.

I leave Alex to handle the logistics of the probation. She will have eyes on her at all times, including her work for me. A betrayal will be halted before it can occur a second time.

Most of my hours are at the underground casino, so I return there after the meeting with Ivy. I have some of the tables rearranged, and the old chairs, left behind from the previous owners will need to be thrown out and replaced. Paint for the walls, some artwork will be bought…

Three hours pass before Alex returns to tell me that everything should be handled now.

Xavier comes over. “Everything’s handled now? It shouldn’t have happened in the first place!”

“Xavier,” I murmur.

“This is on you, Alex! How did you miss this?”

Alex turns defensive. "I did my best, Xavier. Ivy had the skills we needed, and she checked out during the initial vetting. This isn't solely on me."

I move to stand between them, keeping my tone calm but assertive. "Enough. Blame won't fix the situation. Dominic and Silhouette mentioned her first, and Ivy slipped through the cracks. We address the issue, learn from it, and ensure it doesn't happen again. Our unity is crucial moving forward."

Xavier shakes his head. “Trust is everything,” he snaps. “Why should you trust Baby Face here?”

Alex lifts his chin. “I uncovered the betrayal. Doesn’t that count for something?”

“Should’ve never happened!”

“Xavier, I agree.”

He smirks at Alex.

“Trust is everything,” I repeat, “and you do trust me, don’t you?”


“Then trust me when I trust Alex.”

“Fine. Can I trust you to break down these chairs, Alex?” Xavier asks.

“I can break them down faster than you,” Alex says calmly.

I fetch myself some water and watch them grow sweaty. Competition can be very healthy, and as the sweat causes their shirts to stick to their muscles, I admit to myself that it can also be sexy. A way for them to blow off steam and also heat me up…
