Page 48 of My Rise

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As the weight of Ivy's betrayal settles, a resolve takes hold—a determination to address the threat head-on and safeguard the foundations of the emerging mafia, even if it means confronting one of our own.

Like the cabin, I have another office that is discreet, and the meeting is there.

“Do you think she’ll show?” Alex murmurs to me.

I don’t look away from the door. “She had better.

Ivy enters. A small, mousy-looking woman, she appears short, her bulky sweatshirt big enough to drown her.

Alex is sitting before my desk, but I stand behind it.

“Sit,” I demand.

Ivy gulps and does as I bid.

I eye Alex, shift my gaze to the open door, and look back at him. I actually own this entire building, but I rent it out to other businesses. He shuts the door.

I wait for him to sit next to Ivy before starting. "Ivy, Alex brought some concerning information to my attention. Care to explain your recent interactions with Viktor Stolnov?"

Her eyes widen, and she looks away before sighing and slumping her shoulders. "Look, Vanessa, things have been tough. Viktor approached me with an offer, and I saw an opportunity. I never meant to betray the group."

Her admission, though lacking in specifics, lays bare the reality of her actions.

I place my hands on my desk and lean forward, still standing. "Betrayal is a serious offense, Ivy. We've built something here, something that depends on trust. What made you turn?"

She hesitates. "Money, Vanessa. I needed it, and Viktor promised me a way out. I got desperate."

The confession reveals a vulnerability within Ivy, a vulnerability that Viktor Stolnov exploited. As I contemplate the next steps, I weigh the consequences of her actions against the skills she brings to the table.

“If you needed a loan, you could have turned to me, you do realize.”

“I… I should’ve… but…”

“Viktor might have been at this longer, but I do have funds already,” I say dryly. “Do not underestimate me.”

“I… I won’t?—”

"Ivy, betrayal has consequences, but I also understand desperation. We've invested in each other. Can you prove your loyalty moving forward, or is this the end of the line for you?"

The decision hangs in the balance—a delicate equilibrium between justice and pragmatism. The outcome will not onlyshape Ivy's fate but also set a precedent for how betrayal is dealt with within the emerging mafia, sending a clear message about the consequences of crossing its leader.

“I’m sorry,” she says. “So sorry. Please. Give me another chance.”

“Did you take his money?”

“No. Not yet. I… I’m to meet with him today. Tonight.”

“How much money?”

“Ah… it doesn’t matter?—”

“Why do you need it?” I ask.

She gulps.

“You don’t have a sick relative,” I say. “No one is in jail and needs to be bailed out, no lawyer fees…”

“I wanted a house.”
