Page 59 of My Rise

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Silhouette is here too, moving through the crowd like a phantom. Her eyes observe everything, ensuring that the delicate balance is maintained.

As the night progresses, the success of The Black Lotus becomes undeniable. Laughter, clinking glasses, and the occasional whispered exchange weave a tapestry of intrigue, setting the stage for a new era in the criminal underworld. The grand opening is not just a celebration; it's a declaration of power and influence, a testament to the prowess of the rising mafia.

For tonight, I want the patrons to be happy. The games won't be rigged just yet. Genuine chance reigns supreme in the underground casino. The roulette wheels spin without a predetermined outcome, and the cards dealt in blackjack carry no hidden favor.

The casino, hidden behind a discreet entrance, becomes a haven for those seeking authentic thrills. Patrons revel in theunpredictability of the games, savoring the taste of genuine risk without the interference of manipulated odds.

The sounds of cheers and groans mingle in the air as fortunes rise and fall. The atmosphere is charged with the excitement of uncertainty, enhancing the overall experience for the guests.

Patrons, unaware of the temporary reprieve from manipulation, celebrate their victories with genuine smiles. The staff, from dealers to servers, join in the jubilation, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and shared enjoyment.

For this one evening, The Black Lotus stands as a beacon of genuine chance, offering a respite from the orchestrated machinations that will soon come into play. The success of the grand opening hinges not on manipulation but on the authentic thrill of the unknown.

As the night continues, the patrons revel in the authenticity of their experiences, unaware that the true game has only just begun, and the stage is set for the calculated twists that will define the future of The Black Lotus.

The air inside The Black Lotus is thick with excitement as the inaugural night unfolds. The success of the evening is a testament to my meticulous planning and the allure of the genuine chance offered to the unsuspecting patrons.

I wasn’t sure how many of the invited guests would come, but throughout the night, all of them make an appearance. Most try their luck at various games. The tables are packed, and the atmosphere is electric with the collective anticipation of both victory and defeat.

The decor of The Black Lotus, carefully designed to exude an air of opulence and mystery, enhances the overall experience. Soft lighting casts a warm glow on the velvet-draped tables, and the subtle scent of luxury hangs in the air.

Throughout the night, cheers erupt from the crowd as players celebrate their wins. Laughter and the clinking of glassesweave together, creating a symphony of revelry that reverberates through the clandestine halls.

The staff, a well-coordinated team of professionals, moves seamlessly through the space. Dealers showcase their skills with finesse, providing an authentic casino experience, while servers ensure that glasses remain filled and guests are attended to with the utmost courtesy.

As the night unfolds, it becomes clear that The Black Lotus has succeeded in enchanting its patrons. The genuine thrill of uncertainty, coupled with the allure of the hidden world within the casino, sets the stage for a promising future.

For the most part, I watch from the shadows, and I smile with satisfaction as the culmination of my vision unfolds in my success. The first night of The Black Lotus proves to be a triumph, a testament to her ability to navigate the complexities of the criminal underworld and shape a new narrative for myself and my allies.


The rest of the first week, I continue to allow things to go as they had the first night—up to chance. The next time Dylan works is when I give the go-ahead for some of the games to be rigged.

As has been the case the first week, this night at The Black Lotus unfolds with an air of anticipation and secrecy. As patrons engage in games of chance and revelry, Dylan maintains his charming facade, greeting patrons with a smile and executing his duties with precision.

The pulsating energy of The Black Lotus reaches its zenith as the night unfolds, a symphony of laughter, clinking glasses, and the occasional triumphant cheer from the gaming tables. I observe Dylan as he navigates the crowd with practiced ease, a reassuring presence amid the revelry. He tends to act more like a bodyguard at times versus a bouncer, but I suppose that’s fine. However, observant eyes like mine catch the subtle shift in his demeanor—a glint in his eye, a tightening of his jaw—as the night progresses.

In quieter moments, Dylan's eyes linger on the shadows, and his gaze takes on an intensity that borders on unnerving. The stillness that settles around him hints at a darkness lurkingbeneath the surface—a facet of his persona that contradicts the image of the charming and courteous bodyguard and bouncer.

As the night progresses, I, ever astute, observe Dylan's transformation with a mixture of curiosity and wariness. The emergence of his darker side adds a layer of complexity to the dynamics within The Black Lotus, raising questions about the true nature of those who have become entangled in my intricate web.

A commotion erupts near the bar, drawing my attention. A disheveled man, clearly inebriated, stumbles into the path of Dylan's watchful gaze. The air thickens with tension, and silence descends as Dylan takes charge of the situation. His movements, once smooth and polished, now carry an undercurrent of something darker.

"Sir, I believe it's time for you to leave," Dylan's voice, though polite, holds an edge—a subtle warning that dances on the precipice of a more ominous tone.

The drunk man, oblivious to the change in dynamics, responds with a slurred protest, "I ain't goin' anywhere. Who do you think you are?" His words tumble out, laced with defiance.

Dylan's hand grips the man's arm. It’s a subtle show of force, a silent reminder that compliance is not optional. The ambient light catches the glint in Dylan's eyes, revealing an edge that hadn't been there before.

"Listen, pal," Dylan replies evenly, his tone holding a trace of impatience, “you've had enough for tonight. It's time to go home."

The drunk man attempts to wrench his arm free. "You can't tell me what to do," he slurs, a defiant glint in his eyes.

The man winces, and I start over toward them.

"I'm trying to avoid any trouble here. Just walk away,” Dylan warns.

The journey to the exit becomes a dance between captor and captive, each step accompanied by the unspoken tension that pervades the air. The patrons, lost in their own worlds of chance and indulgence, remain blissfully ignorant of the unfolding drama. I’m so grateful for that as I slowly follow after the duo.
