Page 60 of My Rise

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Once outside, the night air envelops them in a cloak of secrecy. Dylan's features, momentarily obscured in shadows, reveal the complexities that define him. As the door swings closed behind them, I'm left with a lingering sense of curiosity, a question mark suspended in the night air. What lies beneath the charming exterior of the man who guards the shadows within The Black Lotus?

I duck back inside The Black Lotus and wait for Dylan to return to approach him. "Well done, Dylan. You handled that with finesse."

His expression remains composed, but I sense an undercurrent of tension. "It's all part of the job.”

Leaning in slightly, I convey my thoughts in a hushed tone. "In the future, though, let's try to keep a hands-off approach, if possible. We want the patrons to feel secure without feeling too policed. It's a delicate balance."

Dylan nods, his features reflecting a mix of understanding and the innate protective instinct that surfaced earlier. "Understood, Vanessa. I'll keep that in mind."

I pat him on the shoulder, offering a reassuring gesture. "Great. Now, let's get back to ensuring everyone has a fantastic night. We've got a reputation to build, after all."

As we disperse into the vibrant energy of the casino, I can't shake the awareness that each member of my newfound alliance brings a unique set of challenges and strengths. The dance between power and control continues, and I navigate it with careful steps, knowing that the success of The Black Lotus hingesnot only on the games within but also on the delicate dynamics between the players in this high-stakes game of shadows.

My days are as busy as my nights now that the first casino has opened. The next morning, I have a meeting with the lead builder for my legal casino.

I arrive at the construction site of my legal casino, the one intended for money laundering and to serve as a legitimate front for my operations. Landon Paulsen, the lead builder, greets me with a firm handshake and a smile.

"Ms. Baxter, good morning." Landon's voice is a blend of professionalism and cordiality.

"Good morning, Landon. I appreciate you being willing to meet with me.”

“Of course. What can I do for you?”

“I wanted to check on the progress and discuss any potential issues or adjustments we might need to make," I say, leading the way toward the construction site.

As we walk, Landon provides a detailed update on the construction timeline, outlining the completed tasks and the upcoming milestones. The project is progressing well, but he highlights a few areas that might benefit from minor tweaks to ensure efficiency.

I nod thoughtfully, appreciating Landon's attention to detail. "Let's make those adjustments. We want this casino to be a masterpiece, both in appearance and functionality."

Landon agrees, and we spend the next hour going over the plans, discussing design elements, and addressing any concerns. It's crucial to maintain the appearance of a legitimate businesswhile incorporating the necessary features for our clandestine activities.

As the meeting concludes, I express my satisfaction with the progress. "Keep up the good work, Landon. We're aiming for perfection here."

He nods, "I understand, Ms. Baxter. We'll make sure to deliver a casino that exceeds expectations."

With that, I leave the construction site, confident that Fortune Oasis, my legal establishment, will become a key piece in the intricate puzzle of my burgeoning empire.

With the promising news about the progress of Fortune Oasis echoing in my thoughts, I decide to indulge in a moment of personal enjoyment. Dylan has been persistent in seeking a date, and today seems like the perfect opportunity to unwind.

I pick up my phone and dial his number. "Hey, Dylan. How about dinner tonight? I could use a bit of relaxation."

There's a brief pause on the other end before Dylan responds, "Absolutely, Vanessa. I've been looking forward to it. Any particular place you have in mind?"

I consider my options for a moment. "How about a quiet Italian restaurant downtown? La Dolce Vita has excellent reviews, and I've heard the ambiance is quite charming."

“Certainly. Seven?”

“I’ll meet you there.”

I hang up, looking forward to the chance to enjoy good food, pleasant company, and perhaps delve into the complexities of our growing connection. I can't help but feel a sense of anticipation for the evening ahead.

As we sit in the dimly lit atmosphere of La Dolce Vita, the aroma of Italian cuisine filling the air, Dylan opens up about the recent developments in his professional life. He takes a sip of his wine before sharing, "Vanessa, the mayor's been asking questions, wondering why I've been spending so much time at the casino."

I raise an eyebrow, my interest piqued. "Really? What did you tell him?"

Dylan leans back in his chair, a contemplative look on his face. "I've been vague and told him I've been working on a personal project, but I can sense his curiosity growing. If he investigates further, he might discover our connection."

I take a moment to process this information. The last thing we need is unwanted and possibly negative attention from the mayor.
