Page 62 of My Rise

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“There’s one more question I have, if I may,” Dylan says.

I nod. “Go ahead.”

“Why do you trust me in bed but not with your operation?”

Amidst the dim ambiance of the restaurant, Dylan's question lingers in the air, a challenging undertone that demands acknowledgment. I meet his gaze, searching for the right words to convey the delicate balance I'm striving to maintain.

"Dylan, trust is earned over time," I begin, my voice a whisper against the ambient hum of the restaurant. "In our personal moments, I've learned to trust you, but the world we navigate together, it's a complex tapestry. I want you involved, in every aspect, but I can't jeopardize the foundations that have been laid with the others."

His expression tightens, an unspoken acknowledgment of the complexities woven into the fabric of our shared existence. "It's not about trust, Vanessa. It's about understanding," he counters, his gaze probing for reassurance.

I reach across the table and squeeze his hand. "Dylan, I want you to understand. Our pursuits, the alliances we forge, they'redelicate threads. Each person plays a crucial role, and I need your strength in navigating this intricate dance."

His features soften, the tension easing as he squeezes my hand back. The shadows that flicker in the depths of his gaze seem to recede momentarily. "I get it," he concedes, a tacit agreement that weaves another layer into the complexities of our entangled lives.

As the evening unfolds, our conversation dances between the personal and the clandestine, and I find myself delicately balancing the intricacies of trust, understanding, and the undeniable allure of Dylan's brooding and unpredictable nature.

And when he takes me to bed that night, he is oh so very unpredictable, and I think about no one and nothing else but him.

Seated in the quiet confines of my home after on particularly profitable night at The Black Lotus even though there was a jackpot winner as well, I share my thoughts with my brother.

"Dominic, we're making progress, but I want to broaden our horizons. The global black market has untapped potential, and I believe it's time we explore those avenues."

He nods, a tacit acknowledgment of the shifting tides in our pursuit of power and influence. "Vanessa, the international stage is a different beast. Are you prepared for the challenges it presents?"

A wry smile plays on my lips as I consider his question. "Dominic, challenges are what we thrive on. Our success with The Black Lotus is proof of our capabilities. It's time to set our sights beyond local boundaries."

As we delve into the intricacies of expanding our reach into the global underworld, the room is suffused with an air of determination. Dominic's analytical mind complements my strategic vision, laying the foundation for a future where our influence knows no bounds. Together, we plan the next steps, navigating the treacherous waters of the international black market with a shared understanding of the risks and rewards that lie ahead.

Eventually, the wine we’re drinking starts to go to my head, and like it or not, doubt starts to creep in. I have a new wrestling foe as I struggle with the consequences of my ruthless pursuit of power.

Namely, I want a normal life with Dominic, for him to start seeing women. Not necessarily just one. Why shouldn’t he date around?

As for myself, my own romantic entanglements are only going to become that much more unhinged the longer I dally with the four men, especially now that Dylan has been brought into the fold of my… other nightly activities.

I’ve lit two candles in my living room, and their shadows dance on the walls as I turn to my brother.

"Dominic, there are moments when doubt creeps in, like a relentless adversary I can't shake off. The pursuit of power, the decisions I've made… it's all taking a toll."

His gaze, a steady anchor in the storm of my thoughts, reflects understanding. "Vanessa, power is a double-edged sword. It grants control, but it extracts its price. What's troubling you?"

I exhale a sigh, the weight of my choices pressing down on me. "The consequences, Dominic. I've built this empire on ruthless determination, but I can't escape the repercussions. The alliances, the tangled web of emotions—it's a precarious balance."

Dominic leans forward, his eyes locked onto mine. "Vanessa, every leader grapples with such doubts. It's the nature of the game. Power is a means to an end. What matters is how you wield it."

I nod and lift my glass toward him. He might be younger than me, but he’s thrived in the darkness too, and I don’t know what I would do without him.

"You're right, Dominic. I can't let doubt paralyze me. The path ahead may be uncertain, but we'll navigate it together."

As the night unfolds, we start to talk about the future and what it might entail. I’m now eager for the journey of what’s to unfold, a journey where doubt and determination intertwine, forging the steel resolve needed to conquer the challenges that lie ahead.

After Dominic leaves, I invite Jesse over.

I need your ears. Talk. Just talk.

I don’t want him to get his hopes up for something else when that’s all I’m looking for.

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