Page 87 of My Rise

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I place my hand on his. “And you will, Dylan, but we need to be smart about it. Let's find a way to make this work without jeopardizing everything we've built.”

“I do like the sound of we,” he says begrudgingly.

I beam at him. “It will all work out in the end.”

“It had better be worth it in the end.”

I hand him my drink, which he drains.

“Don’t you think it will be?” I ask with a grin.

He chuckles and walks around the table to kiss me deeply before drawing back. “I suppose I better go talk to the mayor.”

“You didn’t quit already, did you?”

“No. I wouldn’t do anything major like that without consulting you first. Now, if it’s life or death, I won’t hesitate, but this? This is yours, Vanessa. You’re just taking us along for the ride, and I want the ride to last forever.”

About an hour later, Xavier all but bursts into my alcove.

“Is something wrong?”

“I think more like something’s right. I've heard through some reliable channels that Sophia Alvarez is gearing up for a significant move.”

I sit back and grin devilishly. “Sophia? Now that isn’t unexpected. What kind of move are we talking about?”

He grins back, his also devilish. “Rumor has it she's planning something big. A power play, perhaps. Maybe trying to reclaim some lost territory.”

“Interesting.” I sip my whiskey, enjoying the warmth all the way down. “Damien Blackthorn won't take that lightly. If Sophia's making a move, it could divert his attention.”

He nods. “Exactly. That might just be the opening we need.”

“We've been treading carefully, avoiding direct confrontations. If Sophia's creating a distraction, it gives us room to maneuver.”

Xavier finally sits down. “It's an opportunity, Vanessa, one we shouldn't let slip away.”

I smirk. “Xavier, you always have a keen sense for these things. Keep me posted on any developments. We need to stay ahead of the game.”

“I will, but don’t you think this news earns me?”

“Earns you what?” I ask innocently.

The smoldering look is all I need to cave, and there’s just enough room for us to become close.

Quite close.

After we make love, Xavier leaves, but the news he brought lingers, echoing the ever-shifting dynamics of power and influence in our intricate world. Sophia's impending move promises both chaos and opportunity, and I know I’ll have to navigate these treacherous waters with precision to secure my ascent and protect the delicate balance I’ve worked so hard to maintain.

I glance out from my alcove and spy Jesse.

That man. His presence in my life has always carried a certain intensity, an undercurrent of determination that matches his domineering personality. After the chaos surrounding the sabotage of Fortune Oasis and the ever-looming threats from both Sophia Alvarez and the Eclipse Society, Jesse catches my gaze, nods to me, and makes a beeline for my alcove.

“Come on in,” I tell him.

He slides in beside me, dangerously close. “Vanessa, we can't let them dictate the game. We need to strike back, show them we're not to be trifled with.”

I swirl the amber liquid in my glass that has been refilled three times already this night. “Jesse, we can't afford to act recklessly. We need a plan, something that ensures our victory without exposing us.”

He smirks. “But that's where you're wrong, Vanessa. We're playing their game. It's time we show them we can play it better.”
