Page 9 of My Rise

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"I don't need someone keeping tabs on me, Xavier," I assert, my tone firm. "If you have questions, ask them directly. We've always been straightforward with each other."

Xavier's gaze remains unwavering, and a heavy tension lingers, underscoring the complexities of our relationship. The shadows of The Velvet Vibe seem to magnify the unspoken dynamics, leaving our conversation poised at the intersection of past alliances, present uncertainties, and the ever-present undercurrent of power within the criminal underworld.

"I've always looked out for you, Vanessa," he says, his voice a low rumble. "In our world… I can't help but be concerned when I see you with someone like Alex Schroeder."

The possessiveness in his words is palpable, the unspoken implications hinting at a deeper layer of complexity within our relationship. Xavier's protectiveness has been a double-edged sword—a source of reassurance in certain situations but a cause of tension when it veers into possessiveness and jealousy.

"Xavier, we've been through this," I respond, frustration tinging my words. "I can handle my own affairs, and I won't have my actions scrutinized like this. It's not healthy for either of us."

His jaw tightens, a visible manifestation of the internal conflict playing out within him. "It's a dangerous world out there, Vanessa. You know the risks. I can't just stand by and watch you walk into potential trouble."

"I appreciate your concern," I concede, attempting to diffuse the tension, "but I need space to operate, Xavier. I can't be confined by unnecessary scrutiny. It's not conducive to any of our goals."

The conversation lingers in the air, the unresolved tension casting a shadow over the dynamics between us. Xavier's overly possessive and prone-to-jealousy attitude resurfaces as a complicating factor in our relationships, underscoring the challenges inherent in navigating the intricate dance of power and emotions within the criminal underworld.

"Xavier, you need to tell me why you have such a problem with Alex," I assert, my tone sharp, frustration lacing my words. The dimly lit ambiance of The Velvet Vibe seems to magnify the intensity of our exchange.

Xavier's jaw tightens, his possessive and prone-to-jealousy tendencies surfacing once again. "I don't trust him," he replies tersely. "He's a wildcard, Vanessa. I've heard things."

My frustration deepens as I challenge his vague response. "He's proven himself to be reliable, and our conversation last night was purely professional. There's no reason for you to be so suspicious."

Xavier's gaze narrows, and a hint of insecurity flickers in his eyes. "Is that so? Because from where I stand, it looks like more than just a professional conversation."

Anger simmers beneath the surface as Xavier makes assumptions about my interactions with Alex. "You're jumping to conclusions, Xavier. Nothing happened, but even if it had, it's none of your business."

His features tighten, and the air crackles with unresolved tension. "Vanessa, you know it is my business. We've been through too much together. I can't stand by and watch you get involved with someone who might jeopardize everything we've worked for."

The possessiveness in his words becomes a palpable force, and I feel the weight of his expectations pressing down on me. "I won't let anyone jeopardize my goals, Xavier.” I hesitate but then add, “I need you to trust me and respect my choices."

The conversation reaches an impasse, the unspoken complexities of our relationship laid bare. Xavier's assumptions and my demand for autonomy collide, leaving the air thick with unresolved emotions. The dance of power and emotions within the criminal underworld becomes even more intricate as the shadows of suspicion and possessiveness cast their long-reaching tendrils over our interactions.

Xavier's jaw tightens, his gaze narrowing as he grapples with his response. "Vanessa, it's not just about talking. I've seen the way he looks at you. The way you two interact—it's... different."

His words carry a hint of accusation, and I sense the assumption taking root. Xavier, prone to jealousy, seems to have jumped to conclusions about the nature of my relationship with Alex.

"We're professionals, Xavier," I assert, my frustration mounting. "There's nothing more to it. Your assumptions are unfounded."

Xavier's expression remains guarded, the underlying tension between us palpable. "Don't play games with me, Vanessa. I've known you too long. There's something more going on, and I won't stand idly by."

The accusation in his words stirs a mix of irritation and resignation within me. "We're in a complicated world, Xavier, yes, but that doesn't mean you get to dictate every aspect of my life. If you have trust issues, we need to address them, but making baseless assumptions won't help."

His gaze hardens, and I see the conflict in his eyes. "I can't just ignore what I see, Vanessa. There's history between us, and I won't let someone like Alex Schroeder complicate it further."

“You think I’ve slept with him.”

Xavier doesn’t deny it. If anything, his eyes flash a warning, daring me to refute my words.

It’s a misconception I'm not prepared to correct just yet. The tangled web of emotions and power dynamics becomes more pronounced as Xavier's possessiveness and jealousy threaten to complicate not only my interactions with Alex but also the delicate balance of trust within our longstanding relationship.

But as he continues to eye me as if I’m his and his alone, I can’t stand it.

"Xavier, you have nothing to worry about," I declare, my voice firm. "We're professionals, and whatever history we had is just that—history. I won't let it interfere with the bigger picture."

His gaze softens with relief and gratitude, but before he can respond, a sudden wave of emotion sweeps over me. A surge of frustration, defiance, and perhaps a hint of recklessness surfaces.

"In fact," I continue, my words laced with unintended sharpness, "I'm never going to sleep with you again, and maybe, just maybe, I'll entertain the idea of something else."

The words hang in the air. Xavier's expression shifts, registering surprise, hurt, and a trace of something deeper. The admission, though truthful, feels like a weapon I've wielded carelessly.
