Page 46 of My Empire

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My ears are ringing. I think I was knocked to the ground by the blast. I’m struggling to figure out which way is up, if I’m standing.

I think I’m puking.

I don’t even know. I can’t think or see or hear except for the constant ringing.

His sacrifice is gut-wrenching, a lead weight on my chest. I am paralyzed, caught in the cruel ballet of fate, witnessing a sacrifice I never wished had been made on my behalf. Why? Why did Dominic do this? Why did he be the hero? He committed a selfless act to shield the empire we’ve built, but why did he feel the need?


A second explosive crescendo rocks the night, unleashing chaos and destruction. My heart shatters all over again. Dominic has paid the ultimate price to safeguard the fragile balance we sought to preserve. In the aftermath, the echoes of the blast reverberate, a haunting dirge for a brother lost.

Silhouetted against the backdrop of devastation, my lovers and I wearily climb to our feet, battered and broken. The Black Lotus, far from here, remains a haven, safe and sound thanks to my brother, but instead, I bear the scars of a sacrifice that resonates through the shadows. Dominic’s absence is a void that can never be filled, a testament to the cruel toll exacted by the clandestine world we inhabit.

As the echoes of the explosion reverberate through the night, Alex’s sudden and forceful actions propel us into a harrowing escape. He grabs me, and I struggle to shove him away. My gun… Where is it? It’s in my hand. Anderson, where is he? I need to?—

But Alex is struggling against me and even picks me up. He bodily forces me into his car. The screeching tires and the rush of wind become a discordant symphony, a cacophony mirroringthe chaos within my racing mind. The cityscape blurs outside the car window, a surreal backdrop to the nightmare unfolding.

Caught in the grip of terror, I lash out, my screams a desperate plea for answers. The world outside is a blur, matching the tumult within as questions cascade like an unrelenting storm. What about the others? Were they left behind to face the aftermath of Dominic’s sacrifice? We should be there, fighting alongside them, and if we die, if I did, who cares?

My ears are still ringing, my head pounding. I can’t tell if I’m still screaming, if I’m cursing Alex out, what. My mind is as broken as my spirit.

Alex’s steely resolve remains unyielding, his eyes fixed on the road ahead. Tension hangs thick in the air, a palpable reminder of the shadows that now loom over our fractured world. The city’s pulse, once a rhythmic hum, now beats in discord, mirroring the disarray of emotions that engulf us.

In the cocoon of the speeding car, silence descends, broken only by the rhythmic thrum of the engine. My gaze fixates on Alex, searching for answers in the lines etched across his face. The weight of grief, anger, and fear hangs heavy, forging an unspoken connection between us.

As we hurtle through the city’s labyrinth, the unknown stretches before us like an ominous expanse. What lies ahead is a landscape fraught with uncertainty, where shadows linger, and alliances unravel in the aftermath of tragedy.

Alex parks out front and makes as if to help me out of the car. I rebuff him, but I’m wooden, robotic, as I get out of his car and follow him through the pizza joint to The Black Lotus. It’s too early for the place to be open, which is just as well. I’m not in the mood to put on a façade for guests.

Numb, that’s what I am, although the pain I feel… No. I’m almost feeling too much. The emotional pain is just as agonizingas physical pain, and I can’t tell if I have wounds from the blasts or not.

I don’t care. Maybe a wound will become infected, and I’ll die after all.

Alex pours a drink, the amber liquid reflecting the dim glow of the room. Wordlessly, he paces me the glass, and I take it, the weight of it familiar yet inconsequential against the heaviness in my chest. As I throw back the drink, gulping it, I swear the ringing in my ears transforms into sirens. We’re too far away to actually hear if anyone is coming to the warehouse, but that doesn’t change what I hear. The pulsating beat of the city outside resonates through the walls, an eerie reminder of the life that persists even in the face of tragedy.

Still not saying anything, Alex refills my glass. This time, I sip the bitter concoction. The taste does little to numb the whirlwind of emotions. Revenge becomes a fervent flame within me, fueled by the searing loss of Dominic. Why hadn’t he confided in me about the threat? The question reverberates, each repetition intensifying the ache of what could have been.

The room feels both intimate and vast, an echo chamber for my thoughts. The shadows dance across the walls, casting an intricate ballet of darkness, mirroring the complexities of the web we’ve woven in this criminal underworld. The Black Lotus, once a sanctuary for clandestine meetings and whispered secrets, now bears witness to the unraveling of our carefully crafted existence.

I glance at Alex, his features etched with concern, a reflection of the turmoil that grips us both. The need for vengeance pulses through my veins, driving me to decipher the cryptic messages Dominic left behind. The bar’s ambiance, once charged with the allure of power, now carries an air of vulnerability.

In this moment of solitude, surrounded by the lingering echoes of a shattered reality, I find myself standing at theprecipice of a darker descent. The city’s heartbeat, an unyielding rhythm, resonates with the promise of retribution. As the night unfolds, a storm brews within, heralding a reckoning that will echo through the clandestine corridors of power and reshape the destiny I’ve sought to command.

I pace and pace and pace. Where are the others? Are they all right? Did they survive? I did see them all standing, or had that been a trick of my mind? I feel like I’ve lost my mind, lost myself, when I lost my brother.

I don’t know how much time has passed, but the door opens, and Dylan, Xavier, and Jesse enter The Black Lotus unharmed. Relief washes over me even as I wish I wasn’t here to greet them. Still, their presence, a testament to their resilience, is a slight balm to the wounds left by Dominic’s sacrifice. The air in the room seems to shift, charged with a mix of tension and solidarity among the Penumbra Legion.

The dim light casts shadows on their faces, revealing a spectrum of emotions from concern to determination. We exchange glances, silent acknowledgments of the shared peril we’ve narrowly escaped. The Black Lotus, once a fortress of secrets, now stands as a haven for those who have weathered the storm.

I can’t talk, not yet, but I do listen as Dylan murmurs to Alex that Anderson slipped away. Hearing that leaves a bitter aftertaste. The threads of our power are not immune to unraveling. The city outside continues its relentless rhythm, indifferent to the struggles within these walls.

We gather, a motley assembly bound by loyalty and a shared pursuit of control over the underworld.

As the night progresses, a silent understanding passes between us. Dominic’s absence looms over the room, a specter that refuses to be ignored. The weight of loss is palpable, and yet,we stand united, proof of the strength forged in the crucible of adversity.

The Black Lotus, once a symbol of clandestine authority, now bears witness to the resilience of those who navigate the treacherous waters of power. The shadows deepen, concealing the complexities of our interconnected lives. In the face of looming threats and uncharted territories, we reaffirm our commitment to the clandestine dance of power and the intricate bonds that bind us together in this ever-shifting world.

In the wake of Dominic’s sacrifice, his memory becomes an indomitable force propelling me forward into the tumultuous currents of retribution. The echoes of his unwavering loyalty reverberate through the corridors of my consciousness, a relentless call to arms against those who orchestrated his demise.

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