Page 106 of Bound in Darkness

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She gives me a stiff nod. “I can get it, Kenz. Go enjoy your party. I’ll be serving the cake soon.”

I try not to roll my eyes as I hurry off, Chase following behind me.

“Do you think she saw anything?” I whisper to him once we’re out of earshot.

Chase scratches the back of his neck. “I hope not. But it’s hard to tell. She can be tough to read.”

I frown, huffing out an impatient sigh. “Don’t I know it.”

Grabbing my hand, he gives it a squeeze. “It’ll be alright, Kenz. Don’t sweat it, okay.” Glancing around, he ensures no one is around us before leaning in and planting a soft kiss on my lips. “Just try and enjoy the party. Even though it’s not your actual birthday, I’m celebrating the fact that you were born eighteen years and twenty-nine days ago.”

His words cause a genuine smile to bloom over my face. “You’re the sweetest, Chase.” I cock my head, losing myself in his beautiful irises that shine with love for me. “Thanks for coming to check on me.”

Chase lifts our joined hands to his lips, placing a soft kiss on my knuckles as his gaze bores into my soul. “Don’t thank me for doing what comes naturally. When something bothers you, it affects me.” Lowering my hand, he adds, “You’re an extension of me, Kenz.”

Once again, his words have rendered me speechless and ruffled in the best possible way.

“Come on. Let’s head back to the party.” He reluctantly releases my hand, the absence of his warm touch noticeable.

As I walk beside him, I have only one thought.I wish everyone would leave so I could spend time with Chase.



Iinwardly groan as I catch a glimpse of Alex and Brady whispering something to one another before heading toward me, smug grins on their annoying faces. My muscles tighten as I brace for whatever bullshit they’re about to sling my way.

“Chase, my man.” Alex slaps my back, his smile as insincere as mine. “Good to see you.”

“Yeah, Chase. Welcome back.” Brady’s words ring with sarcasm as he grins at me. “It’s even better having your lovely foster sister back.” He lifts the cup in his hand, watching Mackenzie over the rim. “Damn, she’s looking fine.”

My hands curl into fists as the muscle in my jaw ticks. “She’s a beautiful girl.” There’s a warning in my tone, my words cold, but they don’t heed it.

Alex eyes me with interest. “I seem to recall you coming after her at my party. Seemed a little bit more than brotherly concern.”

My spine snaps straight, knowing he’s trying to start shit tonight. I’d love to punch this asshole and throw him and Brady out the door, but that won’t make a good impression on Pearl and Mike.

“What can I say? I had to make sure she knew what a pretentious asshole you are.”

Alex’s brows raise before he glowers at me.

“Nah, Alex. I don’t buy it. I think Chase wants in his sister’spanties. He views you as his competition.” Brady throws his head back like he’s just made the most hilarious joke ever as I glare at him with disdain.

“Oh, I’m sure he wants her.” Alex leans closer to Brady, an evil glimmer in his eyes. “Maybe this whole captivity story was just a ruse. He probably took his sister to a cabin and had his way with her.” I smell the alcohol on his breath as he leans closer to me, swaying slightly, before nudging me in the side with his elbow. “Did you tie her up and fuck?—”

The room turns red. Everything else fades except the desire to protect Mackenzie’s honor.

My fist connects with Alex’s nose, his head snapping back before he staggers to one knee. Brady lets out a yell and swings at me. I duck, then punch him in the jaw, watching as he doubles over on the floor.

“Y-You f-fucker.” Alex slurs, spitting blood onto the floor. He tilts his head, eyes narrowing at me. “Must be the truth, huh?” His grin is full of malice as he turns his head, leering at Mackenzie, who stands a short distance away, her hand fluttering to her throat. “Was she really raped, or did you and another guy take turns on her?—”

I roar bellows from my lips, originating deep within my chest, as the rage takes over.How fucking dare he say such lies! I’m seething, spittle dripping from my lips, as my fist slams against his face, knocking him flat on his back. I’m on him, straddling his prone form. The fingers of my left hand grip his hair, holding his head up, while my right fist draws back, then connects with his face. Over and over, I rain blow after blow against his skull, his sickening lies echo inside my head.

Adrenaline courses through my veins. I don’t feel my knuckles cracking open and bleeding. I don’t hear the screams and gasps from the partygoers as they watch the fight in horror and shock. Nothing penetrates the red fog of rage that’s descended over me except the crack of my knuckles against flesh and bone as one minute, I see Orpheus’s face, and the next, I see Alex’s. I’m beating the shit out of both bastards for disrespecting the girl I love.

It's Mike’s calm voice against my ear that finally breaks through to me. He catches my arm in midair, preventing the next hit from connecting with its target. “Chase, stop. For Mackenzie’s sake, stop.”

His words snap me from the black cloud of destruction I was buried under. I suck in a breath, my eyes searching the room, blanching when I lock onto Mackenzie. Her skin is pale, her eyes are huge and unblinking, and she’s nervously fingering the neckline of her dress while biting her lip. Her brow furrows, her fear changing to concern as she stares at me.
