Page 107 of Bound in Darkness

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Releasing Alex’s hair, I stand, an apology in my eyes as I stare at Mackenzie. I feel Pearl’s eyes burning into my profile, but I can’t look at her. Regret swims through my veins when Mike’s hand moves to my arm and I finally pull my gaze away from Mackenzie and look at him.

His face is tense as he gestures for me to follow him. I swallow hard, my head lowering and my shoulders sagging as a hush descends over the room. I don’t look up as I follow behind Mike, imagining the disappointment on his face whenever we stop and come face to face.

I swallow hard, terror and horror swimming through my veins.What if he thinks you’re violent and wants you to stay away from Mackenzie?



As I head up the steps, from the corner of my eye I see Pearl squatting beside Alex, analyzing his injuries.

I bite my lip, resignation and dread hollowing out my chest as I follow Mike to his study on the second floor. My shoulders hunch as I imagine the lecture I’m about to get. I’ve always admired and respected Mike, and the disappointment I’m sure to see on his face is going to gut me.

He gestures toward the chair in front of the desk, then shuts the door. Shoving his hand in the pockets of his pants, he heaves out a sigh before moving to the chair opposite me.

I can’t look at him. My head droops as I rub over the swollen, bloody knuckles of my right hand. The sour taste in my mouth makes me wish I had a drink or a mint.

“Chase. Please look at me.”

Gathering my courage, I slowly lift my head, meeting Mike’s worried gaze. I search his expression, expecting to see anger and disappointment, but there’s none there.

“I heard what those assholes said to you. Can I just say, they deserved it?” He gives me a small smile and the tension dissipates as I collapse against the back of the chair, my expression mirroring his.

“I can’t stand those arrogant fuckers,” I utter.

“Yes. I can see that.” Mike leans back in his chair, contemplating me. “Look, Chase, I know you genuinely care about Mackenzie. Romantically speaking.”

That’s a very bland way of categorizing the soul-shaking love I have for her.

I still, waiting for him to begin screaming at me about the inappropriateness of my feelings for her. Sadness envelopes me as I imagine him forbidding me from seeing Mackenzie again and kicking me out of his house.

I’d deserve it if he did.

Even though I’m not ashamed of the love I have for her, I can understand her father being uncomfortable with it.

I’m stunned at his next words.

“My wife and I have differing views when it comes to you and Kenz. First, you are not biologically related to her in any way. Second, since the moment you first laid eyes on my daughter, I could tell she enamored you.” He pauses, steepling his fingers beneath his chin. “You’re a great guy, Chase. One of the best young men I’ve had the pleasure of knowing. And I know my daughter. She loves you, too. It’s quite obvious to me. Even before the two of you were… taken.”

My mouth falls open as I stare at him, speechless. He just dropped bombshell revelations on me, and I have no idea where this conversation is headed.

“I was young once, too. And headstrong, just like my daughter. I know the two of you will face backlash from the narrow-minded folks in this town, who will view your relationship as inappropriate. Deep down, I think that’s one of the things my wife is hung up on. The other is… In some ways, you remind her of Gavin. She and my son were close, and the ache his absence left is something she’s inadvertently tried to fill by making you a substitute for him.” Mike sighs, his gaze distant. “I’ve tried talking to her numerous times since you moved in. I even suggested she seek some counseling, which didn’t go over well, unfortunately.” He gives me a rueful smile, focusing on me again. “The point is, you and Mackenzie are eighteen. You’re deeply in love. You went through absolute hell and, somehow, came out of it with humanity and grace and a love that’s stronger than ever. Most people would be callous or apathetic, but not you and Kenz.” He steeples his fingers beneath his chin. “What you endured should have ripped the two of you apart. Instead, you feel more deeply in love. That’s rare, Chase. When people go through something horrific, it exposes their best and worst traits. Most people fall apart… Not fall harder.”

My eyes tear up, my vision blurring until I blink rapidly. Gratitude causes a tingling warmth to spread through my limbs. I open my mouth, but Mike holds up his hand.

“Chase, we owe you a huge thanks. If Mackenzie would have been…” His Adam’s Apple bobs as he swallows hard. Removing his glasses, he rubs his hand over his eyes, before exhaling a long breath. “If she’s been abducted without you, we may never have gotten her back. Kenz and I had a few private conversations and she told me how hard you fought to protect her…” He leans forward, his hands on the desk. “Don’t. There’s no need for guilt because you couldn’t prevent what happened. What matters is you tried. You helped her deal with every traumatic thing she endured.” Reaching over, he grabs my hand. “You’re one helluva man, Chase. Honestly, I’m proud of my daughter for falling in love with such an amazing guy who would risk his life, time and again, for hers. That’s more than any father can ask for.”

Tears trickle down my cheeks from his heartfelt words. My voice is gruff as I rasp out, “Thank you, Mike. You have no idea… how much your words mean to me.” I choke back the sobs, the lump in my throat preventing me from saying more.

Mike stands and comes around, embracing me. “Just keep laying low around my wife. It’ll take time, but I think she’ll come around. Eventually.” He pats my back a few times, before pulling back. “I know better than to stand in Mackenzie’s way. She’s made it clear to me that she loves you and wants to be with you. All I can do is try to convince her to be discreet so she doesn’t give her mom and half the town folk a heart attack.”

I laugh, feeling better than I have in days. “You know your daughter well.”

Mike grins. “Kenz and I have always shared a special bond. It’s tough watching her grow up, but she has a good head on her shoulders and she’s strong as hell. You helped her with that. The two of you inspire one another to be better people.”

I shrug, embarrassed. “I don’t know how much I helped. She’s resilient?—”

Mike holds up his hand, his expression soft. “Because she knows you love her, no matter what. You accept her as she is and vice versa.”
