Page 111 of Bound in Darkness

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Jamie sneers, glancing at me with a look I can only describe as disdain. I’ve seen it directed at others, but it’s never been directed at me before. “Listen, Kenz, I know the two of you went through a lot and it was really rough?—”

“Really rough?”My voice is loud, a hysterical edge to it.“Sure, if you call being held down on a stone altar and raped in front of five cult members while Chase was being whipped while hanging above me really rough, then I guess it was.”Sarcasm drips from my words. I’m appalled at her insensitivity and uncomfortable by the feeling creeping over me that I don’t know her.

Maybe I never did.

Jamie bites her lip, shifting from one leg to another. “I can’t imagine what that was like. I’m really sorry it happened to you and Chase. But you’ve gotta move on, Kenz. Live again.”

Tears fill my eyes.What does she think I’ve been trying to do?It’s not like I can just snap my fingers, and everything will be miraculously better.

Every time I close my eyes, the nightmares hit me in full force. Little things trigger me, catapulting me back to that creepy church, or the dusty attic with iron bars on the windows.

“Jamie.” I cling to the remnants of my patience, running a hand through my long hair. “I’ve been going to counseling, trying to move on. It takestime.”

Jamie crosses her arms over her chest, sympathy in her eyes. “I know it does. But it’s hard for me, too, Kenz. I mean, first, you were in the car accident that killed your brother and severely injured you. And nowthis.” Her face is apologetic, but it sickens me.

I thought she was my best friend. While I know this is hard on her, she’s asking me to “get over it” so that I’m not a Debbie Downer because she’s tired of dealing with my drama.

It cuts like a knife through my chest.

Blinking rapidly, I try to prevent the tears from rolling down my cheeks, but it’s futile. “Sorry my trauma is too much for you. I hope like hell if you ever go through half of what I’ve endured, you have true friends who stick by you instead of making you feel like shit for not getting over it fast enough.”

Spinning on my heel, I hurried inside the house and snuck into the garage, where I fell on the floor, the broken pieces of my heart coming out in the form of loud, body-shaking sobs.

A few minutes later, Chase lifted me onto his lap and held me as I cried. No words were necessary as I broke in front of the one who has always been there for me and never disappointed me.

Amber and musk wash over me as the mattress dips beneath his weight. Strong arms embrace me, pulling me against the front of his warm body. He curls around me, lying on his side, facing the window I’m blankly staring at.

“Hey, angel. How are ya holding up?”

I shrug, heaving out a long sigh. “It’s one of those days.”

“I sensed it. I would’ve been here sooner, but I snuck out of my room an hour ago, and your mom was coming up the stairs. I hurried into the bathroom, even though I didn’t have to go.”

Frustration makes me pinch my lips together as my muscles go rigid. Somedays, I brush off having to hide our affection from my mom. Other days, like today, it grates on my last nerve. “It’s ridiculous we have to keep hiding like this. We’re eighteen, Chase. Adults. After what we’ve endured, we’re more responsible than three-quarters of our peers. Yet my mom acts like we are children, believing she knows what’s best for us?—”

Chase grabs me, settling me on his muscular frame before I have time to comprehend what he’s doing. His palms glide over my cheeks, cupping my face. “I know you’re having a bad day, angel. But getting wound up about your mom right now?—”

“It’s not just about having a bad day, Chase. I get tired of it. I’m not a child. Neither are you. She needs to stop?—”

“I have some clean clothes—” My mom’s loud gasp cuts off her words. “Chase and Mackenzie. What the hell is going on here?”

Her words startle me, and I roll off Chase so fast I can barely stop my momentum and nearly fall off the bed. Chase hurriedly sits up, wide amber eyes staring at my mom in horror. “It’s not what you think?—”

“Save it,” my mom snaps, her furious eyes flashing as they meet mine when I sit up. With barely suppressed rage, her eyes still on mine, her voice is cold as she says, “Chase, please step out of the room. I need to talk to my daughter.”

I jump to my feet, shaking from anger and frustration. “No, Chase. Don’t leave the room.” My eyes never leave my mom’s. “We arenotgoing to have a discussion that concerns you without you being present. Anything my mom wants to say to me can be said in front of you.”

Chase stands beside my bed, looking between me and my mom, unsure what to do. He opens his mouth, but I cut him off.

“I’ve told you how I felt about Chase before, Mom.”

“And I told you those feelings were inappropriate, and you needed to get over them, Mackenzie.”

I completely lose my shit, melting down on her.“They are not inappropriate and I’m not going to get over the love of my life.”My screams are so shrill, they hurt my ears. I bet the surrounding neighbors heard me yelling.

“I don’t want to hear this.” My mom puts her hands over her ears, her face scarlet. “Mackenzie, Chase is your bro?—”

“No, he’snot, Mom.Gavin was my brother, but he died. Chase is my foster brother. The guy you initially brought in here to replace the son you lost.”My words are a low blow, hitting their mark when she blanches. “You need to get that through your thick skull and stop living in denial.”
