Page 124 of Bound in Darkness

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Even though he asked me not to say anything, when my mom acted like a frigid bitch to him at dinner the next night, I lit into her. My dad had to intervene when I jumped to my feet and threatened to move out of the house if she didn’t show Chase some respect.

Her smile is forced. “You look nice, Kenz. I’m glad you’re going out with your friends.” She frowns, her brows furrowing. “Less so about Chase going with you.”

I cross my arms over my chest. “I don’t know why you insist on doing this. I’ve told you my feelings, Mom. You refuse to hear and believe them. Too focused on believing what you want to believe.” I step around her, tired of this circular argument. “I’m going to dinner and the movies. I’ll be home before midnight.”

She sighs. “Have fun.” Her lackluster tone tells me she doesn’t mean it.

But I won’t let her spoil my evening.

I’ve had enough of her shit.

Leaning back in the passenger seat, I release a content smile. “My cheeks hurt from smiling. And my stomach.” I wrap an arm around it, shaking my head. “It hurts from laughing so hard.”

Chase gives me a smile as he grabs my hand, bringing it to his lips as his eyes move back to the road. “The company and the movie were great. I haven’t laughed that hard in years.” His whiskey eyes move back to mine. “I’m so glad we’re friends with Jeff and Mel.”

“I had an amazing time tonight. It was nice to go on a date with you and cuddle in a darkened movie theater.”

“I’m glad, angel. I had a fantastic time. You have no idea how many times I imagined going on a date with you.”

“Really?” I twist in my seat, staring at him. “Tell me.”

Although it’s dark, I swear Chase blushes. When a streetlight illuminates his face, I see his red face. A smile blooms across my lips. Usually, he’s the one making me blush. It’s nice the shoe is on the other foot.

“I went out on a few dates with other girls when I thought you hated me.” He taps his fingers on the steering wheel, his eyes on the road. “I kept thinking of you, wondering what you were doing. I hoped you were jealous I was out with someone else, even though I knew it was highly unlikely.”

“Even though I told myself I shouldn’t care and that I hated you… secretly, I cared a helluva lot. It made me crazy when you went on dates. It hurt… a lot.” I look up from my lap, meeting his eyes.

“I never wanted to hurt you. I didn’t want to be them, angel. The entire time I was with them, I fantasized I was on a date with you, even though I knew you’d never go out with me.”

“I proved you wrong.” Reaching over, I squeeze his leg. “I’m here with you. There’s nowhere I’d rather be than with you.” Digging deep, I push through the embarrassment, saying what’s in my heart. “I never want to be without you, Chase.”

He glances at me, his eyes soft. “I never wanna be without you, angel. You’re it for me. My past, present, and future.”

When he stops at a red light, he leans over, his lips on mine. He kisses me hungrily. Thoroughly. The way I’ve always dreamed of being kissed. As though he wants to crawl beneath my skin and consume me. Like he’ll never get enough of me, no matter how often we’re together.

When we pull apart, our chests heave in and out, desire all over his face. It’s a heady sensation.

When the light turns green and Chase continues driving, I stare out the window, my head in the clouds. Then I frown, catching a flash of lightning in the distance.Great. It’s gonna storm.

The familiar wave of anxiety hardens my stomach.Distract yourself.“Oh, I forgot to tell you what happened yesterday at school.” Twisting in my seat, I smile thinking of it. “Mel and I were in the bathroom while Jeff and you were changing for practice. Jamie and Jessie walked in. Jessie’s lip curled into a sneer and she opened her mouth, getting ready to spew her nasty nonsense. Before she could utter a word, Mel got in her face. ‘I’d keep your mouth shut, bitch, unless you want your ass kicked.’ Then she looked at Jamie. ‘The same goes for you.’ Both girls stood there, mouths hanging open. As I followed Mel out the door, I gave the two skanks a disgusted look and said, ‘Alex and Brady aren’t in here, waiting to shove their dicks in your mouths, so you can shut your traps’ and then walked out the door. Mel and I laughed about it the whole way to the bleachers.”

“Oh my God, Kenz, that’s hilarious. I love that Mel stood up for you. And you put those bitches in their place.”

Pride fills me as I squeeze his fingers. “It felt so good. They had it coming.” Thunder rolls overhead, making me jump. “Shit. Stupid storm.” My hand covers my pounding heart as I stare up at the sky through the windshield.

“It’ll be okay, angel.” A bolt of lightning streaks across the sky, illuminating the concern in his eyes. “I promise we’re safe.” His gaze flits to the road, then back to mine. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”

I blow out a breath. “I know. I just have this irrational fear after the last storm…” My voice trails off as the silence stretches between us. The last time there was a bad storm was the night Chase was violated, and he killed Orpheus.

It was the beginning of our freedom, yet the harrowing events before it still haunt us.

We make it home before the rain hits. As Chase pulls into the garage, the sky opens, and the rain pours down. I shiver, my nails curled into my palm as I hang onto Chase with my other hand.

He closes the garage door and turns to me with a smile. His hand cups my face. “Eyes on me, angel. Tell me your favorite part of the movie.”

Blowing out a breath, I contemplate it, before I answer. I animatedly talk about it until the thunder booms overhead, shaking the house.

“You wanna go inside?”

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