Page 130 of Bound in Darkness

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“Chase.” My voice is barely above a whisper, yet he hears it.

His head swivels to mine, despair, remorse, and sadness in them as he mouths, “I’m sorry.”

Yanking away from Jeff’s hold, I whip around and head toward him and the police officers.This isn’t right. I need to do something.

“Mackenzie, stop.” My mom suddenly appears in front of me, blocking my path. “It’s better this way. Chase needs to be held accountable?—”

“Bullshit, Mom.” My voice is as brittle as peanut butter. A humorless laugh escapes me. “You’re happy about this, aren’t you? You probably told them to arrest Chase so you could separate us.” My voice grows louder with each word I speak, drawing attention to us.

“Mackenzie. Keep your voice down.” My mom grips my forearms, a scowl on her face. “Actions have consequences?—”

“Let’s talk about yours. Since the day you laid eyes on Chase, all you saw were similarities to Gavin. While the two of them look different physically, inwardly, there are a lot of things they have in common. You clung to that, selfishly using Chase to replace the loss you experienced when Gavin was killed.” My chest heaves and I pause to suck in a breath. But I’m not done yet. “It was so obvious, Mom. It’s why IhatedChase at first.” I yank my arms free, stepping closer to her, seething from rage. “You put him in Gavin’s room instead of giving him the spare bedroom. You let him drive Gavin’s car. How many times have you slipped and called Chase Gavin’s name?” My hands clench into fists, spittle flying from my lips. “Now you turn your back on Chase because we’re in love and you foolishly believe he’s still a substitute for the son you lost.”

I’m unprepared for her hand as she raises it, slapping me across the face. I stand there, stunned, pain coursing through my cheek from the hit.

“That’s enough.” My dad runs over to us, his face lined with disappointment and anger. “What the hell is going on? The two of you creating spectacles of yourselves.” My dad looks at me, more pissed off than I’ve ever seen him. “I caught the end of what you said. While it’s true, this is not the time or place.” I don’t have time to utter a word before he turns to my mom, his face turning scarlet. “You just slapped our daughter. And in the middle of the school.” He shakes his head. “Both of you, march your asses to the car.Now!” My dad is shaking from his anger. I’ve never in my life seen him like this. “The two of you better keep your fucking mouths shut from here to the car or you’ll be dealing with me.” He spins on his heel, pushing through the small crowd that includes Alex, his parents, the security officers, the principal, Jeff, and Melody.

When my eyes meet Melody’s, she mouths, “Call or text if you need anything.”

Holding my sore cheek, I nod, before turning and following my mom, who stiffly marches out the door in front of me, her spine ramrod straight.

As I pass Alex, he grabs my arm. “Your bodyguard won’t be around to keep you safe now.”

“Let go of her,” Detective Barnes, Alex’s father, hisses.

I feel Jeff beside me and when I look at him, he’s glowering at Alex. He grabs me, tugging me from Alex’s grip. “Stay the hell away from her, Barnes.” There’s a threat in his eyes as he stares him down, his muscles tense.

Melody comes up behind us. “Come on, Jeff. We need to walk Mackenzie out to her dad’s vehicle.”

Without another word, the three of us leave the school.

My eyes are on the police cruiser as it passes us, heading toward the stop sign. I briefly meet Chase’s gaze. He looks miserable and defeated. “I need to go to the station.”

Jeff and Melody exchange a look.

“We’ll make it happen, Kenz. One or both of us will take you. But right now, go home with your parents. Get your dad calmed down. Then text or call and I’ll come get you.” Mel stops beside my dad’s car, giving me a hug.

I squeeze her, so damn grateful for her. “Thanks, Mel. You’re such an amazing friend. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“You never have to find out, Kenz. I’ll always be your friend.”

When I step back, Jeff comes over and hugs me. “We’ll get Chase out of there, Kenz. I’m gonna talk to my dad. He’s a lawyer. I’ll keep you posted, okay?”

“Thanks, Jeff. I appreciate it.”

I wave goodbye, then open the door, and slip into the back of my parent’s vehicle, my heart thundering inside my chest. This is the first time my dad has ever been furious at me and things with my mom are more strained than they’ve ever been.

I’m worried we won’t be able to make it past this.



The drive home is completely silent, none of us saying a word.

I’m biting my lip and staring out the window, the tears falling like rain. I’m so damn worried about Chase I feel sick, despair hanging over me like a black cloud.

Lost in thought, I don’t even realize we’re home until the sound of the garage door opening startles me. My dad pulls the car inside and then presses the button to close the door.
