Page 135 of Bound in Darkness

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Don’t think like that. Think positive.I chant the words, over and over, hoping to convince myself while my legs bounce, impatiently waiting.

Finally, a dark-haired man strolls down the hallway toward us, clad in a gray suit. He walks with a purpose, straight posture, shoulders back, confidence radiating from him. His eyes lock with mine, and he flashes me a reassuring smile as he comes to a stop in front of me. “Mackenzie Collins, right?” He holds out his hand, as if he already knows who I am. “I’m Brett Graham, Jeff’s dad and Chase’s attorney.” His handshake is firm but the warmth in his eyes comforts me. “I understand you’re here to make a statement about the events that occurred in school today.”

“Hi, Mr. Graham. It’s nice to meet you.” I blow out a breath. “And yes, that’s what I’m here for.”

“Call me Brett, Mackenzie.” Releasing my hand, he gives me a warm smile. “I’m glad you’re here to make a statement. The officers have agreed to meet with you, then Jeff, then Melody.” He smiles at each of them before looking back at me. “Ready?”

“As I’ll ever be.” My hands shake as I stand up, and I blow out a breath, trying to convince myself everything will be fine.

I throw nervous smiles at Melody and Jeff before starting down the hallway with Brett. “I know you’re nervous, Mackenzie. Everything will be fine though.”

“I’m not worried about me. I want so badly to get Chase out of here as soon as possible. That’s why I’m anxious.”

He nods. “I understand. I’m here to help with that. Rest assured, I’ll do everything I can.”

“I appreciate that. I’m glad you’re here.”

“You can thank your dad. He called me while Jeff and I were discussing what happened and asked if I would be willing to represent Chase.”

My heart swells, love for my dad blooming inside my chest. “My dad is awesome. I’m glad he’s doing all he can to help Chase. Unlike my mom.” My voice takes on a bitter edge.

He clears his throat. “Yes, I understand she’s uncomfortable with your relationship with Chase.”

The snort comes out before I can stop it. “Uncomfortable isn’t the word. She wants us apart and will do anything to make that happen. That’s why she threw Chase out of the house before I called Melody to bring me here.”

“What?” Brent’s gaze snaps to mine, shock and disbelief on his face. “Seriously?”

“I wish I were joking. There’s nothing my dad nor I could say that would change her mind.”

Brett frowns. “So Chase doesn’t have a place to go once he’s released from jail?”

“Unless the ghosts of Christmas past, present, and future visit her while I’m here and can miraculously change her mind, Chase is officially homeless,” I whisper these words to Brett, matching his tone, afraid that if anyone overhears, it will make things worse for Chase. Judging by the look on Brett’s face, it would.

“After they take your statement, I need to make a phone call. I’ll direct you back to the lobby and then get Jeff once I’m finished. Please relay that to Jeff.”

I nod. “Of course.”

As I walk back to the lobby, my shoulders are slumped from defeat. The detective asked me questions and took my statement with a blank expression on her face. Then she dismissed me, not saying anything further.

Looking up at Brett, I wanted so badly to ask him what he thought, but he had such a preoccupied look on his face that I decided against it. My stomach churns, anxiety swimming through my body as I make my way to Jeff and Melody.

“Jeff, your dad asked me to give you a message. He needs to make a phone call but will come and get you once he’s finished.”

Jeff nods. “That’s fine. How did it go?”

I sit between him and Melody, giving her a small smile as I settle into my seat. “No idea. The detective’s face was completely blank despite my efforts to analyze her. She gave nothing away.”

He pats my leg. “They are trained to be like that, Kenz. Don’t worry. The fact that the three of us are here, making statements, will help. Plus, my dad is good at his job. Things will work out.” Slouching in the chair, he stretches his legs out. I’m envious of how laid-back he is. I’m a bundle of nerves while he’s completely unbothered.

“I’m sure Jeff’s right, Kenz. Everything will work out. You’ll see.” Her sunny optimism lights up the dreary waiting room, making hope bloom inside my heart. Even though I know better.

Rather than be a Debbie downer, I nod, forcing a smile onto my face.

Brett comes out a few minutes later to retrieve Jeff. He flashes me a smile but doesn’t say anything as he leads Jeff down the hallway.

“If things are difficult with your mom and you need away from her, you’re welcome to stay the night with me.”

Fidgeting in my chair, I turn to Melody. “Thanks. I appreciate the offer. I guess that depends on what happens here.”
