Page 155 of Bound in Darkness

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I nod. “I’ve done some research. Cults aren’t unlawful. But they can be arrested for criminal behavior, such as fraud, prostitution, drug-related offenses, and violent crimes. Many police departments need more training in satanic/occult crimes and investigations because too often, they aren’t adequately equipped with the necessary training.”

“Man, it sounds like you have it all figured out, Chase. I admire that. It’s a lofty goal… But are you sure you aren’t just seeking revenge for those who wronged you and Kenz inside the cult?”

“Why is that a bad thing? Those assholes hurt my girl.” They hurt me too, but the one who did the most damage is dead. Still, it hasn’t sated my need for revenge. “Daemon could have helped us, but never lifted a finger, leaving us stuck inside that attic.” A thought circulates through my head. “You’re great with computers. Have you ever thought about using that skill to help find evidence to take down those bastards? Orpheus used social media to recruit new members.”

Jeff cocks his head. “I hadn’t thought of it until now. Hmmm… sounds interesting.”

I smiled at him before returning to wrapping presents for my girl. “You should look into it.”

Mackenzie’s hand is wrapped around mine as we step through the doors of the animal shelter. Jeff and Melody are in front of us, with Mel looking up at him with wide eyes. “B-But mom won’t let me get a dog.” She looks so heartbroken that I feel a tinge of pain go through my heart.

“Yes, but my parents gave me permission. I figured you could pick him or her out and see the dog whenever you want. And if we move in together—” He doesn’t get to say anything else as Melody squeals and throws herself into his arms, bouncing up and down from excitement.

“Awe, she’s so happy.” Mackenzie smiles up at me, but it doesn’t reach her eyes. My heart squeezes inside my chest.

“Have you ever thought of getting another dog? I know you were heartbroken after Snoopy passed.”

“I did but Mom said no.” Her sad expression makes me physically ache.

I squeeze her hand. “I’ve been filling out applications. Once I get a job, we can get a place that allows dogs.”

“Oh my God. Really?” Her eyes sparkle as she throws herself into my arms. “I’d love that.” Mackenzie’s phone starts ringing. She kisses me before stepping from my embrace and pulling her phone from her back pocket. “Oh, it’s dad.” Worry causes her brows to lower. “Let me take this.” Putting her phone to her ear, she takes a couple of steps away. My ears strain, my attention riveted on her, worried about Mike. It’s rare for him to call us in the evenings.

“Hey, Dad. Are you okay?” Mackenzie’s voice is laced with concern as she listens. Slowly, she pivots and faces me, her expression changing to shock. I immediately move to where she’s standing.

“Ummm… I’m just surprised,” she says after several moments of silence on her end. Her eyes are locked with mine. “So Mom just packed her bags and said she’s going to a hotel? Will she be back for Christmas?”

She listens, her expression changing to fury. “What? That’s unbelievable.” Moving her phone away, she mouths to me,“Mom left Dad after they got into a fight. She said she was going to stay in a hotel until she finds a place, but she thinks it’s for the best that they separate.”

My brows furrow, shock flowing through me. “Wow,” I whisper, unable to say anything else as my thoughts swirl. I feel guilty, as though I’m the cause of the dissolution of Mike’s marriage.

Mackenzie’s hand on my arm causes me to glance up from the spot on the floor I’d been staring at, my thoughts in turmoil. “Dad asked if we could come and visit him after we’re finished here so we can talk.”

I swallow hard. “D-Does he blame me?”

Shock registers on her face. “Of course not, Chase. He specifically asked both of us to come over. But I could tell he’s not mad or upset at us in any way.”

I nod. “Sure, that’s fine. Has he eaten anything? We could pick up dinner on the way over there.”

Leaning on her tiptoes, she places a soft, sweet kiss on my lips. “You’re so thoughtful, Chase Landon. I love you so much.” She grins at me before lowering her heels to the floor. “I’ll text and ask him. Then we’re going to visit the dogs and put this out of our heads until we see my dad.”

“Deal.” The second she presses send, I pull her against me. “I love you, Mackenzie Dawn.”

She beams at me, her face radiant with happiness.

The shelter employee comes out of her office, drawing my attention. “Come on, sweetness. Let’s go visit some dogs.”

Jeff and I are standing beside one another, watching Melody and Mackenzie as they look at the dogs, their hearts on their sleeves. We exchanged glances. “We may be here until closing,” Jeff jokes.

“I hope not.” I told him about the phone call between Mackenzie and Mike.

Jeff’s face is full of concern. “Sounds like he needs you guys. I’ll see if I can’t get Mel to speed this up.”

Jeff walks over to Melody, leaning down and saying a few words in her ears. She nods, her gaze on the cage at the end.

“Kenz, let’s go down here.” Grabbing Mackenzie’s arm, she pulls her from the dog she’d been admiring. We follow behind them.

When Melody stops, hunching down and admiring the beagle, Mackenzie’s eyes are locked on the dog in the cage beside it. She hunches down in front of the dog and begins talking to the sad-eyed basset hound.
