Page 166 of Bound in Darkness

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Emersyn grins. “No, you certainly don’t. How about your education? Do you still plan to attend college in the fall?”

My sour expression fades and happiness fills me. “Yes. Pending our high school grades and GPA, Chase and I have received acceptance letters from Emerson State University. I’m planning to major in psychology with a minor in communication while Chase is going to major in criminal justice with a sociology minor.” I grab the small bottle of water beside me, lifting it to my lips and taking a drink. “I’m excited about that new chapter of our lives. We plan to search for an apartment close to campus after we graduate.” I spread my hands wide on my knee. “Don’t get me wrong. I love my father. But it’ll be nice to have some independence.”

Emersyn nods. “For sure.”

We chat a few more minutes before Emersyn brings up the question I’ve been dying to ask. “Rosario is in the Crow Vaunt Sanitarium.” Her expression darkens as her eyes vacantly stare at a spot on the wall behind me. “They had her in the solitary confinement wing, which is a wretched hell to be trapped inside. They deprive you of all human contact, except for a little bit of interaction from the psychiatrist. The psychiatrists use very questionable, often illegal methods of torture, designed to break a person down.” Sorrow lines her face, her lips and chin quivering as she says, “Rosario is in a really bad place. She was almost unrecognizable when I saw her.”

“I’d really like to see her. Is it possible to get me inside?”

Emersyn studies me for a few moments before speaking. “First, I need you to have a thorough understanding of what they are doing to her and how it’s impacted her psychological state to the point that she can’t tell the difference between reality and fiction. She’s haunted by the ghosts of her past and intermixing it with the present. She’s losing her grip on reality.”

Oh my God. Poor Rosario.

“I think I can help her if you’ll let me see her.”

Emersyn reluctantly nods, her expression grave. “Liam has been counseling the patients as a consultant, trying to stay beneath the cult’s radar. I’ve been offering group sessions. There are some minor things you can assist me with, which will also be helpful if you still want to become a counselor. But, it is imperative that you follow my instructions. I will likely have you disguise your appearance in case any of the cult members happen to show up. There’s a man named Killian who has dropped by a few times. Off the record, he gives me the creeps.”

“I remember Killian. He’s more like Orpheus than Daemon. I’d classify Killian as a power-hungry opportunist.”

“Very astute observation, Mackenzie.” The impressed look on Emersyn’s face makes my heart feel light. Her compliment means the world to me. I respect her so much.

“The next session I have is in mid-April. I doubt Rosario will be involved in the session, as she’s not well enough from all I’ve heard. But it will get you access and have you become a familiar face around there so no one questions when you do get to see her.”

I nod. “I like that plan.” Blowing out a breath, my heart aches for Rosario. “I can’t imagine what she’s going through.”

“No, you can’t. Liam saw her once. He’s not even sure if she was aware of his presence. She sat on the cold floor, hands around her knees, rocking back and forth, muttering to herself. Occasionally, she pulls out the rosary and runs it between her fingers. Then she starts screaming.” Emersyn pauses, her gaze once again distant as she stares out the window behind me. “Liam had to have four orderlies hold her while he sedated her. She was trying to harm herself and them.”

My hand flies to my face. “My God. How awful.”

“I’m just trying to prepare you. Make sure you can handle seeing her.”

Resolve stiffens my shoulders, my spine straightening. “I can absolutely handle seeing her. I want to help her, like she did me.”

Emersyn smiles. “You’re a good person with a huge heart, Mackenzie. I think between you and me, we can reach her. It may take time and a lot of patience, but we’ll get there.”

“I agree.”

When the session ends a few minutes later, Emersyn walks me to the door. “Graduation is in two months, right?”

“It sure is.” I shake my head, marveling at how far I’ve come. “From the girl who had panic attacks and kept herself sheltered from the world, too afraid to let most people in, to the licensed driver with an amazing father, a wonderful boss, terrific friends, a dog, and a boyfriend I adore with all my heart.”

Pausing with her hand on the doorknob, Emersyn says, “You’ve come a long way, Mackenzie. But you’re not done growing and thriving. I look forward to going on this journey with you.”

“Me, too.”



“Where are you taking me and why do I have to wear this blindfold?” Crossing my arms over my chest, I tap my foot impatiently.

“Oh, my love. Patience is a virtue. You’ll find out soon enough.” I can feel Chase’s smile warming my skin as he smiles at me. “Just trust me.”

“You know I do. With my life.”

“And yet, you’re impatient as hell.” The teasing tone of his voice causes me to stick my tongue out at him, making him chuckle. “We’ll be there soon, angel.”

Sighing, I rest my back against the upholstery, listening to the lull of the engine and the tires on the pavement. Since I have nothing else to do, I marvel over all that has happened since we graduated two weeks ago.

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