Page 168 of Bound in Darkness

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Mackenzie and I face one another, her small hands grasped in my larger ones. Melody stands behind Mackenzie while Jeff stands behind me.

Matt begins the ceremony, but I can barely focus on anything he’s saying. I’m lost in the myriad of emotions playing across Mackenzie’s face and in her eyes as the past and present collide.

The trauma will always be part of us, but every day is better than the previous one. We’ve both agreed that without it, we’d never appreciate all the good that’s in our life, no matter how small or large it is.

I’m so lost in my bride, Matt has to keep nudging me so I can say my vows. Mackenzie tries to hide her smirk, but of course, I don’t miss it. I never miss anything when it comes to her.

“Aren’t you glad I vetoed your idea of writing our vows? I knew this would happen.” Her eyes twinkle with humor.

“You were right. I’ll give you this victory, my gorgeous bride. But you better watch that mouth before I decide to punish you.”

She arches her brow. “Threatening me with a good time, hubby? You know I love a challenge.”

I stifle my laugh, my heart swelling at her nickname for me.Hubby. I could listen to her call me that over and over. Then I’ll make her scream it all night long.

Two hours later, I’m holding my entire world in my arms as we glide across the dance floor beneath the tent, fairy lights twinkling around us.

“Dad sure went out of his way with the decorations for the wedding and reception.” Mackenzie’s gaze moves around the enormous tent before resting on her father. A frown mars her beautiful face as she looks at him with concern shining in her eyes. “I just wish Mom wouldn’t have mailed those divorce papers to him last week. He’s been down ever since he opened the envelope.”

My jaw clenches at the mention of what Pearl did. I have all the respect in the world for Mike, but none for her. It’s ironic, considering she’s the one who insisted on fostering me.

“I hope he eventually finds someone who loves him the way I love you. Lord knows that man deserves it. Your dad is one helluva guy.”

My attention is drawn from Mike to Mackenzie as she stares up at me with a look on her face.

“What?” A smile spreads across my face as I wait for her response.

“I love the way you get along with my dad. It’s incredible. Just like the two of you.”

“I love how well you get along with Matt and Stacey.”

She grins. “We are a big, happy family.”

“I found the best family I could ask for. But my wife…” I spin her away from me, then pull her back, making her laugh. “She is the most incredible one of all.”

“Sounds like you got lucky, Chase Landon.”

“You have no idea how fucking lucky.” My lips cover hers, devouring her mouth before reluctantly coming up for air. “Three years ago, my life was so damn shitty, I nearly lost all hope. Then I met a sixteen-year-old girl who changed everything. Now I’m nineteen years old, married to the woman of my dreams, with lofty goals ahead of us, and an eternity to spend loving one another.”

Mackenzie smiles, wiping a tear from her eyes. “When I was sixteen, I met a boy I thought I hated. Turns out, it was just complicated.” I chuckle, waiting for her to continue. She pulls me tighter, her hand sliding to my ass. “He took me on a Ferris Wheel, curing me of my fear of heights by promising he’d never let me fall. And nearly three years later, he kept that promise, as well as everyone he’s made, including the most important one: to get me out of that hellhole before my eighteenth birthday.”

Emotion chokes me up, but I manage to rasp out, “Whatever happened to that boy?”

“He became my savior. A boy who grew into an amazing man. His unconditional love bound me to him in darkness and light. I married him so I could spend every day of my life falling in love with him, over and over. He’s my best friend, my salvation, my soulmate.”

My heart stutters inside my chest as I dip her, then pull her back up, her slow smile matching mine. “Sounds like one hell of a lucky guy.”

“He is. And she’s one helluva of a lucky girl.”

Lifting her in my arms, I spin her around, the radiance on her face making me so damn happy I could burst. “They sound like the perfect couple. Soul mates, destined to be with one another for an eternity.”

“That’s exactly what they are.” Motioning to someone over my shoulder, Stacey comes up to us with a tray of champagne. I lower Mackenzie to her feet, take a glass, and hand it to her before grabbing one for myself.

“Don’t tell my father,” She whispers conspiratorially, laughing as Mike comes over and snatches a glass from the tray.

Lifting her glass, Mike and I hold up our glasses. “To new beginnings, filled with nothing but friends, family, love, and happiness.”

Emersyn and Liam approach Mike, and the three of them engage in what seems to be a private conversation. I guide Mackenzie away from them, relishing any opportunity to be alone with her.

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