Page 78 of Bound in Darkness

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“I need to see Chase now, Rosario.”

She grabbed my hands. “Steady your breaths first. Let Chase reveal what he can to you. Don’t question. Just observe.”

When I went back to the attic, I could see the turmoil swimming in Chase’s eyes. I pretended everything was fine, giving him a big smile and watching him follow Rosario to the bathroom, eager to escape me for the first time that I remember. His shoulders slumped as though collapsing beneath the weight of the world.

Orpheus spoke to him about something. But what?

I took Rosario’s advice to heart and didn’t question him. Instead, I wordlessly observed, trying to put the pieces together.

Now, the pieces have fallen into place. Chase made a deal with the devil, likely in an effort to save me.

I’m pulled from my thoughts when Daemon lunges for Killian. “You sick bastard. What the hell did you do?”

Killian gloats, pulling the pretty girl further away. Arching a brow, his chest puffed out, his smug face beaming beneath the flickering candlelight. “What’s wrong, Daemon? You seem to be taking this ratherpersonally.”

Daemon splutters, the sounds he’s making not forming into words that make any sense. Finally, he hisses, “You goddamn know well what my problem is.” He turns, pointing a long finger in Orpheus’s direction. “As does he.”

I’m hanging on every word, ignoring the freakish members dancing and seeing colors, acting like fools.Chase is right. They’re definitely high on something.

As if he can read my mind, Chase leans in my ear. “Acid. They’re hallucinating. I went to a party where a bunch of students tripped on acid. It was crazy. Let’s just hope none of them have a bad trip.”

I shiver, gluing myself to Chase’s side. “This is chaos.”

His whiskey eyes flick to Daemon, Killian, and Orpheus. “It is. I’m hoping they destroy themselves. But if there’s a chance I can help it along, I’ll take it.”

The men argue for a few more minutes, not saying anything important. Orpheus’s gaze lifts, locking on Chase before moving to Daemon. “You don’t question me, Daemon. I make the rules. You simply follow them.”

“You don’t make the rules of the accession. Those were started long before us. Yet you’re so willing to go rogue and risk everything.” His chest heaves as he runs his hands through his dark hair. “Why is she part of this? Killian already has Felicity.”

“You will know the answer to that when I’m ready to reveal it to you, Daemon.”

“Maybe they’ll start fighting to the death and we can escape,” I hiss, my eyes on the three men.

“Let’s hope,” Chase whispers back.



I’m unsure if the ceremony was supposed to include any more sacrifices but I’m really glad I didn’t have to witness anymore of them.

Before the three men came to blows, Orpheus noticed us staring and commanded Rosario to take the children and lock them somewhere in the basement. Chase and I were ushered back to the attic.

The ropes binding my wrists had loosened some, but I didn’t say anything. Once we were inside the attic, I began working at them in earnest. Chase sat close to me, patiently helping me until they came untied.

Once my hands were free, I set to work on the ropes binding his hands. My hands shook, and I cursed from the frustration coiling in my belly, but I finally got them undone.

Then I threw myself into his arms, clinging to Chase as though my life depended on it. He held me so tightly I’m pretty sure he bruised both our ribs, but pain was something I was used to at this point. Feeling his body against mine was worth every second of the worst agony in this world.

“Angel,” he rasped against my ear. “I’m so fucking sorry.”

Those words cemented what I already knew in my heart.He made a deal with the devil.

Maybe I should be mad about it, but I’m not.

“Chase, stop.” I push against his embrace, pulling back slightly. My hand cups his face as I lose myself in the endless love shining in his eyes. “Nothing is more important to me than us. I’d sacrifice anything to save you.”

His expression changes, a mixture of softness and possessiveness searing me in place as his hands lift, cupping my face. “Told you I’m not a hero, angel. I’d burn this whole fucking universe to the ground if it meant saving you.”

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