Page 10 of Mistaken Desire

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“What did Amanda say about your date? I don’t imagine she’d be too happy about it.”

“Well, first, it’s not a date. It’s a work function. And second, Amanda won’t be saying anything about it. We broke up.”

Dax is quiet for a second. “Should I say congratulations? Or…” He raises his eyebrows in question.

“Definitely congrats.”

“I hate to say it, but I’m not really surprised. And I’m also not sorry to see her go. Hope you don’t mind me saying that. I’ve heard how she speaks to people when you aren’t around, and I don’t like it.” He pauses. “Anyway, no need to talk about all of that. Let’s just forget it. But this definitely calls for a toast.” Dax holds up his glass and waits.

I hold up my glass, too. “Cheers. Now let’s finish up and get going. Some of us still need to get some work done tonight.”

Dax never really made it a secret that he disliked Amanda, so it’s not surprising that he’s toasting to our breakup. He has madeoccasional comments about her in the past, but he was always more critical of her than he should have been.

Reaching into my jacket pocket, I grab my phone to text my driver to pick me up. Dax doesn’t live far from the restaurant, so he decides to walk home.

On my ride home, I close my eyes and think about Amanda. She has been a part of my life for so long that it’ll be weird without her. Strangely though, I don’t feel the sadness I thought I’d feel. As the car pulls up to my building, I realize there’s no going back. Amanda and I are done. And I feel perfectly okay with that.

Chapter Five


The week has flown by. It is hard to believe that it is already Friday. I don’t think I have ever learned this much in a five-day time span. Liz has been fantastic. Not only is she a wonderful trainer, but she is a genuinely nice person. We’ve had lunch together every day this week, and I have enjoyed getting to know her.

“It’s hard to believe that today is my last day in this office.” Liz spreads her arms as she looks around. “Now it is all yours. How do you feel about everything?”

“Honestly, Liz? On the one hand, I feel overwhelmed. I don’t know how I will ever be able to fill your shoes. You’re amazing at your job. There’s no way I will ever be able to do all that you do. On the other hand, I feel like I’ve learned a lot this week and feel ready to start.”

“You have been doing great, Lana! I have no doubt that you can handle this. And remember, I’ll be right down the hall. I’m still with the company, so I won’t leave youhanging.”

“I appreciate it,” I tell her. “But I think you will be busy with your new job as well. I know you have reasons for wanting to take on the job on the legal team. But, honestly, you are so great here. I’m having a hard time understanding why you’d want to leave.”

Liz hesitates. “It’s really a work-life balance thing. I have some personal things on the horizon, and I just won’t be able to handle the crazy schedule that Jake requires. The travel and late hours can be a bit much sometimes.”

“I can see that.” I nod. “But are you sure there aren’t some hidden secrets that I will uncover about Jake? Does he turn into a werewolf at night or something?” I joke.

“Not a werewolf, but maybe a beast if he doesn’t get his way.” The big smile that Liz gives me tells me that she’s not at all serious.

“So, beware of the fangs?” I’m half serious with my question. His rude reaction to seeing me with Dominic has weighed on my mind this week.

“Nah, he’s great. We have an excellent relationship. He is definitely not the reason that I am leaving. I enjoy working with him, and I do love my job. So, don’t be worried about that at all. He can be a bit overbearing at times and can be pretty particular about how things get done. But he has always treated me well. I honestly believe that you and he will be totally fine once you start working together.”

“Speaking of working together, we have that dinner party tomorrow night. I’m not used to attending these types of functions,” I admit to her.

“Were you able to find a dress at the store I recommended? I love that place.”

“Oh, yes. I have a dress, and I love it. Thank you so much for the recommendation and for telling me exactly how I need to be dressed.This will be my first black-tie event. I just don’t want to look like an idiot.”

I’m not sure that confessing my nervousness to Liz is the appropriate thing to do, given that she is the one who hired me. But she has a way of breaking through defenses and making people feel comfortable. If I’m not careful, she’ll have me spilling my guts and confessing everything.

“You’ll be fine,” she assures me. “If I were worried about you embarrassing the company, I would have told Jake he needed to find someone else to take tonight. All you need to do is meet a few people, make some small talk, drink some wine, and laugh at all of those boring, lame jokes. Easy!”

“Ha! Well, I am sort of looking forward to wearing the dress, at least. So, there’s that.”

“There you go, focus on the positive. The clothing is definitely a perk of the job. Sadly, I probably won’t need my wardrobe ever again.” She pauses. “Got any plans tonight?”

“I do, actually. I have a date with my ex-boyfriend, Dominic.”

Liz raises her brows. “Sounds like a story there?”
