Page 17 of Mistaken Desire

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Once back in my car, I take a deep breath and pull my cell phone out to type a text.

Amanda, call me. Let’s talk.

Before I can change my mind, I hit send, lean back, and close my eyes for the rest of the ride back home.

Chapter Seven


It’s Wednesday morning, and I’m sitting on the plane on my way from JFK Airport to San Francisco. In the four days since the dinner party, I have not seen Jake more than a handful of times. The few times I’ve seen him, he’s been quick and curt with his instructions.

After the way we ended our night on Saturday, I was unsure of what to expect when I came into work this week. It turns out that I didn’t have anything to worry about. Jake is keeping our relationship strictly professional, which is exactly how it should be.

I’m still trying to understand what happened on Saturday. Jake and I seemed to be getting along that night. We had some great conversations at dinner, nothing out of the ordinary. There was no flirting or anything that would be considered inappropriate between a boss and an employee. Then we got back to my apartment. I could have sworn he was about to kiss me.

His parting comment gives me chills every time I think about it. He thinks I’m gorgeous?

Yes, of course, I noticed how good he looked in his tux. And maybe I noticed how his broad shoulders filled out his jacket and that his tux seemed tailor-made to fit his body perfectly. He is undeniably good-looking. And sexy.

But completely and utterly unavailable. Not that I care. Jake may be attractive, but he is not the type of man I would ever date. From what I can gather from my uncle, his priorities are not the same as mine. Jake is there to make as much money as possible, no matter who he hurts doing it.

Not to mention that he is dating a freaking model. I wonder what she would think of all of this? What kind of man makes that type of comment when he is in a serious relationship with another woman? It’s completely unacceptable.

Not only is Jake my boss, but he is also the person who is going to destroy my uncle’s business. I need to remember my priorities, and family always comes first.

As I wait patiently for the plane to take off, I get angry just thinking of my conversation with my uncle last night when I went to his house for dinner. He had made it clear that he had given up and would not try to come up with a solution to his problem.

Up until now, my uncle hasn’t been exactly forthcoming about what is actually happening, but it seems that the Anders Group is trying to buy out his company and is deliberately lowballing him on the price after encouraging businesses to stop working with him by spreading lies. If Jake’s company is as unethical as it seems, then I will need to do something to get my uncle out of this bind.

When we spoke at last night's dinner, I did my best to convince him to take action.

“Uncle Greg, you still have three months before anything is finalized. There has to be something you can do.”

“Listen, pumpkin. I can’t fight a big corporation like the Anders Group. They want my business, and I’m too old and tired to fight them anymore. I tried for weeks, but they convinced the banks to no longer give me any loans. And they’ve scared off any buyers that might have been willing to give me a fair price,” he said angrily.

“There has to be something else we can do,” I pleaded with him.

“I don’t know what else can be done. They’ve gone in and spread lies about me, and now no one wants to give me the time of day. And they are offering peanuts to me, basically stealing my business with that price they are willing to pay. That business is my baby. I don’t know what I’ll do without it. It breaks my heart to be forced to sell to those sharks.” He tried to look away and hide it, but I saw him quickly brush a tear away with his finger.

“What lies are they spreading exactly?” I asked, desperate for more details.

He hesitated, and I thought he wouldn’t answer. My uncle has always had a habit of ignoring problems and keeping things to himself. He doesn’t like sharing his problems with others, and I know he didn’t want to worry me.

“They are telling my vendors that I’m not paying my bills and not delivering on promises. They told prospective buyers that I’m underwater and no longer sustainable without a major overhaul of the business. That’s a garbage bag full of lies. I’ve been running my business for thirty years. If I could get the loans, I could make some updates to myequipment, and I’d be able to catch up with orders. They are deliberately sabotaging me.”

He had his head down, and he looked defeated. The last few years have been difficult for him, and his body has taken a toll from the stress. Once a strong, hardworking man, lately he looked frail and worn out. The spark was missing from his eyes at dinner, and it broke my heart to see him like that.

How could Jake take advantage of people like this?My uncle is the most giving, sweetest person I have ever known. As a teenager, he found me when I ran away from my foster family, took me in, and treated me like a daughter. He saved me from an unbearable situation, and now it’s my turn to help him, even if he doesn’t want my help.

If I can earn Jake’s trust, I should be able to get access to my uncle’s company files. I have no idea what I’ll do with those files once I get them. Maybe inspiration will strike, and I’ll figure out a brilliant plan to stop this takeover once I know exactly what is going on.

The pilot comes over the intercom announcing our arrival in San Francisco, and I anxiously look at the time on my phone. The flight seems to have gone by rather quickly, with myself lost in my own thoughts. Since Jake took an earlier flight this morning, I’m meeting him at the hotel, and then we have dinner scheduled with the client for this evening. It’s going to be a long night.

Once the plane lands, it doesn’t take long to grab my luggage and a ride-share service to the hotel. Thankfully, the company’s travel agent booked my accommodations. Unfortunately, I have yet to look at where I am staying.

As the car pulls up to the entrance, I gaze up at the building. It’s a mid-size hotel, but obviously boutique and upscale. Two doormen areready to help me out of the car and into the hotel. They usher me inside and onto the gleaming white marble tile of the lobby. I can’t help but look around and admire my surroundings.

Apparently, only the best will do for the Anders Group CEO. This is the nicest hotel I’ve ever stepped in. There are several intimate seating areas, elegantly decorated with large vases and modern art pieces. Soothing music is playing softly throughout the room. Uniformed employees are smiling and ready to help with the slightest indication that you may need them. One rushes forward to see if I need help with my bag, which I politely decline. I only have my small carry-on since we’re planning to stay just two nights.
