Page 20 of Mistaken Desire

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Jake looks relieved at my words. He doesn’t know that there was never any danger of me quitting, and I’m definitely not going to tell him. I’m just glad we can move past this.

“There’s no need for you to apologize at all, Lana. But, yes, I am happy to start over. I enjoy working with you, and I’m glad this won’t come between us. Listen, I have a couple of meetings and phone calls tomorrow. You don’t need to be involved with any of that. Why don’t you take the day off and sightsee San Francisco? Then, could we meet up for dinner?”

I’m seeing a new side to Jake during this trip. After all that I’d seen and heard prior to working for him, I was afraid that Jake would be this hard-edged, tough businessman who would be impossible to work for. In just two weeks, I have come to realize that he isn’t nearly as terrible as people make him out to be.

I take him up on his offer of a day off and look forward to seeing San Francisco. Jake and I make dinner plans for the next evening before I head back to my room. I get into bed, intending to read, but I fall asleep with the book in my hands.

I wake up to the sun streaming into my hotel room, casting a beautiful light throughout the elegant space. Snuggling deep into my covers, I am tempted to let myself drift back into sleep. I can’t remember ever sleeping in such a comfortable bed. The mattress is the perfect firmness, and the bedding is crisp, white, incredibly soft, and plush. I could get used to this type of luxury!

The smell of coffee wakes me up. It’s already eight thirty, and I’m guessing Jake is already up and starting his day. Sitting up and swinging my legs over the side of the bed, I decide to get an early start. It will be fun to play tourist in San Francisco! I already have plans and my route mapped out. Judging from the beautiful light filtering into my room, it looks like it will be a nice day.

Anxious to get a start, I jump in the shower and quickly dress for the day. After drying my hair and applying some light makeup, I go out to the living area. Jake is already at the small table, having his coffee and working on his laptop.

“Good morning,” I say brightly. “Looks like you are busy, so I’m going to grab a muffin and make my way out.”

“Hey, good morning! Hope you were able to get some good sleep. I always find it hard to sleep in hotels.”

“Oh, everything was perfect.”

“Glad to hear it. Feel free to call the concierge and have them bring you whatever you need and charge it to the room. So, what are your plans for the day?” he asks.

I grin at him, excited for my day. “I plan to do all the touristy things. I’ve never been here before. I was able to get a ticket to Alcatraz, and I’m guessing that will take a good part of my day. But I also want to see the Golden Gate Bridge and ride a trolley.”

“That sounds great. I’ll admit, I’m a bit envious right now. I’ve never done the touristy thing here, even though I’ve come here at least a dozen times on business.”

“Do you want to join me today? I’m sure I could get an additional ticket to Alcatraz,” I offer before I have a chance to change my mind.

Jake looks surprised by the offer but shakes his head. “I’d love to, but I have a couple of meetings this morning.”

“Aren’t these meetings virtual? I’ll call and reschedule them for you. Come on. It’ll be fun. And when was the last time you took a day off?”

I have no idea why I am trying to convince him to go with me. But he really looks like he needs a break. I’ve seen him work nonstop since I started with the company. And according to what Liz shared with me, this is normal for him. Liz mentioned that he never takes vacations and that he is always the first to the office and the last to leave.

Anyway, I have an ulterior motive. I don’t really want to visit the city alone. It will be more fun to have someone with me.

“Thanks, but you go enjoy yourself. I’ve got a lot of work to get done. I’ll see you tonight for dinner.”

I am not surprised that workaholic Jake won’t join me. For some reason, I feel a little disappointed, though.

Chapter Eight


It’s almost eight o’clock, and I’m running late for my dinner with Jake. I had not been prepared for the California traffic, and it took a lot longer to get back to the hotel than I had planned. I know how he feels about punctuality, so I urge the taxi driver to hurry. Once we pull up to the hotel, I pay the driver and then practically run up to the suite to get changed for dinner. Jake is there waiting.

“There you are,” he says once I enter the suite. He looks me over, likely noticing my unkempt appearance. I know I look like a mess. After the crazy winds on Alcatraz and riding the trolley, my hair is all over the place. Thankfully, he doesn’t comment on my appearance. “Are you hungry?” he asks.

“Starving! But I need to change clothes before we go.”

“Actually, I hope you don’t mind, but I ordered dinner in. I thought you might want to relax after your busy day. I had the concierge orderdinner from a local Italian restaurant. They are going to deliver it here in about twenty minutes.”

Surprised by his thoughtfulness, I don’t respond for a minute. Although I had been looking forward to going out for dinner, this is actually much better. I didn’t realize how tired I was. A night in will be perfect.

I quickly shower and change into a casual dress. Forgoing my shoes, I pad barefoot into the living room. In my absence, someone already came in and delivered our dinner. Not only did they deliver dinner, but they dimmed the lights, set the table with candles, started a fire in the fireplace, and poured red wine into two glasses. Classical music is playing lightly over the speakers throughout the room. Very romantic.

Instantly, I have a sense of unease about this dinner. If Jake thinks our casual dinner is going to be some sort of romantic interlude, he is going to be in for a shock.

Jake emerges a few minutes later. He looks around at the romantic scene and then notices my mutinous face and hands on my hips. “Woah. This wasn’t me,” he says, holding up his hands in surrender.
