Page 24 of Mistaken Desire

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Is this what I want? I want it more than I’ve wanted anything in a long time. He is the type of man that women dream about. And I could have him. Tonight. All I have to do is say yes.

One word, and he’ll be inside me.

Just one word.

Why did he have to speak and break the spell?

Why can’t I just say yes?

Because I can’t, this is all wrong. Jake and I do not belong together, even for one night. It would be a case of mistaken desire to go through with this. We can never be together in this way or in any other way. When he finds out the reason that I am working for him, he will want nothing to do with me.

I gingerly lie on his chest and rest my cheek on his chin. What I wouldn’t give to be able to stay this way. What is it about him that is so irresistible?

Jake notices my indecision even though I don’t say a word.

“We better get inside.” He grabs my nightshirt from the ground and hands it back to me.

I move off him and put my nightshirt and robe back on. Embarrassment colors my cheeks as I think about what almost happened.

Jake watches me dress without saying a word. Then he lifts my chin so I am looking up at him.

“Whatever this is between us, it’s not over,” he promises hoarsely.

“Jake, this can never happen again. Ever. There isn’t anything at all between us. We are simply two adults who had a moment of sexual attraction and probably too much alcohol.”

“Really? You seem pretty clearheaded for someone who supposedly had too much to drink,” he challenges. “I wonder if you’d say no if I tried to kiss you again?”

He brushes his thumb over my swollen bottom lip in a gesture so tender that my insides warm in response. I long to pull him to me again, to have his strong arms wrap around me. But I can’t. I can’t do it. I pull back and harden my resolve.

“You’re not going to get that opportunity. I’m going to bed. Alone.” I hope the panic and lust don’t show on my face. With that, I turn and open the glass door that leads to the living room. I sense him watching me for a moment before heading to his own room. I should feel relieved that he did as I asked, but strangely, I don’t. In my gut, I feel that Jake is right. It’s not over between us. This raw attraction that we feel when we are near each other, it’s not going to just disappear. How can I work so closely with him, knowing how fiercely we are drawn to each other?

I need to keep my distance. For my sake and for Jake’s.

But how will I do that, given what just happened? We work together. We travel together. And there is no denying the shocking electric current that runs through me every time he is near.

Just as I head for my room, there is a knock on the door. Glancing up at the clock, I see that it is after midnight. The only way to get up to the penthouse suite is with a special keycard. Jake, I, and the hotel staff should be the only ones with access. Worried that it must be some type of emergency, I rush to the door. Looking through the peephole, I see a young, bleach-blonde woman standing beside the bellman. Then I hear her, “Jake! Open the door! It’s me.”

Oh my God. I feel sick inside. How could I have forgotten about her, the woman that Jake is dating?

Reluctantly, I pull back the lock and open the door. The bellman shakes his head at her. “I’m so sorry, Ms. Jacobs. She insisted on coming up to see Mr. Anders. She was causing a commotion downstairs.”

The woman pushes past me and calls out, “Jake! Come out here, Jake!”

As the bellman leaves, Jake jerks open his bedroom door. “Amanda? What are you doing here?” He walks toward the woman in angry strides.

“Jake, there you are. I was so worried about you.” By this time, he has reached her. Amanda pulls his head down toward her and kisses him on the lips.

Jake steps back. “Again, what are you doing here?” he grits out.

“Jake, seriously? That’s no way to greet your fiancée. I rushed over here as soon as my plane landed. And I have a photoshoot scheduled first thing tomorrow. You should be happy I took the time to come see you.”

I blanch when I hear the word fiancée. That snake! He is engaged to be married, and he was just now making out with me! I’m going to be sick. It was bad enough when I thought he was just dating her, but engaged?

Jake glances over at me, and Amanda follows his gaze.

“Oh, I see,” she says, looking at me in disgust. “So, this is why you haven’t been returning my phone calls. Who is she?”

“No, she isn’t the reason I haven’t returned your calls. This is Lana. She just works for me. She’s just my assistant.” He tries to placate her, but she isn’t to be stopped.
